BERNINA 790 PLUS Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Introducing the BERNINA 790 PLUS – an advanced, computerized sewing machine perfect for both beginner and experienced sewers! This amazing machine comes with a variety of features and capabilities that make it great for any project. However, even with its impressive features, the BERNINA 790 PLUS can still suffer from various problems and issues that can hinder its performance and limit its functionality.

In this article, we will take a look at the most common problems associated with the use of the BERNINA 790 PLUS and how to troubleshoot them. We’ll cover topics such as bobbin winding, tension, needle breakage, fabric movement, upper thread breakage, bobbin thread problems, stitching problems and other general issues. So read on to learn more about the BERNINA 790 PLUS and how to troubleshoot any common problems you might encounter.

List of the 10 Most Common Problems with the BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing Machine

Here are some common problems that users may encounter with the BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine:

  1. Thread Tension Issues: Uneven stitches, thread breakage, or looping can occur due to incorrect thread tension settings or improperly threaded machine.
  2. Needle Breakage: Needles may break if they are bent, dull, or if the machine is not properly threaded. Also, using the wrong needle for the fabric thickness can cause breakage.
  3. Bobbin Thread Jam: Jamming of the bobbin thread can happen if the bobbin is not inserted correctly, or if there is debris or lint in the bobbin area.
  4. Machine Jamming or Skipping Stitches: This can occur due to a variety of reasons such as using the wrong needle size, incorrect needle threading, or machine timing issues.
  5. Machine Not Powering On: This could be due to issues with the power supply, the power cord, or internal electrical components.
  6. Feed Dogs Not Working Properly: The feed dogs may get stuck or fail to move the fabric smoothly, resulting in uneven feeding or fabric puckering.
  7. Bobbin Winding Problems: Issues may arise during the bobbin winding process, such as uneven winding, bobbin not filling properly, or bobbin winding mechanism malfunction.
  8. Tension Disks Malfunction: Problems with the tension disks can lead to inconsistent tension control and stitching issues.
  9. Error Messages or Display Malfunctions: The machine’s display screen may show error messages or malfunction due to software glitches or electronic issues.
  10. Foot Pedal Malfunction: The foot pedal may become unresponsive or function erratically due to wiring problems or internal faults.
Remember, for any persistent issues with your BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine, it's best to consult the user manual or seek assistance from a certified BERNINA technician to diagnose and resolve the problem accurately.

BERNINA 790 PLUS problems usb

The Bernina 790 may have difficulty connecting to a USB device, such as a printer or scanner. To resolve this issue, make sure that the device is properly connected and that it is compatible with the machine.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS USB Problems

To troubleshoot the Bernina 790’s USB connection, first make sure that the device is properly connected and that it is compatible with the machine. Then, check for any possible obstructions or interferences between the machine and the device. Finally, try reconnecting the device to see if this resolves the issue.

BERNINA 790 PLUS breaking needles

The BERNINA 790 PLUS is an ideal sewing machine, yet it can suffer from needle breakage. This can be due to the wrong size or type of needles being used; incorrect insertion into fabric and/or machine; non-maintenance of the sewing machine; as well as foreign objects such as pins and zipper pulls getting in its way. Not only does this cause damage to your fabrics but also puts strain on your beloved 790 PLUS – so always take care when using it!

What type of needles does a Bernina 790 PLUS use?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS is compatible with standard SCHMETZ needles. These needles are available in a variety of sizes and types to suit your specific fabric and project needs.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS Needle Problems

As you start troubleshooting needle issues on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, first ensure that your selection of size and type matches the fabric. Then make certain that the flat side is pointing toward the back of your machine for proper insertion. Finally, take a few moments to inspect both feed dogs and needle plate are clear from any clogging debris; this might be causing broken needles.

In order to ensure the best performance, make sure that you adjust your machine’s tension settings based on your fabric type and stitch. If this fails to do the trick, it might be time for a professional service—but don’t forget regular maintenance such as cleaning and oiling too! This will help prevent any needle issues from occurring in future projects.

BERNINA 790 PLUS upper thread breaking

Tackling thread breakage is a common challenge when you’re using the BERNINA 790 PLUS. Left unresolved, this issue can lead to uneven or incomplete stitching and be incredibly disheartening for sewists. The culprit could be improper tension, inappropriate type/weight of thread, wrong technique in machine-threading or even unclean/damaged parts within the sewing device itself. Don’t let upper thread breaking disrupt your creativity – keep those seams sewn perfectly!

