Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on troubleshooting common problems with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 sewing machine. As a proud owner of this advanced model, you may occasionally encounter issues during your sewing projects. This guide aims to assist you in resolving these challenges efficiently. Whether you’re experiencing difficulties with the machine’s computerized functions or encountering issues with its operation, we’re here to help. Let’s delve into the common problems and their troubleshooting solutions specific to the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650

  1. Thread Breaking – Tension Discrepancy

    Description: One common issue with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 is thread breaking during sewing, which can disrupt your stitching.

    Cause: This problem often occurs due to incorrect tension settings.


    1. Check the tension settings on the machine and adjust them according to the fabric and thread being used.
    2. Ensure the thread is properly threaded through the tension discs and the bobbin case.
    3. Clean the tension discs and bobbin area to remove any lint or debris that may be causing interference.
  2. Skipped Stitches – Needle Issues

    Description: Skipped stitches can be frustrating and are a common problem faced by users of the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Skipped stitches often occur due to a dull or improperly inserted needle.


    1. Replace the needle with a new, sharp needle appropriate for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Ensure the needle is inserted correctly, with the flat side facing the back of the machine.
    3. Check that the needle is securely tightened in place.
  3. Bobbin Jamming – Incorrect Bobbin Placement

    Description: Bobbin jamming is another common issue encountered by users of the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Bobbin jamming can occur when the bobbin is not inserted correctly or when there is debris in the bobbin area.


    1. Remove the bobbin and reinsert it, ensuring it is placed correctly and wound evenly.
    2. Clean the bobbin area to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the jam.
    3. Check that the bobbin case is correctly installed and seated securely.
  4. Machine Not Powering On – Electrical Issues

    Description: Some users may encounter issues with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 not powering on, which can impede their sewing projects.

    Cause: This problem can be caused by issues with the power cord, foot pedal, or internal wiring.


    1. Check that the power cord is securely plugged into both the machine and the power outlet.
    2. Inspect the foot pedal for any visible damage and ensure it is connected properly.
    3. If the machine still does not power on, consult a qualified technician for further inspection and repair.
  5. Uneven Stitching – Feed Dog Problems

    Description: Uneven stitching is a common issue that can affect the quality of sewing projects on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: This problem often arises due to issues with the feed dogs, such as dirt or misalignment.


    1. Clean the feed dogs thoroughly to remove any debris that may be obstructing their movement.
    2. Check the alignment of the feed dogs and adjust if necessary according to the machine’s user manual.
    3. If the problem persists, consider contacting customer support for further assistance.
  • Thread Bunching Underneath – Bobbin Tension Issue

    Description: Thread bunching underneath the fabric is a frustrating issue that can occur with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect bobbin tension is often the culprit behind this problem.


    1. Check the bobbin tension and adjust it as needed following the machine’s manual instructions.
    2. Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin case and that the thread is properly threaded through the tension spring.
    3. Try using a different bobbin thread or adjusting the upper thread tension to balance the tension between the threads.
  • Noisy Operation – Mechanical Issues

    Description: Some users may experience excessive noise during operation of the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Noisy operation can result from mechanical issues such as loose parts or lack of lubrication.


    1. Check for loose screws or parts on the machine and tighten them if necessary.
    2. Ensure the machine is properly lubricated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    3. If the noise persists, consider contacting a technician for further inspection and maintenance.
  • Needle Breakage – Incorrect Needle Type

    Description: Needle breakage is a common issue that can occur with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Using the wrong type or size of needle for the fabric being sewn can lead to needle breakage.


    1. Ensure you are using the correct type and size of needle recommended for the fabric and thread being used.
    2. Check that the needle is securely tightened and properly inserted into the machine.
    3. If needle breakage continues, try adjusting the stitch length or using a different needle brand.
  • Thread Snapping During Embroidery – Hoop Tension Issue

    Description: Thread snapping during embroidery is a common problem encountered by users of the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect tension in the embroidery hoop can cause excessive strain on the thread, leading to snapping.


    1. Check the tension of the embroidery hoop and adjust it as needed to ensure it is not too tight.
    2. Ensure the fabric is properly stabilized within the hoop to prevent excessive movement during embroidery.
    3. Consider using a different embroidery design or thread type if the problem persists.
  • Bobbin Thread Showing on Top – Upper Thread Tension Issue

    Description: Bobbin thread showing on top of the fabric can affect the appearance of your sewing projects on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect upper thread tension is often the cause of this problem.


