JUKI Sewing machine stitch problems and solutions

If you own a JUKI sewing machine, you already know how reliable and efficient it is. However, even the best machines can sometimes have stitch problems. When this happens, it can be frustrating, and you may not know what to do. In this article, we will discuss the most common stitch problems that occur with JUKI sewing machines and provide solutions to fix them.

List of the 10 main causes of stitch problems for the JUKI sewing machine stitches

Here are some of the main causes of stitch problems for the JUKI sewing machine:

  1. Incorrect tension: The tension of the top and/or bobbin thread may be too loose or too tight, leading to stitches that are too loose or too tight, or uneven stitch appearance.
  2. Improper threading: The thread may be threaded incorrectly through the machine, which can lead to thread bunching, breakage, or skipped stitches.
  3. Wrong needle: Using the wrong needle size or type, or a dull or damaged needle, can cause skipped stitches, fabric damage, or uneven stitch quality.
  4. Incorrect stitch setting: Using the wrong stitch setting, such as the wrong stitch length or width, can result in skipped stitches, thread bunching, or other stitch problems.
  5. Dirty or clogged machine: A dirty or clogged machine can cause stitch problems, such as uneven stitches or thread breakage.
  6. Improper fabric handling: Improperly handling the fabric, such as pulling or pushing it through the machine, can result in skipped stitches, uneven stitching, or fabric damage.
  7. Bobbin issues: Problems with the bobbin, such as improper winding, incorrect placement, or a damaged bobbin case, can cause thread bunching or uneven stitches.
  8. Electrical issues: Electrical issues with the machine, such as a faulty foot pedal or power cord, can cause stitch problems or machine malfunctions.
  9. Improper maintenance: Failure to oil or clean the machine can result in stitch problems or machine malfunctions.
  10. Incompatible thread: Using thread that is incompatible with the machine or the fabric being sewn can cause stitch problems, such as thread breakage or uneven stitches.

What’s the best thing to do when my JUKI sewing machine is having stitch problems?

The first thing you should do when your JUKI sewing machine is having stitch problems is to troubleshoot the issue. This means identifying the problem and the cause. Once you know what is causing the issue, you can take steps to fix it. It is also important to regularly clean and maintain your machine to prevent stitch problems from occurring.

What is the most common JUKI sewing machine stitch problem?

The most common stitch problem with JUKI sewing machines is loose stitches. This occurs when the thread tension is not set correctly. When the tension is too loose, the stitches become loose and may fall apart. In contrast, when the tension is too tight, the fabric may pucker or the thread may break.

16 Сommon JUKI sewing machine stitch problem

JUKI sewing machine is loose stitches problems and solutions

Problem: Loose stitches occur when the thread tension is not set correctly.

Reason: The thread tension is too loose.


  1. Check the upper thread tension dial to ensure it is set to the appropriate level.
  2. Check that the thread is threaded correctly through the tension discs and guides.
  3. Adjust the tension dial to a higher number to increase the tension until the stitches are no longer loose.
  4. Check that the bobbin thread tension is set correctly.

Tension problems on JUKI sewing machine zigzag stitch

Problem: The zigzag stitch is not working correctly.

Reason: The thread tension is not set correctly for a zigzag stitch.


  1. Check the thread tension dial to ensure it is set to the appropriate level for a zigzag stitch.
  2. Ensure that the needle is the correct type and size for the fabric being used.
  3. Check that the needle is inserted correctly and is not bent or damaged.
  4. Adjust the tension dial to a higher number to increase the tension until the stitches are no longer loose or uneven.

JUKI sewing machine problems thread bunching

Problem: The thread is bunching up on the fabric or underneath it.

Reason: The thread tension is not set correctly.


  1. Check the upper thread tension dial to ensure it is set to the appropriate level.
  2. Check that the thread is threaded correctly through the tension discs and guides.
  3. Adjust the tension dial to a lower number to decrease the tension until the stitches are no longer bunching up.

JUKI sewing machine problems thread bunching under fabric

Problem: The thread is bunching up under the fabric.

Reason: The bobbin thread tension is not set correctly.


  1. Check the bobbin thread tension to ensure it is set correctly.
  2. Check that the bobbin is threaded correctly and inserted into the machine correctly.
  3. Adjust the bobbin thread tension until the stitches are no longer bunching up under the fabric.

JUKI sewing machine stitch length problems and solutions

Problem: The stitch length is too short or too long.

Reason: The stitch length is not set correctly.


  1. Check the stitch length dial to ensure it is set to the appropriate level.
  2. Adjust the stitch length dial until the stitches are the desired length.

JUKI sewing machine top stitch problems

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is not sewing any stitches while trying to sew.

Reason: The needle is not inserted correctly or is damaged.


  1. Check the needle to ensure it is inserted correctly and is not bent or damaged.
  2. Replace the needle if necessary.
  3. Ensure that the correct needle type and size is being used for the fabric being sewn.
  4. Check that the machine is threaded correctly and the tension is set correctly.

JUKI sewing machine problems bottom thread bunching

Problem: The bottom thread is bunching up on the fabric.

Reason: The bobbin thread tension is not set correctly.