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS Upper thread breakage

If you’re experiencing issues with upper thread breakage on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by confirming that both threads are properly threaded throughout the machine and that they feed without any difficulty. Additionally, double-check to guarantee that your bobbin is correctly inserted and wound evenly.

Ensure that the tension settings are suitable for both the fabric and thread. If issues still occur, consider altering the needle or modifying your tension levels. Additionally, make certain to choose a thread type and weight which is appropriate for your intended stitching material.

How to thread a Bernina 790 Plus?

Threading your BERNINA 790 PLUS is a simple process. First, make sure that the thread spool cap and spool pin are in the correct position. Then, hold the thread from the spool and pass it through the tension disc. Thread your needle manually or use the automatic needle threader to finish. Finally, pull your working thread up and away from the needle.

BERNINA 790 PLUS bobbin holder problems

The BERNINA 790 PLUS may experience a bobbin holder issue, which could be caused by either an improperly aligned holder or dirt in the casing. If this is happening to your machine, you’ll notice thread bunching on the underside of fabric and uneven stitches – not to mention some strange sounds coming from it.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS bobbin holder problems 

If you’re having trouble with the bobbin holder in your BERNINA 790 PLUS, make sure that it is free of tears and lint. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, try replacing the bobbin holder. Additionally, double-check if you’ve installed the bobbin correctly and cleared out any dust or dirt lodged in its case to guarantee optimal performance.

Common BERNINA 790 PLUS bobbin winding problems. Bobbin winder not spinning

It is possible for the BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine to experience bobbin winding issues that can lead to stitching complications. If you observe unevenly wound bobbins, tight or loose winding of thread, and/or recurrent thread breakage then these are likely signs of a bobbin winder issue. To ensure your stitches look flawless and remain strong, investigate this problem quickly by testing different speeds on the bobbin winder mechanism.

Troubleshooting Bobbin winder problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS

Start by verifying that the bobbin is inserted correctly and as well as wound evenly about it; adjusting or replacing either of these could do the trick. Moreover, ensure that the machine has not been set up to wind too tightly, with its bobbin clutch engaged at all times. If none of those work out for you, professional servicing may be required – don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to wind a bobbin on a BERNINA 790 PLUS?

Winding your bobbin is easy with the BERNINA 790 PLUS. First, insert your empty bobbin onto the machine’s spool pin and place the sewing thread into the groove of the bobbin. Then, press the bobbin winder spindle to the right and press the start button. As the bobbin starts to fill up, slow down the speed until you see that your thread is wrapped evenly around the bobbin. Finally, when it’s full, release the start button and place your bobbin onto its storage case.

BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing Machine Tension Problems

With any sewing machine, tension issues can be a nuisance; the BERNINA 790 PLUS is no exception. If not properly addressed and fixed, tension problems can lead to wonky stitching, broken threads or even damages to your fabric. Fortunately, the BERNINA 790 PLUS comes with an automatic thread-tension system that adjusts depending on the stitch you’re using – but if left unattended or something goes wrong in its mechanism when there are still chances of getting these same issues come up again.

Troubleshooting tension problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS

If your BERNINA 790 PLUS is exhibiting tension problems, the first step is to confirm that both upper and lower threads are correctly threaded. Ensure that the thread is feeding through the machine properly with no hang-ups or snags and make sure there’s nothing blocking your tension disks. Additionally, double check that you’ve selected an appropriate needle size for your project as well as ensuring it has been inserted in a correct manner.

If the tension appears to still be an issue, try manually controlling it using the machine’s tension dial. Experiment with various levels of adjustments until you get even and smooth stitches as a result. But if none of these solutions prove successful, then professional servicing might be necessary for your sewing machine. As a preventative measure, ensure that your machine receives regular maintenance such as cleaning and oiling – this can help avoid any more issues arising in regards to the tension settings!

BERNINA 790 PLUS Keep Jamming

Sewing with the BERNINA 790 PLUScan be a real hassle when jamming occurs. Jammed machines can result in tangled, damaged fabric and leave you feeling helpless; however, understanding the potential causes of this problem is key to preventing it from happening again.

These could include utilizing incorrect thread types or sizes, improper bobbin winding, having fabrics that are too thick/thin for your machine capabilities and even dirt buildup within the device itself!

By keeping these points in check before starting a project as well as regular maintenance on your machine regularly—you’ll reduce any irritating instances where your sewing journey comes to an abrupt stop due to jamming.