    1. Adjust the upper thread tension dial on the machine to a slightly higher setting.
    2. Check that the upper thread is properly threaded through all guides and tension discs.
    3. Try using a different type or weight of thread to see if that resolves the issue.
  • Buttonhole Malfunction – Sensor Calibration Issue

    Description: Users may encounter difficulties with the automatic buttonhole function on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Improper calibration of the buttonhole sensor can lead to inaccurate stitching.


    1. Recalibrate the buttonhole sensor according to the machine’s manual instructions.
    2. Ensure the fabric is stabilized properly and the buttonhole foot is securely attached.
    3. If calibration does not resolve the issue, manually stitch buttonholes using the machine’s manual mode.
  • Thread Nesting on Start – Incorrect Bobbin Insertion

    Description: Thread nesting at the beginning of a seam is a common problem with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect insertion of the bobbin or improperly wound bobbin thread can lead to thread nesting.


    1. Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin case, with the thread unwinding in the correct direction.
    2. Check that the bobbin is evenly wound and that there are no tangles or knots in the thread.
    3. Manually hold the thread tails when starting a seam to prevent thread nesting.
  • Feed Dog Malfunction – Cleaning Required

    Description: Users may experience issues with the feed dogs not moving properly on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Accumulated dust, lint, or debris can interfere with the feed dogs’ movement.


    1. Thoroughly clean the feed dogs and surrounding area using a brush or vacuum attachment.
    2. Apply a drop of sewing machine oil to the feed dog mechanism to lubricate it, if recommended by the manufacturer.
    3. Test the machine on scrap fabric to ensure the feed dogs are functioning smoothly.
  • Thread Fraying – Needle Size Issue

    Description: Thread fraying during sewing is a common issue with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Using a needle size that is too small for the thread can cause excessive friction and lead to thread fraying.


    1. Ensure you are using a needle size appropriate for the thread weight and fabric being used.
    2. Inspect the needle for any burrs or defects and replace it if necessary.
    3. If thread fraying persists, try using a finer thread or a larger needle size to reduce friction.
  • Stitch Length Irregularities – Feed Dog Alignment Issue

    Description: Irregular stitch lengths may occur while sewing with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Misalignment or malfunction of the feed dogs can cause inconsistencies in stitch length.


    1. Check the alignment of the feed dogs and adjust them if necessary according to the machine’s manual.
    2. Clean the feed dog area thoroughly to remove any obstructions or debris that may be affecting their movement.
    3. If the problem persists, contact customer support or a qualified technician for further assistance.
  • Thread Looping on Top – Upper Thread Tension Issue

    Description: Thread looping on top of the fabric can affect the appearance and integrity of stitches on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect upper thread tension settings are often responsible for this problem.


    1. Check and adjust the upper thread tension dial to a slightly lower setting.
    2. Ensure the upper thread is correctly threaded through all guides and tension discs.
    3. Try using a different thread brand or weight to see if the looping improves.
  • Bobbin Case Jamming – Debris Accumulation

    Description: Users may encounter issues with the bobbin case jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Accumulation of lint, dust, or debris in the bobbin case area can cause jamming.


    1. Remove the bobbin case and clean it thoroughly with a brush or compressed air to remove any debris.
    2. Inspect the bobbin case for any damage or defects and replace it if necessary.
    3. Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly and inserted correctly into the bobbin case.
  • Needle Threader Malfunction – Alignment Issue

    Description: Users may experience difficulties with the automatic needle threader function on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Misalignment or damage to the needle threader mechanism can cause malfunction.


    1. Check the alignment of the needle threader and adjust it if necessary according to the machine’s manual.
    2. Inspect the needle threader mechanism for any visible damage or obstructions and clean it carefully.
    3. If the needle threader continues to malfunction, consider manually threading the needle or seeking professional repair.
  • Thread Snapping During Quilting – Tension and Speed Control Issue

    Description: Thread snapping may occur specifically during quilting projects on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Inconsistent tension settings or improper speed control can lead to thread breakage.


    1. Adjust the tension settings to ensure they are appropriate for the quilting fabric and thread being used.
    2. Slow down the sewing speed when quilting to reduce strain on the thread and needle.
    3. Consider using a quilting-specific needle and thread combination to minimize breakage.
  • Bobbin Winding Malfunction – Tension Adjustment Needed

    Description: Users may encounter issues with the bobbin winding function on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Improper tension adjustment for bobbin winding can lead to unevenly wound bobbins or thread tangling.


