BERNINA Sewing Machine Bobbin Winding Problems

Having trouble with your BERNINA sewing machine’s bobbin winding? You’re not alone. Many sewers have experienced issues with their BERNINA sewing machine’s bobbin winding, and it can be a frustrating problem to solve. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue. In this article, we’ll discuss the common causes of BERNINA sewing machine bobbin winding problems and provide tips on how to fix them.

From threading the bobbin incorrectly to using the wrong type of bobbin, there are a variety of reasons why your BERNINA sewing machine’s bobbin winding may not be working properly. We’ll discuss each of these causes in detail and provide helpful tips on how to fix them. With the right information and a bit of patience, you’ll be able to get your BERNINA sewing machine’s bobbin winding back up and running in no time.

Common Causes of BERNINA Sewing Machine Bobbin Winding Problems

  • Bobbin not winding properly
  • Thread not winding evenly
  • Bobbin winding too fast
  • Bobbin winding too slow
  • Thread breaking while winding
  • Bobbin winding in the wrong direction
  • Bobbin winding off-center
  • Bobbin winding too tight
  • Bobbin winding too loose
  • Bobbin winding not stopping automatically with BERNINA

Causes of BERNINA Sewing Machine Bobbin Winding Problems and How to Fix Them

This article will provide an in-depth look at the causes of BERNINA sewing machine bobbin winding problems and how to fix them. It will cover topics such as thread tension, bobbin winding, and threading issues. Additionally, it will provide step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot and resolve these issues. Finally, it will provide tips and tricks to help prevent future bobbin winding problems.

Bobbin Not Winding Properly on a BERNINA Sewing Machine

If your BERNINA sewing machine’s bobbin is not winding properly, it can be a frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue. Read on to learn more about how to fix a bobbin not winding properly on a BERNINA sewing machine.

Examples of Bobbin Not Winding Properly

  • Bobbin not winding at all
  • Bobbin winding too slowly
  • Bobbin winding unevenly
  • Bobbin winding too tightly

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing a Bobbin Not Winding Properly on a BERNINA Sewing Machine

  1. Check the bobbin case. Make sure it is properly inserted into the machine and that the tension spring is in the correct position. If the bobbin case is not properly inserted, the bobbin will not wind properly.
  2. Check the bobbin thread. Make sure it is properly inserted into the bobbin case and that it is not tangled or knotted. If the thread is tangled or knotted, it will not wind properly.
  3. Check the bobbin winder. Make sure it is properly engaged and that the bobbin is spinning in the correct direction. If the bobbin winder is not properly engaged, the bobbin will not wind properly.
  4. Check the bobbin tension. Make sure the tension is set correctly for the type of thread you are using. If the tension is too tight or too loose, the bobbin will not wind properly.
  5. Check the needle. Make sure the needle is properly inserted and that it is not bent or damaged. If the needle is bent or damaged, the bobbin will not wind properly.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix a bobbin not winding properly on a BERNINA sewing machine. If you are still

Thread Not Winding Evenly on a BERNINA Sewing Machine

Thread not winding evenly on a BERNINA sewing machine can be a frustrating problem. If your thread is winding unevenly, it can cause tension issues, skipped stitches, and other problems. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to fix the issue.

Examples of Thread Not Winding Evenly

  • Thread is winding too tightly or too loosely
  • Thread is winding in a spiral pattern
  • Thread is winding in a lumpy pattern

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Thread Not Winding Evenly on a BERNINA Sewing Machine

  1. Check the thread spool for any damage or debris. If the spool is damaged or has debris on it, replace it with a new spool.
  2. Check the thread guide for any damage or debris. If the thread guide is damaged or has debris on it, replace it with a new thread guide.
  3. Check the thread tension. If the tension is too tight or too loose, adjust it to the correct tension.
  4. Check the thread path. Make sure the thread is passing through all the thread guides in the correct order.
  5. Check the bobbin winder. Make sure the bobbin winder is in the correct position and is not damaged.
  6. Check the bobbin case. Make sure the bobbin case is in the correct position and is not damaged.
  7. Check the needle. Make sure the needle is in the correct position and is not damaged.
  8. Check the thread spool pin. Make sure the thread spool pin is in the correct position and is not damaged.
  9. Check the thread take-up lever. Make sure the thread take-up lever is in the correct position and is not damaged.
  10. Check the thread delivery system. Make sure the thread delivery system is in the correct position.

Bobbin Winding Too Fast on BERNINA Sewing Machines

Bobbin winding too fast is a common issue on BERNINA sewing machines. This issue can cause the bobbin to become overfilled, resulting in thread tangles and other problems. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to fix this issue.

