Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on addressing common problems and troubleshooting solutions for the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E sewing machine. This comprehensive resource is tailored specifically to assist users of this model in overcoming any issues they may encounter during their sewing projects.

Whether you’re a seasoned user or new to this advanced machine, we’ve compiled essential information to ensure smooth operation and optimal performance.

Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E

1. Thread Breaking

Description of the problem: Thread frequently breaks during sewing.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect threading or tension settings, dull needle, or improper needle size.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Re-thread the machine, ensuring correct threading path according to the machine’s manual.
  • Check tension settings; adjust if too tight or too loose.
  • Replace the needle with a new one if it’s dull or bent, ensuring it’s compatible with the fabric being used.
  • Verify that the needle size matches the fabric weight.

2. Uneven Stitching

Description of the problem: Stitches appear uneven or irregular.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect tension settings, dirty or worn machine parts, or improper presser foot pressure.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check and adjust the tension settings; ensure balanced tension for both upper and lower threads.
  • Clean the machine thoroughly, especially the bobbin area and feed dogs, to remove any lint or debris.
  • Inspect machine parts such as the needle plate and presser foot for wear and tear; replace if necessary.
  • Adjust the presser foot pressure according to the fabric being used; lighter pressure for delicate fabrics and firmer pressure for thicker materials.

3. Bobbin Jamming

Description of the problem: Bobbin gets jammed or tangled during sewing.

Cause of the problem: Improperly wound bobbin, incorrect bobbin insertion, or debris in the bobbin area.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly and properly inserted into the bobbin case.
  • Clean the bobbin area to remove any lint, dust, or thread fragments that may be causing the jam.
  • Check the bobbin tension; adjust if necessary.
  • Re-thread the bobbin thread, following the machine’s manual instructions carefully.

4. Needle Breakage

Description of the problem: Needle frequently breaks while sewing.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect needle size or type, bent needle, or sewing through thick layers without proper needle support.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Ensure the needle is the correct size and type for the fabric being used.
  • Inspect the needle for any signs of bending or damage; replace if necessary.
  • Use a needle support or walking foot when sewing through thick layers to prevent excessive strain on the needle.
  • Check the sewing speed; reduce speed if sewing too fast, causing the needle to break.

5. Machine Freezing or Error Messages

Description of the problem: The sewing machine freezes or displays error messages during operation.

Cause of the problem: Software glitches, outdated firmware, or electronic component failure.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Power off the machine and restart it to reset any temporary software glitches.
  • Check for available firmware updates on the manufacturer’s website and install them if necessary.
  • If error messages persist, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance or to arrange for repairs.
  • Ensure the machine is properly maintained and kept free from dust and debris that could affect electronic components.

6. Thread Tension Issues

Description of the problem: Inconsistent tension between the upper and lower threads.

Cause of the problem: Improper threading, dirty tension discs, or damaged tension mechanism.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check the threading of both the upper and lower threads, ensuring they are correctly threaded according to the machine’s manual.
  • Clean the tension discs using a small brush or compressed air to remove any lint or debris.
  • If tension issues persist, the tension mechanism may need adjustment or repair; consult a qualified technician.

7. Fabric Puckering

Description of the problem: Fabric gathers or puckers unnaturally while sewing.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect stitch length or tension settings, using the wrong needle, or sewing too quickly.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Adjust the stitch length to a shorter setting to reduce fabric puckering.
  • Check and adjust the tension settings to ensure they are appropriate for the fabric being used.
  • Use a needle suitable for the fabric type and weight to prevent excessive fabric distortion.
  • Slow down the sewing speed, especially when working with delicate fabrics prone to puckering.

8. Feed Dog Malfunction

Description of the problem: Fabric does not feed smoothly under the presser foot.

Cause of the problem: Dirty or worn feed dogs, incorrect presser foot pressure, or feed dog height adjustment.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Clean the feed dogs thoroughly to remove any accumulated dirt or debris.
  • Check and adjust the presser foot pressure to ensure it’s appropriate for the fabric being sewn.
  • If possible, adjust the height of the feed dogs according to the machine’s manual.
  • If feed dog issues persist, they may need to be replaced or repaired; consult a professional technician.

9. Bobbin Thread Showing on Top

Description of the problem: Bobbin thread appears on the top side of the fabric.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect bobbin threading, bobbin tension too loose, or upper thread tension too tight.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Re-thread the bobbin, ensuring it’s correctly inserted into the bobbin case and wound evenly.
  • Adjust the tension of the bobbin; increase tension slightly if the thread is too loose.
  • Check and adjust the upper thread tension; decrease tension if it’s too tight.
  • Test sew on a scrap piece of fabric to ensure balanced tension between the upper and lower threads.

10. Needle Threader Malfunction

Description of the problem: Needle threader fails to work properly.

