Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Are you experiencing issues with your Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S sewing machine? This article delves into common problems that users may encounter and provides troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, understanding the potential issues and their solutions can enhance your sewing experience with this specific model.

Causes of Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

As a computerized sewing machine, the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S offers advanced functionality and precise stitching. However, this also means that certain issues may arise related to its electronic components and programming. We’ll explore common computerized-related problems and how to address them effectively.

Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

1. Thread Tension Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Uneven or erratic stitching often occurs due to incorrect thread tension settings.
  • Cause of the problem: Improper thread tension settings or debris accumulation in the tension disks.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the machine is properly threaded, with the thread passing through all necessary tension disks and guides.
    2. Check the tension settings on the machine. Adjust as needed according to the fabric and thread being used.
    3. Clean the tension disks and surrounding area to remove any accumulated debris that may be affecting tension.

2. Jamming or Skipping Stitches on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The machine may jam or skip stitches during sewing, resulting in uneven seams.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect needle insertion, blunt or bent needles, or improper bobbin threading.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the needle to ensure it is inserted correctly and is not damaged. Replace if necessary.
    2. Ensure that the bobbin is correctly inserted and threaded according to the machine’s instructions.
    3. Clean the bobbin area and feed dogs to remove any lint or debris that may be causing interference.

3. Fabric Feeding Problems on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The fabric may not feed smoothly through the machine, leading to uneven stitching or fabric bunching.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect presser foot pressure, dirty feed dogs, or incorrect stitch length settings.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Adjust the presser foot pressure according to the thickness and type of fabric being used.
    2. Clean the feed dogs and surrounding area to remove any debris that may be hindering smooth fabric feeding.
    3. Check the stitch length settings and adjust as needed for the desired fabric and sewing technique.

4. Bobbin Winding Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The bobbin may not wind evenly or may become tangled during the winding process.
  • Cause of the problem: Improper bobbin insertion, incorrect bobbin winding tension, or debris in the bobbin area.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin winding mechanism.
    2. Check the bobbin winding tension adjustment and adjust as needed for smooth and even winding.
    3. Clean the bobbin area to remove any lint or debris that may be affecting bobbin winding.

5. Needle Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Needles may break during sewing, causing frustration and potential damage to the machine or fabric.
  • Cause of the problem: Using incorrect needle size or type for the fabric being sewn, bent or damaged needles, or incorrect needle insertion.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the correct needle size and type are being used for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Check the needle for any signs of damage or bending. Replace if necessary.
    3. Double-check the needle insertion to ensure it is securely in place and facing the correct direction.

6. Bobbin Thread Tension Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Inconsistent bobbin thread tension can result in loops or puckering on the underside of the fabric.
  • Cause of the problem: Improper bobbin insertion, dirty bobbin case, or incorrect bobbin tension settings.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check that the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin case and is unwinding in the correct direction.
    2. Clean the bobbin case and surrounding area to remove any lint or debris that may be affecting bobbin thread tension.
    3. Adjust the bobbin tension settings as needed, ensuring it matches the upper thread tension for balanced stitching.

7. Thread Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Threads may break during sewing, disrupting the stitching process and requiring frequent rethreading.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect threading, thread tension too tight, or using low-quality or old thread.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Recheck the threading of both the upper thread and bobbin, ensuring they are correctly threaded through all guides and tension disks.
    2. Adjust the thread tension as needed, ensuring it is neither too tight nor too loose for the fabric being sewn.
    3. Consider using high-quality, fresh thread appropriate for the sewing project to minimize breakage.

8. Stitching Irregularities on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Stitching may appear irregular, with stitches varying in length or tension throughout the seam.
  • Cause of the problem: Mechanical issues, such as worn or damaged machine parts, or incorrect machine settings.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the machine for any visible signs of wear or damage, focusing on critical components like the feed dogs, presser foot, and needle bar.
    2. Ensure that the machine is correctly set up and adjusted according to the fabric type, stitch length, and other parameters.
    3. If mechanical issues are suspected, consult a qualified technician for further diagnosis and repair.