Examples of Bobbin Winding Too Fast

  • Bobbin winding too quickly, resulting in an overfilled bobbin
  • Bobbin winding at an inconsistent speed
  • Bobbin winding at a speed that is too fast for the thread being used

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Bobbin Winding Too Fast on BERNINA Sewing Machines

  1. Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Open the bobbin case and remove the bobbin.
  3. Locate the bobbin winder tension screw on the side of the bobbin case.
  4. Turn the tension screw clockwise to increase the tension, or counterclockwise to decrease the tension.
  5. Test the tension by winding a few inches of thread onto the bobbin.
  6. If the bobbin is still winding too fast, repeat steps 4 and 5 until the desired tension is achieved.
  7. Once the desired tension is achieved, replace the bobbin in the bobbin case and close the case.
  8. Plug the machine back in and turn it on.
  9. Test the bobbin winding speed by winding a few inches of thread onto the bobbin.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the issue of bobbin winding too fast on your BERNINA sewing machine.

Bobbin Winding Too Slow on BERNINA Sewing Machines

Bobbin winding too slow is a common issue with BERNINA sewing machines. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including a worn bobbin winder tire, a worn bobbin winder clutch, or a worn bobbin winder belt. Fortunately, this issue can be easily fixed with a few simple steps.

Examples of Bobbin Winding Too Slow

  • Bobbin winding is slow and takes a long time to complete.
  • Bobbin winding stops and starts frequently.
  • Bobbin winding is noisy and makes a grinding sound.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Bobbin Winding Too Slow on BERNINA Sewing Machines

  1. Check the bobbin winder tire for wear. If the tire is worn, replace it with a new one.
  2. Check the bobbin winder clutch for wear. If the clutch is worn, replace it with a new one.
  3. Check the bobbin winder belt for wear. If the belt is worn, replace it with a new one.
  4. Check the bobbin winder tension. If the tension is too tight, loosen it slightly.
  5. Check the bobbin winder speed. If the speed is too slow, increase it slightly.
  6. Check the bobbin winder thread guide. If the thread guide is not properly aligned, adjust it.
  7. Check the bobbin winder thread tension. If the thread tension is too tight, loosen it slightly.
  8. Check the bobbin winder thread path. If the thread path is not correct, adjust it.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the issue of bobbin winding too slow on your BERNINA sewing machine. If the issue persists, contact a qualified technician for further assistance.

Thread Breaking While Winding with BERNINA

Thread breaking while winding is a common issue that can occur when using a BERNINA sewing machine. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, such as incorrect thread tension, incorrect threading, or a worn-out bobbin case. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to fix this issue with a few simple steps.

Examples of Thread Breaking While Winding

  • Thread breaking while winding the bobbin
  • Thread breaking while winding the spool
  • Thread breaking while winding the thread onto the bobbin

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Thread Breaking While Winding with BERNINA

  1. Check the thread tension. The thread tension should be set to the correct level for the type of thread and fabric you are using. If the tension is too tight, the thread may break while winding.
  2. Check the threading. Make sure the thread is correctly threaded through the machine. If the thread is not threaded correctly, it may break while winding.
  3. Check the bobbin case. If the bobbin case is worn out or damaged, it may cause the thread to break while winding. Replace the bobbin case if necessary.
  4. Clean the bobbin case. Use a soft cloth to clean the bobbin case and remove any lint or debris that may be causing the thread to break while winding.
  5. Check the bobbin. Make sure the bobbin is correctly inserted into the bobbin case. If the bobbin is not inserted correctly, it may cause the thread to break while winding.
  6. Check the spool. Make sure the spool is correctly inserted into the machine. If the spool is not inserted correctly, it may cause the thread to break while winding.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix any thread breaking issues you may be having while winding with your BERNINA sewing machine.

Bobbin Winding in the Wrong Direction

Bobbin winding in the wrong direction is a common problem for BERNINA sewing machines. This issue can cause tension problems, skipped stitches, and other issues with the machine. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to fix.

What Causes Bobbin Winding in the Wrong Direction?

Bobbin winding in the wrong direction is usually caused by a misaligned bobbin case. This can happen if the bobbin case is not properly inserted into the machine, or if the bobbin case has been damaged or bent.

How to Fix Bobbin Winding in the Wrong Direction on a BERNINA Sewing Machine

Step 1: Remove the Bobbin Case

To begin, you will need to remove the bobbin case from the machine. To do this, open the bobbin cover and remove the bobbin case.

Step 2: Check the Bobbin Case

Once the bobbin case is removed, check it for any signs of damage or misalignment. If the bobbin case is bent or damaged, you will need to replace it.

Step 3: Re-Insert the Bobbin Case

Once you have checked the bobbin case, re-insert it into the machine. Make sure that it is properly aligned and that it is securely in place.