Cause of the problem: Misaligned or damaged needle threader mechanism, or incorrect usage.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Inspect the needle threader mechanism for any visible misalignment or damage; adjust or replace if necessary.
  • Refer to the machine’s manual for proper needle threader usage and ensure correct execution.
  • If the needle threader continues to malfunction, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance.

11. Skipping Stitches

Description of the problem: The machine occasionally skips stitches while sewing.

Cause of the problem: Dull or damaged needle, incorrect needle size or type, or improper thread tension.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Replace the needle with a new, sharp one suitable for the fabric being sewn.
  • Ensure the needle size and type are appropriate for the selected fabric.
  • Check and adjust the thread tension as needed, ensuring balanced tension between the upper and lower threads.
  • Clean the machine and remove any lint or debris that may be obstructing the needle’s path.

12. Noisy Operation

Description of the problem: The sewing machine produces excessive noise during operation.

Cause of the problem: Loose parts, lack of lubrication, or internal mechanical issues.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Tighten any loose screws or bolts on the machine’s exterior.
  • Apply lubricant to the appropriate parts as recommended in the machine’s manual.
  • If the noise persists, internal mechanical issues may be present, requiring inspection and repair by a qualified technician.

13. Bobbin Winding Problems

Description of the problem: Difficulties encountered when winding the bobbin.

Cause of the problem: Improper bobbin winding technique, faulty bobbin winding mechanism, or tangled thread.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Ensure the bobbin is correctly placed on the winding spindle and secured in place.
  • Follow the machine’s manual instructions for bobbin winding, including threading the machine correctly.
  • Inspect the bobbin winding mechanism for any visible damage or obstructions; clean or replace if necessary.
  • Check the thread for any tangles or knots that may hinder the winding process.

14. Foot Pedal Malfunction

Description of the problem: Issues with the foot pedal responsiveness or functionality.

Cause of the problem: Loose connection, damaged wiring, or foot pedal calibration issues.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check the foot pedal connection to the machine, ensuring it’s securely plugged in.
  • Inspect the foot pedal cord and wiring for any signs of damage or wear; replace if necessary.
  • Calibrate the foot pedal according to the machine’s manual instructions, if applicable.
  • If problems persist, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance.

15. Jammed Reverse Stitch Button

Description of the problem: Difficulty in engaging or disengaging the reverse stitch function.

Cause of the problem: Accumulated dirt or debris around the reverse stitch button or mechanical issues.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Clean around the reverse stitch button using a small brush or compressed air to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Apply a small amount of lubricant to the button mechanism if it feels stiff or difficult to press.
  • If the issue persists, there may be internal mechanical issues requiring professional inspection and repair.

16. Fabric Jamming in the Feed Dogs

Description of the problem: Fabric gets stuck or jammed in the feed dogs, preventing smooth sewing.

Cause of the problem: Improper fabric handling, buildup of lint or debris in the feed dogs, or feed dog misalignment.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Ensure the fabric is being fed smoothly under the presser foot without pulling or bunching.
  • Clean the feed dogs thoroughly to remove any accumulated lint or debris that may be causing the jam.
  • Check for any signs of feed dog misalignment and adjust if necessary according to the machine’s manual.
  • Use a quality thread and needle suitable for the fabric being sewn to minimize the risk of fabric jamming.

17. Inconsistent Buttonhole Formation

Description of the problem: Buttonholes vary in size or quality during sewing.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect buttonhole settings, dull or damaged needle, or improper fabric stabilization.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check and adjust the buttonhole settings according to the desired size and fabric type.
  • Replace the needle with a new, sharp one suitable for buttonhole stitching.
  • Ensure the fabric is properly stabilized with interfacing or stabilizer to prevent shifting during buttonhole formation.
  • Test sew buttonholes on a scrap piece of fabric to ensure consistent results before sewing on the actual garment.

18. Irregular Bobbin Tension

Description of the problem: Inconsistent tension in the bobbin thread, resulting in uneven stitches.

Cause of the problem: Improperly adjusted bobbin tension, dirty bobbin case, or incorrect bobbin type.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check and adjust the bobbin tension using the tension screw on the bobbin case.
  • Clean the bobbin case thoroughly to remove any debris or buildup that may be affecting tension.
  • Ensure the bobbin thread is wound evenly and inserted correctly into the bobbin case.
  • Use a bobbin specifically designed for the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

19. Thread Birdnesting Underneath

Description of the problem: Excessive thread buildup or “birdnesting” occurs underneath the fabric.

Cause of the problem: Improper threading, incorrect bobbin insertion, or insufficient tension adjustment.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Re-thread the machine, ensuring the upper thread is correctly threaded through all guides and tension discs.
  • Check the bobbin insertion, ensuring it’s properly seated and spinning in the correct direction.
  • Adjust the tension settings, increasing tension slightly if necessary to prevent excessive thread buildup.
  • Regularly clean the bobbin area and remove any tangled threads or debris that may contribute to birdnesting.

