BERNINA 780 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The BERNINA 780 is a high-quality sewing machine designed for professionals and hobbyists alike. It is a complex machine that can handle various fabrics, stitches, and patterns. However, like any machine, it can develop problems that can hamper its performance. Here are some common BERNINA 780 problems and how to troubleshoot them.

BERNINA 780 Bobbin Holder Problems

One of the most common problems with the BERNINA 780 is the bobbin holder. The bobbin holder can become misaligned or lose its tension, causing the thread to jam or break. Another issue is that the bobbin holder can become dirty or clogged with lint, causing it to malfunction.

Symptoms of bobbin holder problems include the thread breaking or jamming frequently, stitches skipping, or the machine producing uneven stitches.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Bobbin Holder Problems

To troubleshoot bobbin holder problems, start by cleaning the bobbin area of the machine. Remove the bobbin and brush away any lint or debris that may have accumulated. If the problem persists, check the bobbin holder tension. Make sure that the tension is set correctly, as per the machine’s manual. If the tension is too loose or too tight, adjust it accordingly.

If the problem still persists, try replacing the bobbin holder. However, it is recommended to take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician if the problem continues.

BERNINA 780 Bobbin Winding Problems – Bobbin winder not spinning

The bobbin winder on the BERNINA 780 can sometimes fail to spin, which can prevent the bobbin from winding correctly. This can happen due to several reasons, such as a malfunctioning motor or a loose belt.

Symptoms of bobbin winding problems include the bobbin not winding properly or not winding at all.

Troubleshooting Bobbin Winder Problems on the BERNINA 780

To troubleshoot bobbin winder problems, first, check if the belt is loose or damaged. If so, replace it. If the belt looks okay, test the motor by running the machine without any thread. If the motor is not working correctly, it may need to be replaced.

Another cause of the bobbin winder not spinning is a dirty bobbin winding mechanism. Clean the area around the bobbin winder, remove any dirt or debris, and lubricate the moving parts as per the machine’s manual.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Tension Problems

The BERNINA 780 has an advanced tension system that automatically adjusts the thread tension to suit the fabric and stitch being used. However, sometimes the machine can experience tension problems, which can cause the stitches to be too loose or too tight.

Symptoms of tension problems include uneven stitches, loops on the top or bottom of the fabric, and thread breakage.

Troubleshooting Tension Problems on the BERNINA 780

To troubleshoot tension problems, start by checking the upper thread and bobbin tension. Make sure that the tensions are set correctly, as per the machine’s manual. If the tensions are set correctly, try adjusting the thread and fabric combination.

If the problem persists, check the thread path and ensure that the thread is correctly inserted through the machine’s tension disks. If the problem still persists, it may be necessary to take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Breaking Needles Problems

Another common problem with the BERNINA 780 is breaking needles. This can happen due to various reasons, such as using the wrong needle type or size, sewing too fast, or hitting a pin or other foreign object.

Symptoms of needle problems include the needle breaking frequently or skipping stitches.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Needle Problems

To troubleshoot needle problems, start by ensuring that you are using the correct needle type and size for the fabric you are using. Make sure that the needle is inserted correctly and tightened securely.

If the problem persists, try adjusting the sewing speed. Sewing too fast can cause the needle to break or skip stitches. Slow down and see if that improves the situation.

Another cause of needle problems is hitting a pin or other foreign object. Check the fabric and remove any pins or other objects before sewing.

BERNINA 780 Keep Jamming Problems

Jams can occur when the fabric gets stuck in the machine, causing it to stop. This can happen due to several reasons, such as using the wrong needle, incorrect threading, or a damaged bobbin case.

Symptoms of jamming problems include the machine stopping or slowing down suddenly, the fabric getting stuck, or the thread bunching up.

Troubleshooting Jamming Problems on the BERNINA 780

To troubleshoot jamming problems, start by removing the fabric and examining the machine for any visible issues. Check the needle and ensure that it is inserted correctly and tightened securely. Check the threading, both on the top and bottom of the machine, to ensure that it is correct and that there are no tangles.

If the problem persists, check the bobbin case for any damage or wear. Replace it if necessary. It is also a good idea to clean the machine, particularly the bobbin area, to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the jamming.