Step 4: Wind the Bobbin

Once the bobbin case is in place, you can begin winding the bobbin. Make sure that the bobbin is winding in the correct direction. If it is not, you may need to adjust the bobbin tension.

Step 5: Test the Machine

Once the bobbin is wound, test the machine to make sure that the bobbin winding is in the correct direction. If it is not, you may need to adjust the bobbin tension again.

Bobbin Winding Off-Center: What It Is and How to Fix It with a BERNINA Sewing Machine

Bobbin winding off-center is a common issue that can occur when using a BERNINA sewing machine. This issue can cause the bobbin thread to be unevenly wound, resulting in a poor stitch quality. Fortunately, this issue can be easily fixed with a few simple steps.

What Causes Bobbin Winding Off-Center?

Bobbin winding off-center is usually caused by a few different factors. These include:

  • The bobbin is not properly inserted into the bobbin case.
  • The bobbin is not properly aligned in the bobbin case.
  • The bobbin is not properly tensioned.
  • The bobbin is not properly wound.

How to Fix Bobbin Winding Off-Center with a BERNINA Sewing Machine

Fixing bobbin winding off-center with a BERNINA sewing machine is a simple process. Follow these steps to ensure your bobbin is properly wound:

  1. Remove the bobbin case from the machine.
  2. Check the bobbin case for any debris or lint.
  3. Clean the bobbin case with a soft cloth.
  4. Insert the bobbin into the bobbin case.
  5. Align the bobbin so that it is centered in the bobbin case.
  6. Tighten the bobbin tension screw until the bobbin is properly tensioned.
  7. Wind the bobbin until it is full.
  8. Reinsert the bobbin case into the machine.

Once you have followed these steps, your bobbin should be properly wound and your stitch quality should improve.

Bobbin Winding Too Tight: What to Do with Your BERNINA

Bobbin winding too tight is a common problem for sewers, especially when using a BERNINA sewing machine. This issue can cause tension problems, thread breakage, and other issues that can make sewing difficult. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to fix. Here are the steps to take to ensure your bobbin winding is not too tight.

Step 1: Check the Bobbin Winding Tension

The first step is to check the bobbin winding tension. To do this, you will need to remove the bobbin from the machine and hold it up to the light. If the thread is too tight, it will be visible. If the thread is too loose, it will be difficult to see.

Step 2: Adjust the Bobbin Winding Tension

Once you have determined that the bobbin winding is too tight, you will need to adjust the tension. To do this, you will need to locate the tension dial on your BERNINA sewing machine. This is usually located near the bobbin case. Turn the dial clockwise to increase the tension, or counterclockwise to decrease the tension.

Step 3: Test the Bobbin Winding Tension

Once you have adjusted the tension, you will need to test it. To do this, wind a few bobbins and check the tension. If the thread is still too tight, you will need to adjust the tension again. If the thread is too loose, you may need to adjust the tension in the opposite direction.

Step 4: Re-Thread the Bobbin Case

Once you have adjusted the tension and tested it, you will need to re-thread the bobbin case. To do this, you will need to remove the bobbin case from the machine and thread it according to the instructions in your BERNINA sewing machine manual.

Step 5: Test the Bobbin Winding Again

Once you have re-threaded the bobbin case, you will need to test the bobbin winding again. Wind a few bobbins and check the tension. If the thread is still too tight,

Bobbin Winding Too Loose: What to Do with Your BERNINA Sewing Machine

If you’ve ever experienced bobbin winding that is too loose on your BERNINA sewing machine, you know how frustrating it can be. Loose bobbin winding can cause thread to unravel, knots to form, and stitches to be uneven. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to fix this issue.

Examples of Bobbin Winding Too Loose

When bobbin winding is too loose, it can cause a variety of issues. Here are some examples of what you might experience:

  • Thread unraveling
  • Knots forming in the thread
  • Uneven stitches
  • Thread bunching up

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Bobbin Winding Too Loose on Your BERNINA Sewing Machine

Follow these steps to fix bobbin winding that is too loose on your BERNINA sewing machine:

  1. Unplug your BERNINA sewing machine.
  2. Remove the bobbin case from the machine.
  3. Check the tension on the bobbin case. It should be tight enough that you can feel resistance when you pull on the thread.
  4. If the tension is too loose, use a small screwdriver to adjust the tension screw on the bobbin case.
  5. Replace the bobbin case in the machine.
  6. Plug in the machine and test the bobbin winding.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to fix bobbin winding that is too loose on your BERNINA sewing machine. If you have any questions or need help, contact your local BERNINA dealer for assistance.

Bobbin Winding Not Stopping Automatically

Bobbin winding not stopping automatically is a common issue with BERNINA sewing machines. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including a worn bobbin winder tire, a worn bobbin winder clutch, or a worn bobbin winder spring. Fortunately, this issue can be easily fixed with a few simple steps.

