Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt Common Problems and Troubleshooting

If you own a Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine, you’re likely familiar with its exceptional capabilities in quilting and sewing. However, like any mechanical or computerized device, it may encounter issues from time to time that can disrupt your crafting experience. In this guide, we’ll explore common problems that users may face with the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt, along with troubleshooting tips to resolve them efficiently.

Causes of Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt

This section will address potential issues that users of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine might encounter. We’ll delve into specific product details and the computerized aspects of the machine to provide comprehensive troubleshooting solutions.

Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt

1. Thread Breakage

  • Description of the problem:

    Thread breakage occurs frequently during sewing, causing interruptions and frustration.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Possible causes include using the wrong type or weight of thread, incorrect threading of the machine, or tension issues.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure you are using high-quality thread suitable for the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt.
    2. Re-thread the machine carefully, following the threading guide in the user manual.
    3. Check and adjust the tension settings, ensuring they are appropriate for the fabric and thread being used.
    4. Clean the machine and remove any lint or debris that may be causing thread jams.
    5. If the problem persists, consult a professional technician for further inspection.

2. Bobbin Jamming

  • Description of the problem:

    The bobbin gets stuck or jams frequently during sewing, leading to uneven stitches or machine malfunction.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Bobbin jamming can be caused by improper insertion of the bobbin, tangled thread, or a dirty bobbin case.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the bobbin and re-insert it following the machine’s instructions carefully.
    2. Check for any tangled thread or debris in the bobbin area and clean it thoroughly.
    3. Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly and inserted correctly into the bobbin case.
    4. Test the machine with a new bobbin to see if the problem persists.
    5. If the issue continues, contact customer support for assistance.

3. Needle Breakage

  • Description of the problem:

    The needle frequently breaks during sewing, causing frustration and potential damage to the fabric.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Needle breakage can occur due to using the wrong type or size of needle, sewing through thick layers of fabric, or hitting a pin.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure you are using the correct needle type and size for the fabric you are sewing.
    2. Check for any bent or damaged needles and replace them if necessary.
    3. Reduce the sewing speed when sewing through thick fabrics to avoid putting excessive strain on the needle.
    4. Avoid sewing over pins, as this can cause the needle to break.
    5. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for additional troubleshooting tips or seek professional assistance.

4. Uneven Stitching

  • Description of the problem:

    The stitches produced by the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine are uneven or irregular.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Uneven stitching can result from incorrect tension settings, improper threading, or a dull or damaged needle.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the tension settings according to the fabric being used.
    2. Ensure the machine is threaded correctly, following the threading guide provided in the user manual.
    3. Inspect the needle for any signs of damage or wear and replace it if necessary.
    4. Clean the machine thoroughly, including the feed dogs and presser foot, to ensure smooth stitching.
    5. If the issue persists, consider consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

5. Machine Freezing or Not Responding

  • Description of the problem:

    The Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine freezes or becomes unresponsive during operation.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Issues with the machine’s software, electrical connections, or internal components can cause it to freeze or stop responding.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power source for a few minutes, then plug it back in and restart.
    2. Ensure the power cord is securely connected to the machine and the power outlet.
    3. Check for any software updates or firmware upgrades available for the machine and install them if necessary.
    4. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance or consider professional repair services.

6. Fabric Puckering

  • Description of the problem:

    When sewing, the fabric gathers or puckers, resulting in an undesirable finish.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Puckering can occur due to incorrect tension settings, using the wrong type of needle, or sewing too quickly.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Adjust the tension settings to achieve a balanced stitch.
    2. Use a ballpoint or sharp needle suitable for the fabric being sewn.
    3. Slow down the sewing speed to prevent excessive fabric distortion.
    4. If necessary, stabilize the fabric with interfacing or stabilizer.
    5. Experiment with different stitch lengths and types to minimize puckering.

7. Bobbin Thread Showing on Top

  • Description of the problem:

    The bobbin thread is visible on the top side of the fabric, affecting the appearance of the stitches.

  • Cause of the problem:

    This issue may arise from incorrect tension settings, improper bobbin threading, or a dull needle.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the tension settings, ensuring proper balance between the top and bobbin threads.
    2. Re-thread the bobbin following the machine’s instructions carefully.
    3. Inspect the needle for any signs of damage and replace it if necessary.
    4. Test the machine with scrap fabric to ensure proper thread tension and stitch formation.
    5. If the problem persists, consult the user manual or seek professional assistance.