9. Motor Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine motor may exhibit abnormal noises, overheating, or failure to start.
  • Cause of the problem: Motor wear, loose connections, or electrical issues.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check for any visible signs of motor wear, such as burning smells or unusual noises, indicating potential mechanical issues.
    2. Inspect the power cord and connections to ensure they are secure and not damaged.
    3. If the motor continues to malfunction, contact the manufacturer or a certified technician for further diagnosis and repair.

10. Buttonhole Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The buttonhole function may produce inconsistent or poorly formed buttonholes.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect settings, improper positioning of fabric, or mechanical issues with the buttonhole mechanism.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the machine is set to the correct buttonhole stitch and that the fabric is positioned properly under the presser foot.
    2. Check for any obstructions or debris in the buttonhole mechanism and clean as needed.
    3. If the problem persists, try adjusting the stitch length or width settings to improve buttonhole quality.

11. Thread Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Threads may break during sewing, causing interruptions and frustration.
  • Cause of the problem: Tension issues, using old or low-quality thread, or threading the machine incorrectly.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the tension settings on the machine and adjust as needed.
    2. Use high-quality thread appropriate for the fabric and sewing technique.
    3. Ensure that the machine is threaded correctly, with the thread passing through all necessary guides and tension disks.

12. Stitching Irregularities on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Stitching may appear irregular, with uneven stitches or skipped stitches.
  • Cause of the problem: Needle issues, incorrect threading, or problems with the sewing machine’s timing.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the needle to ensure it is the correct size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Re-thread the machine, ensuring that the thread is properly seated in all guides and tension disks.
    3. If stitching irregularities persist, consider consulting a professional to check the machine’s timing.

13. Buttonhole Malfunctions on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine may have difficulty creating buttonholes, resulting in poorly formed or inconsistent buttonholes.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect buttonhole foot attachment, improper machine settings, or debris in the buttonhole mechanism.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the correct buttonhole foot is attached securely to the machine.
    2. Check the machine settings for buttonhole stitching and adjust as needed for the desired buttonhole size and style.
    3. Clean the buttonhole mechanism and surrounding area to remove any debris that may be hindering proper buttonhole formation.

14. Motor Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine’s motor may produce unusual sounds or may fail to operate smoothly.
  • Cause of the problem: Motor malfunction, loose or worn motor belt, or debris in the motor mechanism.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Listen for any unusual sounds coming from the motor and investigate the source.
    2. Check the motor belt for any signs of wear or looseness and replace if necessary.
    3. Clean the motor mechanism to remove any debris that may be affecting its performance.

15. Display and Control Panel Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The display screen or control panel may malfunction, preventing proper operation of the sewing machine.
  • Cause of the problem: Electronic component failure, loose connections, or user error.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check all connections between the display/control panel and the sewing machine for tightness and security.
    2. If the issue persists, consult the user manual for any troubleshooting steps specific to display/control panel problems.
    3. If necessary, contact a qualified technician for further assistance or repair.

16. Thread Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Threads may break frequently during sewing, disrupting the stitching process.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect threading of the machine, using low-quality or old thread, or tension issues.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Re-thread the machine, ensuring the thread is properly seated in all guides and tension disks.
    2. Use high-quality thread suitable for the fabric being sewn, and avoid using old or brittle thread.
    3. Check and adjust the tension settings to ensure they are appropriate for the selected thread and fabric.

17. Sewing Machine Jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine may become jammed, making it difficult to continue sewing.
  • Cause of the problem: Accumulation of lint or debris in the bobbin case or feed dog area, or mechanical issues.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power source.
    2. Remove the bobbin case and clean out any lint or debris that may be causing the jam.
    3. Check the feed dogs for any obstructions and remove them if present.
    4. If the problem persists, consult the user manual for instructions on troubleshooting mechanical issues or seek professional assistance.