20. Automatic Needle Threader Failure

Description of the problem: The automatic needle threader mechanism fails to thread the needle.

Cause of the problem: Misalignment of the needle and threader, damaged threader mechanism, or improper usage.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Ensure the needle is positioned correctly for the threader to engage properly.
  • Inspect the needle threader mechanism for any visible damage or obstruction; clean or replace if necessary.
  • Refer to the machine’s manual for proper usage instructions and troubleshoot accordingly.
  • If the issue persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance or to arrange for repairs.

21. Needle Thread Breakage

Description of the problem: The needle thread frequently breaks during sewing.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect threading, rough or burr on the needle’s eye, or excessive tension.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Re-thread the machine, ensuring the thread is properly inserted through all guides and tension discs.
  • Inspect the needle’s eye for any rough edges or burrs; replace the needle if necessary.
  • Check the tension settings, adjusting them to a lower tension if the thread is breaking frequently.
  • Use high-quality thread suitable for the fabric being sewn to reduce the risk of breakage.

22. Automatic Thread Cutter Malfunction

Description of the problem: The automatic thread cutter fails to cut the thread after sewing.

Cause of the problem: Dull or damaged blade, thread jamming in the cutter mechanism, or software glitch.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Inspect the thread cutter blade for any signs of wear or damage; replace if necessary.
  • Clean the thread cutter area to remove any lint or debris that may be obstructing the cutting mechanism.
  • Ensure the machine’s software is up-to-date by checking for available updates on the manufacturer’s website.
  • If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance.

23. Thread Looping on the Fabric’s Surface

Description of the problem: Loops of thread appear on the surface of the fabric.

Cause of the problem: Incorrect tension settings, damaged or improperly installed bobbin case, or incorrect bobbin type.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check and adjust the tension settings, ensuring balanced tension between the upper and lower threads.
  • Inspect the bobbin case for any signs of damage or improper installation; replace or reinsert if necessary.
  • Use a bobbin specifically designed for the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E to ensure compatibility.
  • Test sew on a scrap piece of fabric to adjust tension and settings before continuing with your project.

24. Needle Plate Scratching Fabric

Description of the problem: The needle plate causes scratches or marks on the fabric.

Cause of the problem: Burrs or rough edges on the needle plate, incorrect needle plate attachment, or incorrect needle size.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Inspect the needle plate for any signs of damage or rough edges; replace if necessary.
  • Ensure the needle plate is properly attached and secured to the machine.
  • Use the correct needle size and type for the fabric being sewn to prevent unnecessary friction.
  • Test sew on a scrap piece of fabric to ensure the needle plate is not causing any damage before continuing with your project.

25. Thread Tension Release During Sewing

Description of the problem: The thread tension suddenly releases while sewing, resulting in loose stitches.

Cause of the problem: Tension disc issues, incorrect threading, or software malfunction.

Troubleshooting step-by-step:

  • Check the tension discs for any signs of damage or misalignment; adjust or replace if necessary.
  • Re-thread the machine, ensuring the thread is properly seated between the tension discs.
  • Verify that the machine’s software is functioning correctly by performing a test sew with different stitch settings.
  • If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance.

Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions and manual for the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E sewing machine can be found on the manufacturer’s website. Please visit the official website of Husqvarna Viking and navigate to the support or downloads section to access the manual. It contains detailed information on machine setup, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E

1. Why does my thread keep breaking?

Thread breakage can occur due to various reasons, including incorrect threading, improper tension settings, dull or bent needles, or using the wrong thread for the fabric. Refer to the troubleshooting section in the manual for detailed instructions on resolving this issue.

2. How can I fix uneven stitching?

Uneven stitching may result from incorrect tension settings, dirty or worn machine parts, or improper presser foot pressure. Check and adjust the tension settings, clean the machine, and ensure proper presser foot pressure according to the fabric being used.

3. What should I do if my bobbin keeps jamming?

Bobbin jamming can occur due to improperly wound bobbins, incorrect bobbin insertion, or debris in the bobbin area. Try rewinding the bobbin, reinserting it correctly, and cleaning the bobbin area to resolve the issue.

4. How do I prevent needle breakage?

Needle breakage may result from using the wrong needle size or type, sewing through thick layers without proper support, or sewing too fast. Make sure to use the correct needle for the fabric, provide support for thick layers, and adjust the sewing speed accordingly.

5. What should I do if my sewing machine freezes or displays error messages?

If your sewing machine freezes or displays error messages, try powering it off and restarting to reset any temporary glitches. Check for firmware updates on the manufacturer’s website and install them if available. If the problem persists, contact customer service or a service center for further assistance.


In conclusion, it’s important for users of the Husqvarna Viking Platinum 950E sewing machine to always refer to the manual, customer service, or a service center whenever possible if they encounter any problems. These resources provide valuable guidance and support to ensure optimal performance and troubleshooting of the machine.

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