8. Thread Bunching Underneath

  • Description of the problem:

    The thread bunches or nests underneath the fabric, leading to messy stitches and potential machine jamming.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Thread bunching can be caused by incorrect bobbin tension, improper threading, or a dirty bobbin area.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the bobbin tension and adjust it as needed to ensure smooth thread feed.
    2. Re-thread the machine, paying close attention to the bobbin winding and insertion process.
    3. Clean the bobbin area thoroughly, removing any lint, debris, or tangled thread.
    4. Test the machine with scrap fabric to verify that the thread tension is balanced and consistent.
    5. If the issue persists, consider consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

9. Skipping Stitches

  • Description of the problem:

    The sewing machine occasionally skips stitches, resulting in incomplete or uneven seams.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Skipping stitches can occur due to a dull or damaged needle, improper needle insertion, or incorrect tension settings.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Replace the needle with a new one, ensuring it is inserted correctly and securely.
    2. Check and adjust the tension settings to achieve optimal stitch formation.
    3. Ensure the machine is threaded correctly and there are no obstructions in the thread path.
    4. If skipping stitches persist, try using a different needle size or type suitable for the fabric being sewn.
    5. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for additional troubleshooting tips or seek professional assistance.

10. Uneven Feed Dogs

  • Description of the problem:

    The feed dogs of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine fail to move fabric evenly, resulting in uneven seam lines.

  • Cause of the problem:

    This issue may arise from improper maintenance, damaged feed dog teeth, or a malfunctioning feed dog mechanism.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the feed dogs for any signs of damage or debris and clean them thoroughly.
    2. Ensure the feed dog mechanism is properly lubricated and functioning smoothly.
    3. If necessary, adjust the feed dog height or position according to the fabric thickness and type.
    4. Test the machine with scrap fabric to verify that the feed dogs are moving evenly and smoothly.
    5. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support or seek professional repair services.

6. Fabric Puckering

  • Description of the problem:

    When sewing with the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt, the fabric tends to pucker or gather unevenly, resulting in a distorted appearance.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Fabric puckering can occur due to incorrect tension settings, using the wrong type of needle or thread, or sewing too quickly.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Adjust the tension settings on the machine to ensure they are appropriate for the fabric being used.
    2. Try using a different type or size of needle that is better suited to the fabric being sewn.
    3. Slow down the sewing speed to allow the machine to stitch more evenly and prevent puckering.
    4. If the issue persists, experiment with different thread types and weights to find the most suitable option for your project.
    5. Consider using stabilizers or interfacing to help prevent fabric puckering, especially when working with delicate or stretchy fabrics.

7. Thread Tension Issues

  • Description of the problem:

    The tension on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine seems inconsistent, resulting in loose or tight stitches.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Thread tension issues can arise from incorrect threading, dirty machine parts, or a malfunctioning tension mechanism.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the threading of both the upper and lower threads, ensuring they are properly seated in their respective tension mechanisms.
    2. Clean the tension discs and other machine parts thoroughly to remove any buildup of lint, dust, or debris.
    3. Test the machine with different thread types and weights to see if the tension issue persists across various materials.
    4. If the problem continues, consult the user manual for instructions on adjusting the tension settings manually or seek professional assistance.
    5. Regularly maintain the machine by cleaning and lubricating it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to prevent future tension issues.

8. Jammed Feed Dogs

  • Description of the problem:

    The feed dogs on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine become stuck or fail to move the fabric properly during sewing.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Jammed feed dogs can occur due to a buildup of lint or debris, improper maintenance, or a mechanical malfunction.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power source before attempting to clear any obstructions from the feed dogs.
    2. Use a small brush or lint roller to remove any lint or debris that may be blocking the feed dogs or other machine parts.
    3. Manually move the feed dogs back and forth to ensure they are not stuck or obstructed in any way.
    4. If the feed dogs still do not function properly, consult the user manual for instructions on accessing and inspecting the feed dog mechanism.
    5. Consider having the machine professionally serviced if the issue persists or if you are uncomfortable performing maintenance tasks yourself.

9. Bobbin Tension Problems

  • Description of the problem:

    The tension of the bobbin thread on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine is inconsistent, leading to uneven stitching.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Bobbin tension issues can stem from incorrect bobbin winding, using low-quality bobbin thread, or a malfunctioning bobbin tension mechanism.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly and correctly inserted into the bobbin case.
    2. Use high-quality bobbin thread that is compatible with the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine.
    3. Check the bobbin tension settings and adjust them as needed to achieve balanced stitching.
    4. Clean the bobbin case and surrounding area to remove any dirt, lint, or debris that may be affecting bobbin tension.
    5. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for instructions on troubleshooting bobbin tension issues or seek professional assistance.

10. Irregular Stitch Length

  • Description of the problem:

    The stitches produced by the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine vary in length or appear inconsistent.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Irregular stitch length can result from incorrect machine settings, mechanical issues, or improper handling of the fabric.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the stitch length settings on the machine to ensure they are appropriate for the desired sewing technique.
    2. Ensure the fabric is being fed evenly through the machine and that the presser foot is applying consistent pressure.
    3. Inspect the machine for any mechanical issues or obstructions that may be affecting stitch length consistency.
    4. Test the machine with different fabrics and sewing techniques to determine if the irregular stitch length persists across various materials.
    5. If the problem continues, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to stitch length issues or seek professional assistance.

