JUKI Sewing machine breaking needles

JUKI is a popular brand of sewing machines that are known for their high-quality, reliability, and durability. However, one common problem that many JUKI sewing machine users face is needle breakage. Needle breakage can be frustrating, time-consuming, and costly, as it can damage the machine and the fabric being sewn. In this article, we will discuss the common problems that cause needle breakage in JUKI sewing machines, their causes, and solutions.

List of the 10 main causes of breaking needles problems for the JUKI Sewing Machine

Here are the main causes of breaking needles problems for the JUKI Sewing Machine:

  1. Using the wrong needle size or type for the fabric being sewn.
  2. Using a dull or damaged needle.
  3. Incorrect threading of the machine.
  4. Incorrect tension settings.
  5. The presence of foreign objects such as pins or bobbins in the machine.
  6. The machine’s timing is off.
  7. The needle is inserted incorrectly or not tightened properly.
  8. Sewing at too high of a speed.
  9. The needle plate is damaged or has burrs or scratches.
  10. The needle bar height is not set correctly.

Common Problems Causing A Needle Break in Sewing Machine JUKI

The needle on sewing machine JUKI is damaged, bent

Problem: The needle on the sewing machine JUKI is damaged or bent, causing it to break during sewing.

Reason: Needles can become damaged or bent due to several reasons, including hitting pins or other hard objects while sewing, or accidentally hitting the sewing machine bed or throat plate.


  • Step 1: Turn off the sewing machine and unplug it.
  • Step 2: Remove the needle from the machine using a needle clamp screwdriver.
  • Step 3: Inspect the needle for any signs of damage or bending. If the needle is bent or damaged, replace it with a new one.
  • Step 4: Ensure that the needle is inserted correctly and tightened securely.

The needle on sewing machine JUKI is Dull

Problem: The needle on the sewing machine JUKI is dull, causing it to break during sewing.

Reason: Needles can become dull over time due to normal wear and tear, or from hitting pins or other hard objects while sewing.


  • Step 1: Turn off the sewing machine and unplug it.
  • Step 2: Remove the needle from the machine using a needle clamp screwdriver.
  • Step 3: Inspect the needle for any signs of dullness, such as a worn or rounded point.
  • Step 4: Replace the needle with a new, sharp needle of the correct size for the fabric being sewn.

How to check the needle on a JUKI sewing machine

Problem: The needle on the JUKI sewing machine may not be installed or inserted correctly, causing it to break during sewing.

Reason: Needles must be inserted correctly and securely to ensure that they do not break during sewing.


  • Step 1: Turn off the sewing machine and unplug it.
  • Step 2: Remove the needle from the machine using a needle clamp screwdriver.
  • Step 3: Check that the needle is inserted correctly, with the flat side facing the back of the machine and the long groove facing the front.
  • Step 4: Ensure that the needle is tightened securely using the needle clamp screwdriver.

Incorrect JUKI needle size for fabric

Problem: Using the wrong size needle on the JUKI sewing machine can cause it to break during sewing.

Reason: Different fabrics require different needle sizes to ensure that they are sewn properly.


  • Step 1: Determine the correct needle size for the fabric being sewn.
  • Step 2: Choose a needle of the correct size for the fabric being sewn.
  • Step 3: Remove the old needle from the machine using a needle clamp screwdriver.
  • Step 4: Insert the new needle into the machine, ensuring that it is inserted correctly and tightened securely.

JUKI Needle and thread combinations

Problem: Using the wrong type of thread with the JUKI sewing machine can cause the needle to break during sewing.

Reason: Different types of thread require different types of needles to ensure that they are sewn properly.


  • Step 1: Determine the correct type of thread for the fabric being sewn.
  • Step 2: Choose a needle of the correct type for the thread being used.
  • Step 3: Remove the old needle from the machine using a needle clamp screwdriver.
  • Step 4: Thread the machine with the correct type of thread.
  • Step 5: Insert the new needle into the machine, ensuring that it is inserted correctly and tightened securely.

Wrong JUKI sewing machine thread tension

Problem: Incorrect thread tension on the JUKI sewing machine can cause the needle to break during sewing.

Reason: Incorrect thread tension can cause the needle to be pulled too tightly or too loosely, causing it to break during sewing.


  • Step 1: Check the machine’s manual to determine the correct thread tension for the fabric being sewn.
  • Step 2: Adjust the thread tension on the machine if necessary.
  • Step 3: Test the thread tension by sewing a small sample piece of fabric before beginning the project.

The wrong JUKI sewing machine presser foot is attached

Problem: Using the wrong presser foot on the JUKI sewing machine can cause the needle to break during sewing.

Reason: Different presser feet are designed for different types of fabric and sewing techniques, and using the wrong presser foot can cause the needle to break during sewing.