BERNINA 780 Fabric Problems

Why is my BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine not moving the fabric? Sometimes, the BERNINA 780 may have difficulty moving the fabric through the machine, causing it to bunch up or not sew correctly. This can happen due to several reasons, such as incorrect tension or incorrect stitch length.

Symptoms of fabric problems include the fabric not moving smoothly through the machine, uneven stitching, or fabric bunching up.

Troubleshooting Fabric Movement Problems on the BERNINA 780

To troubleshoot fabric movement problems, start by checking the stitch length and tension. Make sure that both are set correctly, as per the machine’s manual. If the stitch length is too short or too long, adjust it accordingly. If the tension is too tight or too loose, adjust it to the correct setting.

Another cause of fabric movement problems is using the wrong needle type or size. Ensure that you are using the correct needle for the fabric you are sewing. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to clean and lubricate the machine or take it to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Upper Thread Breaking Problems

Another common issue with the BERNINA 780 is the upper thread breaking frequently. This can happen due to several reasons, such as incorrect tension, incorrect threading, or using the wrong type of thread.

Symptoms of upper thread breaking problems include the thread breaking frequently or shredding.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Upper Thread Breakage

To troubleshoot upper thread breaking problems, start by checking the thread tension and threading. Make sure that both are set correctly, as per the machine’s manual. If the tension is too tight or too loose, adjust it to the correct setting. If the threading is incorrect, rethread the machine.

Another cause of upper thread breaking is using the wrong type of thread. Ensure that you are using the correct type and weight of thread for the fabric you are sewing. If the problem persists, check the needle for any damage or wear and replace it if necessary.

BERNINA 780 Bobbin Thread Problems

Bobbin thread problems can occur when the bobbin is not wound correctly or when the bobbin tension is incorrect. This can cause the machine to skip stitches, produce uneven or loose stitches, or even damage the fabric.

Symptoms of bobbin thread problems include thread bunching up under the fabric, uneven stitching, or the machine stopping suddenly.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Bobbin Thread Problems

To troubleshoot bobbin thread problems, start by ensuring that the bobbin is wound correctly and that the bobbin tension is set correctly. If the tension is too tight or too loose, adjust it as per the machine’s manual.

If the problem persists, check the bobbin case for any damage or wear. It may be necessary to replace the bobbin case. It is also a good idea to clean the machine, particularly the bobbin area, to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the problem.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Bobbin Tension Problems

Bobbin tension problems can cause the machine to produce uneven or loose stitches, or even damage the fabric. This can happen due to several reasons, such as incorrect threading, a damaged bobbin case, or incorrect bobbin tension.

Symptoms of bobbin tension problems include uneven or loose stitches and thread bunching up under the fabric.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Bobbin Tension Problems

To troubleshoot bobbin tension problems, start by ensuring that the bobbin is inserted correctly and that the bobbin case is not damaged. Check the bobbin tension and adjust it as per the machine’s manual.

If the problem persists, check the threading, both on the top and bottom of the machine, to ensure that it is correct and that there are no tangles. It may also be necessary to clean the machine and the bobbin area to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the problem.

BERNINA 780 Stitch Problems

Stitch problems can occur due to several reasons, such as incorrect threading, incorrect tension, or using the wrong needle or thread.

Symptoms of stitch problems include uneven or skipped stitches, thread breakage, or thread bunching up under the fabric.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Stitching Problems

To troubleshoot stitching problems, start by checking the threading, both on the top and bottom of the machine, to ensure that it is correct and that there are no tangles. Check the tension and adjust it as per the machine’s manual. Ensure that you are using the correct needle and thread for the fabric you are sewing.

If the problem persists, it may be necessary to clean the machine or take it to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Parts

The BERNINA 780 is a complex machine with many moving parts. Over time, these parts may become worn or damaged, causing the machine to malfunction.

Symptoms of parts problems include strange noises, difficulty in moving the machine, or the machine stopping suddenly.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Parts Problems

To troubleshoot parts problems, start by examining the machine for any visible damage or wear. Check the motor, belts, and thread cutter for any signs of damage or wear. Ensure that all the parts are lubricated correctly as per the machine’s manual.