Troubleshooting Jamming Problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS

To troubleshoot jamming problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the machine is threaded correctly, including both the upper and lower threads. Make sure that the thread is feeding smoothly through the machine and that the bobbin is inserted correctly and wound evenly.

Check that the needle is the correct size and type for the fabric being used and that it is inserted correctly. Also, ensure that the presser foot is lowered and the stitch length is set correctly. If the jamming problem persists, try changing the needle or adjusting the tension settings. If none of these solutions work, it may be necessary to have the machine serviced by a professional technician.

Regular maintenance, including cleaning and oiling the machine, can help prevent jamming problems from occurring.

BERNINA 790 PLUS fabric problem

A common fabric problem that can occur when sewing with the BERNINA 790 PLUS is the machine not moving the fabric. This can result in uneven or incomplete stitching and can be frustrating for the sewist. There are several reasons why this issue may occur, including improper presser foot pressure, incorrect stitch length, or improper use of the machine’s feed dog system. In addition, using the wrong type or weight of fabric can also cause the machine to have difficulty moving the fabric.

Troubleshooting fabric movement problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS

To troubleshoot fabric movement problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the presser foot pressure is set correctly for the fabric being used. If the pressure is too low, the fabric may not be held firmly enough to move through the machine properly.

Check that the stitch length is appropriate for the fabric being used, as a stitch length that is too short or too long can also affect the machine’s ability to move the fabric. If the problem persists, check that the feed dog system is engaged and functioning properly. If necessary, clean the feed dog system and ensure that it is properly lubricated.

If none of these solutions work, it may be necessary to have the machine serviced by a professional technician. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and oiling the machine, can help prevent fabric movement problems from occurring.

BERNINA 790 PLUS bobbin thread problems

Bobbin thread problems are a common issue that can occur when sewing with the BERNINA 790 PLUS. These problems can include thread bunching, looping, or not appearing on the underside of the fabric. There are several reasons why these issues may occur, including improper bobbin tension, incorrect bobbin winding, or using the wrong type or weight of thread. In addition, using the wrong size or type of needle can also cause bobbin thread problems.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS bobbin thread problems

To troubleshoot bobbin thread problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the bobbin is wound correctly and inserted properly into the machine. Ensure that the bobbin thread is threaded correctly and that the tension is set appropriately.

If the bobbin thread is too loose or too tight, adjust the bobbin tension accordingly. Check that the needle is the correct size and type for the fabric being used and that it is inserted correctly. Also, make sure that the thread is the correct type and weight for the fabric being used.

BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine bobbin tension problems

The BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine is designed with an automatic bobbin winder and tension system to ensure that the bobbin thread is wound evenly and at the correct tension. However, problems with bobbin tension can still occur, resulting in uneven or loose stitches. There are several reasons why this issue may occur, including improper bobbin threading, using the wrong type or weight of thread, or a dirty or damaged bobbin case.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS bobbin tension problems 

To troubleshoot bobbin tension problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the bobbin thread is threaded correctly and that the bobbin is inserted properly into the bobbin case. Make sure that the thread is feeding smoothly through the machine and that the tension settings are appropriate for the fabric and thread being used.

If the problem persists, try adjusting the tension on the bobbin case using the tension screw. Turn the screw clockwise to increase the tension and counterclockwise to decrease it.  

BERNINA 790 PLUS stitch problems

The BERNINA 790 PLUS is a high-quality sewing machine, but stitch problems can still occur, resulting in uneven or skipped stitches, or other stitch-related issues. Common causes of stitch problems can include using the wrong type or weight of thread, using the wrong needle, incorrect thread tension, or a dirty or damaged machine.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS stitching problems 

To troubleshoot stitch problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the machine is threaded correctly, including both the upper and lower threads. Make sure that the thread is feeding smoothly through the machine and that the bobbin is inserted correctly and wound evenly.

Check that the tension settings are appropriate for the fabric and thread being used. If the problem persists, try changing the needle or adjusting the tension settings. Also, make sure that the thread is the correct type and weight for the fabric being used. 

BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing machine parts

The BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine is a precision-engineered machine with many parts that work together to create high-quality stitches. Some of the key parts of the machine include the bobbin case, feed dogs, presser foot, needle, thread cutter, and motor. Each of these parts plays an important role in the sewing process, and it is important to keep them in good working order to ensure that the machine performs at its best.

BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing machine presser foot problems

The presser foot is an essential part of the sewing machine, as it holds the fabric in place and helps guide it through the machine. However, presser foot problems can occur, resulting in uneven or skipped stitches, or other issues. Common causes of presser foot problems can include incorrect presser foot selection, a dirty or damaged foot, or incorrect pressure settings.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS presser foot problems 

To troubleshoot presser foot problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the correct foot is being used for the fabric being sewn. Also, make sure that the foot is clean and undamaged. Adjusting the pressure settings can also help resolve presser foot problems.

BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing machine motor problems

The BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine is equipped with a powerful motor that drives the machine’s moving parts, allowing it to sew through thick fabrics with ease. However, motor problems can occur, resulting in sluggish or erratic performance. Common causes of motor problems can include a dirty or worn motor, a loose or damaged belt, or an electrical issue.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS motor problems 

To troubleshoot motor problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the machine is properly lubricated and that the motor is clean and free of debris. Also, make sure that the belt is tight and undamaged. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to have the motor serviced by a professional technician.

BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing machine belt problems

The BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine is equipped with a belt that drives the machine’s moving parts, allowing it to sew through thick fabrics with ease. However, belt problems can occur, resulting in sluggish or erratic performance. Common causes of belt problems can include a loose or damaged belt, a dirty or worn belt, or an incorrect belt size.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS belt problems 

To troubleshoot belt problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by checking that the belt is properly tensioned and that it is clean and free of debris. Also, make sure that the belt is the correct size for the machine. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to have the belt replaced by a professional technician.

BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing machine thread cutter problems

The BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine is equipped with a thread cutter that allows you to quickly and easily cut the thread after sewing. However, thread cutter problems can occur, resulting in uneven or jagged cuts, or other issues. Common causes of thread cutter problems can include a dirty or damaged cutter, incorrect cutter alignment, or a dull blade.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS thread cutter problems 

To troubleshoot thread cutter problems on the BERNINA 790 PLUS, start by cleaning the cutter and making sure it is properly aligned. If the blade is dull, it may need to be sharpened or replaced. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to have the machine serviced by a professional technician.

Hand wheel problems on BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine

The hand wheel on the BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine is an important component that allows you to manually move the needle and the thread take-up lever. If you encounter problems with the hand wheel, such as it becoming stiff, difficult to turn, or not turning at all, it can be frustrating and prevent you from completing your sewing projects. Hand wheel problems can be caused by various factors, such as a buildup of lint or dust, a loose or damaged belt, or a jammed machine.

Troubleshooting BERNINA 790 PLUS hand wheel problems 

Troubleshooting the hand wheel problem may require you to open the machine and check for any obstructions or damages. In some cases, a professional technician may be required to fix the issue. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the hand wheel can help prevent future problems and ensure the smooth operation of the BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine.

Troubleshooting Guide for BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing Machine Parts

Presser Foot Problems– Incorrect presser foot selection.– Ensure the correct presser foot is being used for the fabric.
– Dirty or damaged presser foot.– Clean the presser foot and check for any damage. Replace if necessary.
– Incorrect pressure settings.– Adjust the pressure settings according to the fabric being sewn.
Motor Problems– Dirty or worn motor.– Lubricate the motor and clean it of any debris.
– Loose or damaged belt.– Ensure the belt is tight and in good condition.
– Electrical issues.– If electrical issues are suspected, consult a professional technician.
Belt Problems– Loose or damaged belt.– Check the tension of the belt and replace if necessary.
– Dirty or worn belt.– Clean the belt and inspect for signs of wear.
– Incorrect belt size.– Ensure the belt is the correct size for the machine.
Thread Cutter Problems– Dirty or damaged cutter.– Clean the thread cutter and check for any damage.
– Incorrect cutter alignment.– Align the cutter properly according to the machine’s manual.
– Dull blade.– Sharpen or replace the blade if necessary.
Hand Wheel Problems– Buildup of lint or dust.– Regularly clean the hand wheel to remove any debris.
– Loose or damaged belt.– Check the tension of the belt and tighten or replace if necessary.
– Jammed machine.– Open the machine to inspect for any obstructions or damages. Consult a professional technician if needed.
General Maintenance Tips– Regularly clean and lubricate the machine’s moving parts.– Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and lubrication.
– Keep the machine free of lint and debris.– Clean the machine after each use and remove any accumulated lint.
– Use high-quality materials and accessories.– Quality materials and accessories can contribute to the smooth operation of the machine.
– Follow proper threading and tensioning techniques.– Refer to the machine’s manual for threading and tensioning instructions.
Professional AssistanceIf problems persist or if unsure, seek assistance from a professional technician.– A qualified technician can diagnose and resolve complex issues with the machine.