  • Step 1: Determine the correct presser foot for the fabric being sewn.
  • Step 2: Remove the current presser foot from the machine.
  • Step 3: Attach the correct presser foot to the machine.
  • Step 4: Test the machine by sewing a small sample piece of fabric before beginning the project.

5 Other Common Causes of Needle Breakage on a JUKI Sewing Machine

In addition to the problems mentioned above, there are other issues that can cause problems with the needle of a JUKI sewing machine. Here are a few:

  1. Incorrect needle insertion: If the needle is not inserted properly, it can cause the needle to break or bend during sewing. It’s important to ensure that the needle is inserted correctly and tightened securely before sewing.
  2. Machine timing: If the machine’s timing is off, it can cause the needle to hit the bobbin case or hook, which can lead to needle breakage. Machine timing issues are typically more complex and require professional servicing to fix.
  3. Needle plate damage: If the needle plate is damaged or has burrs or scratches, it can cause the needle to break during sewing. Inspect the needle plate regularly and replace it if it shows signs of wear and tear.
  4. Needle bar height: If the needle bar height is not set correctly, it can cause the needle to hit the needle plate, which can lead to needle breakage. Check the machine’s manual for instructions on how to adjust the needle bar height if necessary.
  5. Sewing at too high of a speed: Sewing too quickly can cause the needle to bend or break. Make sure to sew at a comfortable and consistent speed to avoid putting unnecessary stress on the needle.

By being aware of these additional problems, JUKI sewing machine users can take steps to prevent needle breakage and ensure that their machines are operating smoothly. If users encounter any of these issues, they should consult their machine’s manual or seek professional servicing to resolve the problem.

10 Common Problems with JUKI Sewing Machines

In addition to the common problems listed above, JUKI sewing machines can also experience the following issues:

  1. Stitch Problems
  2. Sewing Machine Parts Problems
  3. Upper thread breaking
  4. Bobbin winding problems
  5. Bobbin thread problems
  6. Bobbin holder problems
  7. Bobbin tension problems
  8. Sewing Machine Keep Jamming
  9. Tension problems
  10. Sewing machine not feeding fabric


What size needles are compatible with JUKI sewing machines?

JUKI sewing machines are compatible with a wide range of needle sizes, including 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. The appropriate needle size depends on the fabric being used and the type of sewing being done.

How often should JUKI sewing machine needles be changed?

JUKI sewing machine needles should be changed after approximately eight hours of use or at the first sign of damage or wear. This ensures that the needle is sharp and in good condition for optimal sewing performance.

Can I use non-JUKI brand needles with my JUKI sewing machine?

Yes, you can use non-JUKI brand needles with your JUKI sewing machine. However, it is important to ensure that the needles are compatible with your machine’s make and model and that the size and type of needle are appropriate for the fabric being used.

How do I know when to replace the needle on my JUKI sewing machine?

You should replace the needle on your JUKI sewing machine after approximately eight hours of use or at the first sign of damage or wear. Signs of needle damage or wear include dullness, bending, or breaking.

What type of needle should I use for leather or other heavy fabrics on my JUKI sewing machine?

For leather and other heavy fabrics, it is recommended to use a needle with a larger size and a sharp point, such as a 16 or 18 gauge needle.

What type of needle should I use for knit fabrics on my JUKI sewing machine?

For knit fabrics, it is recommended to use a ballpoint needle, which is designed to prevent the fabric from getting snagged or pulled during sewing.

How do I change the needle on my JUKI sewing machine?

To change the needle on your JUKI sewing machine, first, turn off the machine and unplug it. Next, use a needle clamp screwdriver to remove the old needle from the machine, then insert the new needle and tighten it securely.

Can a dull or bent needle damage my JUKI sewing machine?

Yes, a dull or bent needle can cause damage to your JUKI sewing machine, as it can cause the machine’s timing to go off, leading to additional problems with the machine’s components.

How can I avoid breaking needles on my JUKI sewing machine?

To avoid breaking needles on your JUKI sewing machine, make sure to use the appropriate size and type of needle for the fabric being used, check and adjust the machine’s tension as needed, and sew at a comfortable and consistent speed.

Can a damaged needle cause problems with my JUKI sewing machine’s tension?

Yes, a damaged or worn needle can cause tension problems with your JUKI sewing machine, as it can cause the thread to get caught or pulled incorrectly through the machine’s components.

Conclusion, JUKI Sewing machine breaking needles

Needle breakage is a common problem faced by JUKI sewing machine users. However, by understanding the common problems that cause needle breakage and following the steps outlined in this article, users can prevent needle breakage and ensure that their JUKI sewing machines are working efficiently and effectively.

By taking the time to check and maintain the machine’s components, including the needle, thread, tension, and presser foot, users can enjoy a hassle-free sewing experience with their JUKI sewing machines.

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