11. Needle Threader Malfunction

  • Description of the problem:

    The automatic needle threader feature on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine fails to work properly, making it difficult to thread the needle.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Needle threader malfunction can be caused by misalignment of the threader mechanism, bent or damaged components, or accumulation of dirt and debris.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the needle threader mechanism for any visible damage or misalignment, and gently realign any components that may be out of place.
    2. Clean the needle threader area thoroughly using a soft brush or compressed air to remove any dirt, lint, or debris that may be obstructing the mechanism.
    3. If the needle threader still does not function properly, refer to the user manual for instructions on adjusting or repairing the threader mechanism.
    4. Consider manually threading the needle using a handheld needle threader or the traditional method until the automatic threader issue is resolved.
    5. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance or seek professional repair services.

12. Bobbin Winding Problems

  • Description of the problem:

    The bobbin winding process on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine is unreliable or ineffective, resulting in poorly wound bobbins.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Bobbin winding issues can occur due to improper placement of the bobbin, tangled thread, or a malfunctioning bobbin winding mechanism.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly onto the bobbin winding spindle and that the bobbin winding mechanism is engaged properly.
    2. Check the threading path for the bobbin winding thread, ensuring it is properly routed through the tension disc and around the bobbin.
    3. Inspect the bobbin winding mechanism for any visible damage or obstruction, and clean the area to remove any dirt or debris.
    4. Manually hold the thread tail while winding the bobbin to prevent it from becoming tangled or slipping out of place.
    5. If the bobbin winding problems persist, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to the bobbin winding mechanism or seek professional assistance.

13. Thread Cutter Failure

  • Description of the problem:

    The built-in thread cutter on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine stops working or produces uneven cuts, making it difficult to trim threads after sewing.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Thread cutter failure can be caused by dull or damaged cutting blades, misalignment of the cutter mechanism, or accumulation of thread and debris.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the cutting blades of the thread cutter for any signs of wear, damage, or dullness, and replace them if necessary.
    2. Check the alignment of the thread cutter mechanism and adjust it if it appears to be misaligned or out of place.
    3. Clean the thread cutter area thoroughly using a soft brush or compressed air to remove any accumulated thread, lint, or debris.
    4. Test the thread cutter function with different types and thicknesses of thread to ensure it can cleanly cut through various materials.
    5. If the thread cutter continues to malfunction, refer to the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to the thread cutter mechanism or seek professional repair services.

14. Buttonhole Malformation

  • Description of the problem:

    The automatic buttonhole feature on the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine produces buttonholes that are uneven, too small, or too large.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Buttonhole malformation can occur due to incorrect buttonhole settings, improper positioning of the fabric, or a malfunctioning buttonhole sensor.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Adjust the buttonhole settings on the machine to ensure they match the size and style of buttonhole required for your project.
    2. Position the fabric correctly under the presser foot and ensure it is securely held in place to prevent shifting or distortion during sewing.
    3. Check the buttonhole sensor for any signs of damage or obstruction, and clean the area to remove any dirt or debris that may be affecting its function.
    4. Test the buttonhole function with scrap fabric to ensure the size and appearance of the buttonholes meet your expectations before sewing them on your project.
    5. If the buttonhole malformation issue persists, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to the buttonhole feature or seek professional assistance.

15. Bobbin Case Jamming

  • Description of the problem:

    The bobbin case of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine frequently gets jammed, causing sewing interruptions and frustration.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Bobbin case jamming can occur due to incorrect installation of the bobbin, accumulation of lint or debris in the bobbin case area, or a malfunctioning bobbin tension spring.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the bobbin case from the machine and carefully inspect it for any signs of damage, wear, or debris accumulation.
    2. Clean the bobbin case area thoroughly using a soft brush, compressed air, or a lint roller to remove any lint, dust, or debris that may be causing the jamming.
    3. Check the tension spring on the bobbin case for proper alignment and tension, and adjust it if necessary to ensure smooth bobbin thread delivery.
    4. Reinstall the bobbin case into the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring it is seated securely and the bobbin rotates freely.
    5. If the bobbin case jamming issue persists, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to the bobbin case mechanism or seek professional assistance.