18. Uneven Stitch Quality on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Stitches may appear uneven or inconsistent in size and tension.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect threading, tension issues, or worn-out machine parts.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the machine’s threading, ensuring that the thread is correctly passed through all guides and tension disks.
    2. Adjust the tension settings as needed to achieve balanced stitching.
    3. If the issue persists, inspect the machine for any worn-out parts, such as needles, presser feet, or feed dogs, and replace them if necessary.

19. Motor Noise or Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine’s motor may produce unusual noises or fail to operate smoothly.
  • Cause of the problem: Motor issues, such as overheating, loose components, or worn-out motor brushes.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Turn off the machine and allow the motor to cool down if it has been running for an extended period.
    2. Check for any loose components in the motor assembly and tighten them if necessary.
    3. If the problem persists, inspect the motor brushes for wear and replace them if needed.
    4. If the issue continues, consult a qualified technician for further diagnosis and repair.

20. Needle Threader Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The automatic needle threader may fail to function properly, making it difficult to thread the needle.
  • Cause of the problem: Misalignment of the needle threader mechanism, dirt or debris obstructing the threader, or mechanical issues.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Carefully inspect the needle threader mechanism for any misalignment or damage. Adjust or realign if necessary.
    2. Clean the needle threader area to remove any dirt or debris that may be obstructing its function.
    3. If the problem persists, refer to the user manual for instructions on troubleshooting the needle threader or seek professional assistance.

21. Thread Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: Threads may frequently break during sewing, causing interruptions and frustration.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect thread tension, using low-quality or old thread, or a rough needle or needle plate.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the thread tension according to the machine’s specifications and the type of fabric being used.
    2. Use high-quality, fresh thread suitable for the sewing project.
    3. Inspect the needle and needle plate for any rough edges or damage that may be causing thread breakage. Replace if necessary.

22. Buttonhole Malfunctions on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The machine may struggle to create consistent and properly sized buttonholes.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect buttonhole foot attachment, improper machine settings, or debris accumulation in the buttonhole mechanism.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the correct buttonhole foot is attached securely to the machine.
    2. Check and adjust the machine’s settings for buttonhole stitching, including stitch length and width.
    3. Clean the buttonhole mechanism and surrounding area to remove any debris that may be affecting the buttonhole formation.

23. Bobbin Case Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The bobbin case may become loose or improperly seated, leading to sewing difficulties.
  • Cause of the problem: Incorrect insertion of the bobbin case, worn-out bobbin case, or debris accumulation in the bobbin case area.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove and reinsert the bobbin case according to the machine’s instructions, ensuring it is securely seated.
    2. Inspect the bobbin case for any signs of wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
    3. Clean the bobbin case area thoroughly to remove any lint or debris that may be hindering proper bobbin case function.

24. Motor Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The machine’s motor may malfunction, resulting in erratic sewing or failure to operate.
  • Cause of the problem: Motor overheating, loose motor belt, or electrical issues within the motor mechanism.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Allow the motor to cool down if it has been running for an extended period. Avoid excessive use that may lead to overheating.
    2. Check the motor belt for tightness and proper alignment. Adjust or replace if necessary.
    3. If motor issues persist, consult a qualified technician to inspect and repair any electrical components within the motor.

25. Stitch Selection Problems on the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S

  • Description of the problem: The machine may not switch between different stitch selections smoothly or accurately.
  • Cause of the problem: Faulty stitch selection mechanism, incorrect machine settings, or software glitches in computerized models.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the stitch selection dial or buttons are functioning properly and are not obstructed by debris.
    2. Check and adjust the machine’s settings to ensure they correspond correctly with the desired stitch selection.
    3. If using a computerized model, perform a reset or update according to the manufacturer’s instructions to address any software issues.

Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions for the Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S can be found on the manufacturer’s website. Please refer to the official manual for detailed guidance on using and maintaining your sewing machine.


It is advisable to always refer to the manual, customer service, or service center whenever possible if there is a problem with your Husqvarna Viking Prisma 990S sewing machine. Proper guidance and support can help address issues effectively and ensure optimal performance.

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