Examples of Bobbin Winding Not Stopping Automatically

  • The bobbin winder continues to spin even after the bobbin is full.
  • The bobbin winder does not stop when the bobbin is full.
  • The bobbin winder does not disengage when the bobbin is full.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fixing Bobbin Winding Not Stopping Automatically on BERNINA Sewing Machines

  1. Unplug the sewing machine from the power source.
  2. Remove the bobbin winder tire from the bobbin winder shaft.
  3. Inspect the bobbin winder tire for signs of wear or damage. If the tire is worn or damaged, replace it with a new one.
  4. Inspect the bobbin winder clutch for signs of wear or damage. If the clutch is worn or damaged, replace it with a new one.
  5. Inspect the bobbin winder spring for signs of wear or damage. If the spring is worn or damaged, replace it with a new one.
  6. Replace the bobbin winder tire on the bobbin winder shaft.
  7. Plug the sewing machine back into the power source.
  8. Test the bobbin winder to ensure it is working properly.

By following these steps, you should be able to easily fix the issue of bobbin winding not stopping automatically on your BERNINA sewing machine.

Tips for Preventing Upper Thread Breaking Problems on a BERNINA Sewing Machine

Check the Thread Tension

The tension of the upper thread should be adjusted to the correct setting for the fabric and thread being used. If the tension is too tight, the thread can break. To check the tension, sew a few stitches on a scrap of fabric and then check the underside of the fabric. If the stitches are too loose, the tension should be increased. If the stitches are too tight, the tension should be decreased.

Check the Bobbin Winding

If the bobbin is not wound correctly, the upper thread can break. To check the bobbin winding, remove the bobbin from the machine and inspect it. The thread should be wound evenly and not too tightly. If the bobbin is not wound correctly, it should be rewound.

Clean and Oil the Machine Regularly

A sewing machine should be cleaned and oiled regularly to ensure that it is running smoothly. This will help to prevent upper thread breaking problems. To clean the machine, use a soft cloth to wipe away any dust or lint. To oil the machine, use a sewing machine oil specifically designed for the BERNINA brand.

Replace the Needle Regularly

The needle should be replaced regularly to ensure that it is sharp and in good condition. A dull or damaged needle can cause the upper thread to break. To replace the needle, turn off the machine and unplug it. Then, remove the old needle and insert a new one of the correct size and type for the fabric and thread being used.

Check the Thread Path

The thread path should be checked regularly to ensure that the thread is passing through all of the guides and tension discs correctly. If the thread is not passing through the guides correctly, it can cause the upper thread to break. To check the thread path, follow the thread from the spool to the needle and make sure that it is passing through all of the guides and tension discs correctly.

10 Common Problems with BERNINA Sewing Machines

In addition to the problems already mentioned in this article, there are a few other issues that can arise with BERNINA sewing machines.

  1. Stitch Problems
  2. Sewing Machine Parts Problems
  3. Upper thread breaking
  4. Breaking needles problems
  5. Bobbin thread problems
  6. Bobbin holder problems
  7. Bobbin tension problems
  8. Sewing Machine Keep Jamming
  9. Tension problems
  10. Sewing machine not feeding fabric

These are just a few of the potential problems that can arise with BERNINA sewing machines. If you experience any of these issues, it is important to contact a qualified technician for assistance.


What is bobbin winding?

Bobbin winding is the process of winding thread onto a bobbin, which is a small spool that holds thread for use in a sewing machine. The bobbin is placed in the bobbin case, which is then inserted into the sewing machine. The bobbin winding process is necessary for the machine to be able to sew properly.

What are some common bobbin winding problems?

  • Thread not winding evenly on the bobbin
  • Bobbin winding too tight or too loose
  • Thread breaking while winding
  • Bobbin winding not starting

How can I fix bobbin winding problems?

There are several steps you can take to troubleshoot bobbin winding problems on BERNINA sewing machines:

  • Check the bobbin case for any debris or lint that may be preventing the bobbin from winding properly.
  • Make sure the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin case.
  • Check the tension on the bobbin case and adjust as needed.
  • Check the threading of the machine and make sure it is correct.
  • Check the bobbin for any damage or wear and replace if necessary.

What should I do if the bobbin winding still doesn’t work?

If the bobbin winding still doesn’t work after troubleshooting, it may be necessary to take the machine to a qualified technician for further inspection and repair.


In conclusion, BERNINA sewing machines can experience bobbin winding problems. These problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect threading, incorrect tension settings, and a worn-out bobbin case.

To prevent bobbin winding problems, it is important to ensure that the machine is threaded correctly, the tension settings are correct, and the bobbin case is in good condition. If the problem persists, it is best to take the machine to a professional for servicing.

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