If the problem persists, it may be necessary to take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Presser Foot Problems

The presser foot on the BERNINA 780 can become damaged or worn over time, causing the machine to malfunction.

Symptoms of presser foot problems include the fabric not moving smoothly through the machine or the machine stopping suddenly.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Presser Foot Problems

To troubleshoot presser foot problems, start by examining the presser foot for any visible damage or wear. Ensure that the presser foot is correctly attached and that it is the correct one for the fabric you are sewing. Clean the presser foot and the area around it to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the problem.

If the problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the presser foot or take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Motor Problems

The motor on the BERNINA 780 can become damaged or worn over time, causing the machine to malfunction.

Symptoms of motor problems include the machine running slowly or not at all, strange noises, or the machine stopping suddenly.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Motor Problems

To troubleshoot motor problems, start by checking the power cord and ensuring that it is securely plugged into the machine and the outlet. Check the foot pedal and ensure that it is functioning correctly. If the motor is making strange noises, it may be necessary to clean it or take it to a certified BERNINA technician for repair or replacement.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Belt Problems

The belt on the BERNINA 780 can become worn or damaged over time, causing the machine to malfunction.

Symptoms of belt problems include the machine running slowly or not at all, strange noises, or the machine stopping suddenly.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Belt Problems

To troubleshoot belt problems, start by checking the belt for any visible signs of wear or damage. Ensure that it is correctly installed and that it is tight enough. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the belt or take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Thread Cutter Problems

The thread cutter on the BERNINA 780 can become dull or damaged over time, causing the machine to malfunction.

Symptoms of thread cutter problems include the thread not being cut cleanly or the machine stopping suddenly.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Thread Cutter Problems

To troubleshoot thread cutter problems, start by checking the thread cutter for any visible signs of wear or damage. Clean the thread cutter and the area around it to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the problem. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the thread cutter or take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Hand Wheel Problems

The handwheel on the BERNINA 780 can become difficult to turn over time, making it hard to manually adjust the needle position or to wind bobbins.

Symptoms of handwheel problems include the handwheel becoming stiff or difficult to turn.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 780 Sewing Machine Hand Wheel Problems

To troubleshoot handwheel problems, start by checking the handwheel for any visible signs of wear or damage. Clean the handwheel and the area around it to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the problem. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to take the machine to a certified BERNINA technician.

BERNINA 780 Manual

The instruction manual for the sewing machine can be found here.

Table of Common Problems and Solutions for the BERNINA 780

Here’s a table summarizing the common problems and their corresponding solutions for the BERNINA 780 sewing machine:


What format does BERNINA 780 use for embroidery?

The BERNINA 780 uses the EXP format for embroidery, which is a popular format for BERNINA machines.

What is the largest hoop size for BERNINA 780?

The largest hoop size for the BERNINA 780 is 8.5 inches by 15 inches, which is the Mega Hoop.

Does BERNINA 780 have dual feed?

Yes, the BERNINA 780 has a dual feed system called the BERNINA Dual Feed, which helps to evenly feed fabric from both the top and bottom.

How do you find the stitch count on a BERNINA 780?

To find the stitch count on a BERNINA 780, you can go to the “Settings” menu and select “Statistics.” This will show you the total number of stitches that the machine has sewn.

How to thread a BERNINA 780?

Threading a BERNINA 780 involves following a series of steps, including winding and installing the bobbin, threading the upper thread, and adjusting the tension. It’s best to consult the machine’s user manual for detailed instructions.

How much does a BERNINA 780 weigh?

The BERNINA 780 weighs approximately 30 pounds.

What is BERNINA 780 embroidery price?

The price of the BERNINA 780 embroidery machine varies depending on the retailer and location, but it typically ranges from $5,000 to $7,000.

Conclusion. BERNINA 780 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The BERNINA 780 is a sophisticated sewing machine that can help you achieve professional-quality sewing results. However, like any complex machine, it can experience problems from time to time.

By understanding the common problems and troubleshooting techniques outlined in this article, you can keep your BERNINA 780 in good working order and ensure that you get the most out of your investment. If you are ever unsure about how to fix a problem or if a problem persists, don’t hesitate to contact a certified BERNINA technician for assistance.

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