  1. Check the bobbin thread tension to ensure it is set correctly.
  2. Check that the bobbin is threaded correctly and inserted into the machine correctly.
  3. Adjust the bobbin thread tension until the stitches are no longer bunching up on the fabric.

JUKI sewing machine knotted stitches problems

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is knotting up the thread.

Reason: The thread is not threaded correctly or is getting caught on something.


  1. Check that the thread is threaded correctly through the machine and the needle.
  2. Check that the thread is not getting caught on anything.
  3. Adjust the thread tension if necessary.

JUKI sewing machine buttonhole problems

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is having trouble creating buttonholes.

Reason: The machine is not set up correctly for buttonholes.


  1. Follow the instructions in the machine manual to set up the machine for buttonholes.
  2. Ensure that the correct buttonhole foot is being used.
  3. Test the machine on scrap fabric before creating buttonholes on the actual project.

JUKI sewing machine Skipping Stitches problems and solutions

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is skipping stitches.

Reason: The needle is dull or bent, or the machine is not threaded correctly.


  1. Check the needle to ensure it is not dull or bent.
  2. Replace the needle if necessary.
  3. Check that the machine is threaded correctly.
  4. Adjust the tension if necessary.

JUKI sewing machine Poor Stitch Quality problems and solutions

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is producing poor quality stitches.

Reason: The machine is not set up correctly, or the needle or thread is not appropriate for the fabric being sewn.


  1. Check that the machine is set up correctly for the fabric being sewn.
  2. Check that the needle and thread are appropriate for the fabric being sewn.
  3. Adjust the tension if necessary.

JUKI sewing machine Jammed Stitches (Bird nesting) problem and solutions

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is jamming and creating bird nesting.

Reason: The machine is not threaded correctly, or the thread tension is not set correctly.


  1. Check that the machine is threaded correctly.
  2. Adjust the tension if necessary.
  3. Hold onto the thread tails when starting to sew to prevent them from getting caught under the fabric.

JUKI sewing machine straight stitch problems

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is not producing straight stitches.

Reason: The machine is not set up correctly.


  1. Check that the machine is set up correctly for a straight stitch.
  2. Adjust the tension if necessary.
  3. Ensure that the correct needle type and size is being used for the fabric being sewn.

JUKI sewing machine Stitches Looping problems

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is producing loops in the stitches.

Reason: The thread tension is not set correctly.


  1. Check the upper and bobbin thread tensions to ensure they are set correctly.
  2. Check that the thread is threaded correctly through the machine and the needle.
  3. Adjust the tension if necessary.

JUKI sewing machine problems when will only sew backward

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine will only sew backward.

Reason: The reverse lever or button may be engaged, or the machine may be in the wrong stitch setting.


  1. Check that the reverse lever or button is not engaged.
  2. Make sure the machine is set to the forward stitch setting.
  3. Check that the machine is threaded correctly.

JUKI Sewing machine seams problems

Problem: The JUKI sewing machine is having trouble creating smooth seams.

Reason: The machine is not set up correctly or the fabric is not being guided properly.


  1. Check that the machine is set up correctly for the fabric being sewn.
  2. Ensure that the fabric is being guided smoothly through the machine.
  3. Adjust the tension if necessary.
  4. Use a seam guide or marking tool to ensure accurate seam allowances.

10 Common Problems with JUKI Sewing Machines

In addition to the common problems listed above, JUKI sewing machines can also experience the following issues:

  1. Sewing Machine Parts Problems
  2. Upper thread breaking
  3. Breaking needles problems
  4. Bobbin winding problems
  5. Bobbin thread problems
  6. Bobbin holder problems
  7. Bobbin tension problems
  8. Sewing Machine Keep Jamming
  9. Tension problems
  10. Sewing machine not feeding fabric


What kind of sewing machines does JUKI make?

JUKI manufactures a wide range of sewing machines, including industrial sewing machines, home sewing machines, and quilting machines. They also make machines for specialized applications, such as sergers and coverstitch machines.

Are JUKI sewing machines good quality?

Yes, JUKI sewing machines are known for their high quality and reliability. They are often used in commercial settings and are popular among professional sewists.

How do I troubleshoot a JUKI sewing machine?

If you’re having trouble with your JUKI sewing machine, start by checking the basics, such as the threading, tension, and needle. If those things seem to be in order, consult your machine’s user manual or contact JUKI customer support for further assistance.

Can I use regular household needles in a JUKI sewing machine?

Yes, JUKI sewing machines can generally use the same type of needles as other home sewing machines. However, it’s always a good idea to consult your machine’s user manual to make sure you’re using the correct needle type and size for your project.

How often should I oil my JUKI sewing machine?

The frequency of oiling your JUKI sewing machine will depend on how often you use it. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to oil your machine after every 8 hours of use or at least once a month. Be sure to consult your machine’s user manual for specific oiling instructions.

Conclusion. JUKI Sewing machine stitch problems

In conclusion, JUKI sewing machines are reliable and efficient machines, but they may encounter stitch problems from time to time. By identifying the problem, determining the cause, and following the appropriate solution, these issues can be resolved quickly and effectively.

Proper maintenance, including regular cleaning and oiling, can also help prevent stitch problems from occurring. With a little troubleshooting and care, a JUKI sewing machine can provide many years of excellent performance.

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