16. Motor Overheating

  • Description of the problem:

    The motor of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine overheats during prolonged use, leading to machine malfunction or shutdown.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Motor overheating can result from excessive sewing speed, insufficient lubrication, or a malfunctioning cooling system.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Reduce the sewing speed and avoid sewing continuously for extended periods to allow the motor to cool down between sessions.
    2. Check the machine’s oiling points and lubricate them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure smooth motor operation.
    3. Clean the machine’s internal components, including the motor and cooling vents, to remove any dust, lint, or debris that may be obstructing airflow.
    4. Ensure the machine is placed on a stable and flat surface to allow proper ventilation and prevent overheating.
    5. If the motor continues to overheat, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to motor overheating issues or seek professional assistance.

17. Stitch Skips

  • Description of the problem:

    The Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine occasionally skips stitches during sewing, resulting in incomplete or uneven stitching.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Stitch skips can occur due to a dull or damaged needle, improper threading, tension issues, or sewing too quickly.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Replace the needle with a new, sharp one that is appropriate for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Check the threading of both the upper and lower threads, ensuring they are properly seated in their respective tension mechanisms.
    3. Adjust the tension settings on the machine to ensure they are appropriate for the fabric and thread being used.
    4. Slow down the sewing speed and allow the machine to stitch at a consistent pace to prevent stitch skips.
    5. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for additional troubleshooting tips specific to stitch skipping issues or seek professional assistance.

18. Noisy Operation

  • Description of the problem:

    The Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine produces excessive noise during operation, which can be distracting or indicative of underlying mechanical issues.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Noisy operation can result from worn or damaged machine parts, insufficient lubrication, or improper machine setup.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the machine for any visible signs of wear or damage, such as loose screws, worn gears, or cracked casing.
    2. Lubricate the machine’s moving parts according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to reduce friction and noise.
    3. Ensure the machine is properly set up and balanced on a stable surface to minimize vibrations and noise during operation.
    4. If the noise persists, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to noisy operation issues or seek professional assistance.
    5. Regularly maintain the machine by cleaning and lubricating it to prevent excessive wear and noise over time.

19. LCD Screen Malfunction

  • Description of the problem:

    The LCD screen of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine displays erratic or distorted images, making it difficult to navigate menus or select settings.

  • Cause of the problem:

    LCD screen malfunction can be caused by electrical issues, damage to the screen, or software glitches.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Power off the machine and unplug it from the power source, then wait for a few minutes before restarting to see if the issue resolves itself.
    2. Check the connections between the LCD screen and the machine’s internal components to ensure they are secure and undamaged.
    3. Update the machine’s software or firmware to the latest version available, as this may resolve any software-related issues causing the screen malfunction.
    4. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance or seek professional repair services.
    5. Avoid exposing the machine to extreme temperatures or humidity, as this can damage the LCD screen and other electronic components.

20. Presser Foot Alignment Issues

  • Description of the problem:

    The presser foot of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine is misaligned, resulting in uneven stitching or difficulty feeding fabric through the machine.

  • Cause of the problem:

    Presser foot alignment issues can occur due to improper installation, worn or damaged presser foot components, or a malfunctioning presser foot mechanism.

  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the presser foot and inspect it for any signs of wear, damage, or misalignment, and replace it if necessary.
    2. Ensure the presser foot is installed correctly onto the presser foot holder, with the foot lever engaged properly.
    3. Check the presser foot pressure settings and adjust them as needed to ensure the proper amount of pressure is applied to the fabric.
    4. Test the machine with different presser feet to determine if the alignment issue is specific to one foot or affects all feet.
    5. If the presser foot alignment problems persist, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips specific to presser foot issues or seek professional assistance.

Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions for the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine can be found on the manufacturer’s website. Please visit the official Husqvarna Viking website to access the manual and detailed operating instructions for your sewing machine model.

Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I prevent thread breakage while using the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt?

To prevent thread breakage, ensure you are using high-quality thread suitable for the machine, follow proper threading techniques, and adjust the tension settings as needed.

2. Why is my bobbin jamming frequently?

Frequent bobbin jamming can occur due to improper insertion of the bobbin, tangled thread, or a dirty bobbin case. Ensure correct bobbin placement, use quality thread, and keep the machine clean.

3. How do I troubleshoot needle breakage?

To troubleshoot needle breakage, use the correct needle type and size for your fabric, avoid sewing over pins, and reduce sewing speed when working with thick fabrics.

4. What should I do if my stitches are uneven?

Uneven stitches can result from incorrect tension settings, improper threading, or a dull needle. Adjust tension, re-thread the machine, and replace the needle if necessary.

5. How do I fix my Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt if it freezes or stops responding?

If your machine freezes or stops responding, try restarting it, check power connections, and update software if available. If the issue persists, contact customer support.


For any issues encountered with your Husqvarna Viking Platinum 755 Quilt sewing machine, it is advisable to always refer to the manual, contact customer service, or visit a service center for assistance. These resources can provide tailored solutions and ensure the optimal functioning of your machine.

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