The instruction manual for the BERNINA 790 PLUS sewing machine can be found here.


Does Bernina 790 have stitch regulator?

Yes, the BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing Machine is equipped with a stitch regulator that allows you to adjust the speed and tension of your stitches.

What embroidery format does Bernina 790 use?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS Sewing Machine is compatible with PES, EXP and HUS embroidery formats.

Bernina 790 plus error code 1010: What is error message 1010? How do I fix error 1010?

Error code 1010 on the BERNINA 790 PLUS indicates that the machine has been overloaded. To fix this error, reduce the fabric thickness and/or stitch length, or adjust the presser foot pressure to a lower setting. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to have the machine serviced by a professional technician.

Where is the Bernina 790 PLUS made? Is the Bernina 790 made in Switzerland?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS is made in Switzerland. It is part of the Swiss-made BERNINA line of sewing machines.

Does the Bernina 790 PLUS come with a walking foot?

Yes, the BERNINA 790 PLUS comes with a walking foot.

What does a Bernina 790 PLUS come with?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS comes with a wide range of features such as a 9 mm stitch width, dual feed system, large color LCD touch screen, and an integrated embroidery module. It also includes a variety of presser feet, bobbins, needles, thread spool caps, oil and cleaning tools.

How much does a Bernina 790 PLUS cost in USA? How much is a Bernina 790 QE Plus?

The BERNINA 790 QE Plus is priced around $7,999.00 USD in the United States.

Is Bernina worth the money?

Yes, BERNINA sewing machines are considered to be a great value for the money and are known for their durability and quality of craftsmanship. They have a wide variety of features and accessories to suit your needs.

Does a Bernina 790 PLUS have endless embroidery?

Yes, the BERNINA 790 PLUS is capable of producing endless embroidery designs with its integrated embroidery module.

Does a Bernina 790 PLUS have dual feed?

Yes, the BERNINA 790 PLUS has a dual feed system that provides consistent and even stitching.

Is Bernina 790 PLUS a 9mm machine?

Yes, the BERNINA 790 PLUS is capable of producing stitches up to 9 mm in width.

What format does BERNINA 790 PLUS use for embroidery?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS is capable of reading a variety of formats, including .ART, .PES, and .JEF.

How many stitches does the Bernina 790 PLUS have?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS has over 550 stitches, including decorative and utility stitches, alphabet fonts, and embroidery designs.

What is the sewing speed of a BERNINA 790 PLUS?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS can sew up to 850 stitches per minute.

Should I leave my BERNINA plugged in?

It is not recommended to leave the BERNINA 790 PLUS plugged in when it is not in use. However, if you are using the machine frequently, you can leave it plugged in.

How to clean the Bernina 790 Plus?

Cleaning your BERNINA 790 PLUS is important to maintain its optimal performance. First, use a soft cloth to wipe away any lint or dirt on the machine’s surfaces. Then, use a small brush attachment and an upholstery vacuum cleaner to clean out any more stubborn debris from the feed dogs, bobbin area, and other hard-to-reach areas. Finally, lubricate the machine with a quality sewing machine oil and replace any worn or damaged parts.

What tools does a Bernina 790 PLUS come with?

The BERNINA 790 PLUS comes with a variety of accessories, including various feet, needles, thread spool caps, oil, and cleaning tools. These accessories help make your sewing projects easier and more efficient.

What is the bernina 790 problem replacing stitch plate?

The Bernina 790 may have difficulty replacing the stitch plate if it is not properly aligned with the needle. To fix this issue, make sure that the stitch plate is lined up correctly before inserting it into its slot.

Conclusion. BERNINA 790 PLUS Common Problems and Troubleshooting

In conclusion, the BERNINA 790 PLUS is a high-quality sewing machine that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. While it is a reliable machine, users may encounter occasional issues with tension, jamming, and other problems. However, many of these issues can be resolved through simple troubleshooting techniques or by seeking assistance from a qualified technician.

By understanding the various features of the machine and how to troubleshoot common issues, users can get the most out of their BERNINA 790 PLUS and enjoy many years of successful sewing. With its advanced technology, precise stitching, and durable construction, the BERNINA 790 PLUS is a great choice for both novice and experienced sewers alike.

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