    1. Check the tension adjustment for bobbin winding and adjust it as needed according to the machine’s manual.
    2. Ensure the thread is properly guided through the bobbin winding mechanism to prevent tangling.
    3. If bobbin winding issues persist, try using a different bobbin or seeking professional maintenance.
  • Needle Plate Scratches – Needle Plate Alignment Issue

    Description: Users may notice scratches or damage on the needle plate of the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Misalignment of the needle plate or improper installation can cause the needle to scratch the plate.


    1. Inspect the needle plate for any visible scratches or damage.
    2. Check the alignment of the needle plate and adjust it if necessary according to the machine’s manual.
    3. If scratches persist, consider replacing the needle plate to prevent further damage to fabric.
  • Thread Tangling in Bobbin Case – Bobbin Thread Mismanagement

    Description: Users may encounter issues with thread tangling inside the bobbin case of the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Improper winding or threading of the bobbin can cause thread tangling.


    1. Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly and properly inserted into the bobbin case.
    2. Check that the bobbin thread is properly threaded through the tension spring and into the bobbin case.
    3. If thread tangling persists, try using a different bobbin or thread brand.
  • Stitching Misalignment – Presser Foot Pressure Issue

    Description: Users may notice misaligned stitching on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect presser foot pressure or uneven fabric feeding can cause stitching misalignment.


    1. Adjust the presser foot pressure according to the fabric being sewn.
    2. Ensure the fabric is properly stabilized and aligned under the presser foot before sewing.
    3. If stitching misalignment continues, consider using a walking foot attachment for more even fabric feeding.
  • Thread Breaking During Embroidery – Bobbin Thread Tension Issue

    Description: Thread may break intermittently while embroidering on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Incorrect tension settings for the bobbin thread can cause it to break during embroidery.


    1. Check and adjust the tension settings for the bobbin thread according to the machine’s manual.
    2. Ensure the bobbin thread is properly wound and inserted into the bobbin case.
    3. If thread breaking persists, try using a different type or weight of bobbin thread.
  • Thread Spool Jumping – Spool Pin Alignment Issue

    Description: Users may experience issues with thread spools jumping off the spool pin on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650.

    Cause: Misalignment of the spool pin or improper placement of the thread spool can cause it to jump during sewing.


    1. Ensure the spool pin is securely attached and aligned with the thread path.
    2. Place the thread spool on the spool pin in such a way that it unwinds smoothly without jumping.
    3. If spool jumping persists, consider using a thread stand or a different spool holder attachment.

Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions for the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 sewing machine can be found on the manufacturer’s website. Please visit the official website of Husqvarna Viking to access the manual and learn more about how to use your sewing machine effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650

Q: How do I adjust the tension on my Husqvarna Viking Opal 650?

A: To adjust the tension on your Husqvarna Viking Opal 650, refer to the tension adjustment dial located on the machine. Experiment with different tension settings while sewing on scrap fabric until you achieve the desired results.

Q: What should I do if my Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 keeps jamming?

A: If your sewing machine keeps jamming, first check for any obstructions in the bobbin area or thread path. Clean the machine thoroughly and ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly. If the problem persists, consult the troubleshooting section of your manual or contact customer service for assistance.

Q: How do I clean and maintain my Husqvarna Viking Opal 650?

A: Regular maintenance of your sewing machine is essential for optimal performance. Clean the machine after each use, removing lint and debris from the bobbin area, feed dogs, and needle plate. Refer to your manual for specific cleaning instructions and schedule routine maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer.

Q: Can I use different types of needles with the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650?

A: Yes, the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 is compatible with a variety of needle types and sizes. Choose the appropriate needle for your fabric and sewing project, and ensure it is installed correctly according to the machine’s manual.

Q: Why is my stitching uneven on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650?

A: Uneven stitching can be caused by several factors, including improper tension settings, fabric handling, or needle condition. Check and adjust the tension settings, ensure proper fabric handling, and replace the needle if it is dull or damaged.


For any issues encountered with your Husqvarna Viking Opal 650 sewing machine, it is always advisable to refer to the manual first. If you are unable to resolve the problem on your own, do not hesitate to contact customer service or visit a certified service center for assistance and professional repair.

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