Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Having trouble with your Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 sewing machine? You’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll explore common issues that users encounter with this specific model and provide troubleshooting tips to help you get back to sewing smoothly.

Causes of Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

This section serves as an introduction to the various issues you might face with your Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 sewing machine. We’ll delve into specific product details and address common computerized problems that users may encounter.

Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

Stitch Skipping on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

  • Description of the problem: Stitch skipping occurs when the sewing machine fails to create stitches consistently, resulting in gaps in the fabric.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by incorrect needle threading, a dull or bent needle, or incorrect tension settings.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Re-thread the needle and bobbin, ensuring proper threading.
    2. Check the needle for any signs of damage or wear and replace if necessary.
    3. Adjust the tension settings according to the fabric being used and the desired stitch.

Bobbin Jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

  • Description of the problem: Bobbin jamming occurs when the thread gets tangled or stuck in the bobbin area, preventing smooth stitching.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may arise due to improper bobbin insertion, thread tension issues, or a dirty bobbin case.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the bobbin and re-insert it, ensuring it’s correctly seated and the thread is feeding smoothly.
    2. Check the bobbin tension and adjust if necessary.
    3. Clean the bobbin case and surrounding area to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the jam.

Uneven Stitching on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

  • Description of the problem: Uneven stitching results in inconsistent stitch lengths or tension across the fabric.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by incorrect tension settings, a worn-out presser foot, or uneven fabric feeding.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the tension settings according to the fabric and thread being used.
    2. Inspect the presser foot for any signs of wear and replace if necessary.
    3. Ensure the fabric is properly aligned and feeding evenly through the machine.

Thread Breaking on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

  • Description of the problem: Thread breaking occurs when the thread snaps during sewing, disrupting the stitching process.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by improper tension settings, a blunt or incorrectly sized needle, or thread quality.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the tension settings to ensure they’re appropriate for the fabric and thread being used.
    2. Replace the needle with a new, correctly sized one and ensure it’s inserted properly.
    3. Use high-quality thread suitable for the selected fabric and adjust the thread tension as needed.

Machine Freezing or Error Messages on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine freezes or displays error messages during operation, halting the sewing process.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue can be caused by software glitches, sensor malfunctions, or incorrect settings.
  • Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Restart the sewing machine to see if the issue resolves itself.
    2. Check for any error messages or indicators on the display panel and refer to the user manual for troubleshooting guidance.
    3. Ensure all settings are correctly configured and compatible with the selected stitch and fabric.

1. Bobbin Jamming – Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

Problem Description: The bobbin keeps jamming while sewing on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect threading of the bobbin or upper thread tension too tight can lead to bobbin jams.


  • Remove the bobbin case and clean out any lint or debris.
  • Re-thread the bobbin following the machine’s manual instructions carefully.
  • Check the upper thread tension and adjust it if necessary.

2. Needle Breakage – Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

Problem Description: Needles on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 keep breaking during sewing.

Cause of the Problem: Using the wrong type or size of needle, or sewing over thick fabrics without adjusting the needle position.


  • Ensure you are using the correct needle type and size recommended for your fabric.
  • Replace the needle if it’s dull or bent.
  • Adjust the needle position if sewing over multiple layers of thick fabric.

3. Uneven Stitching – Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

Problem Description: The stitches produced by the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 are uneven or inconsistent.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect tension settings, bent or damaged needle, or improperly inserted bobbin.


  • Check the tension settings for both the upper and bobbin threads and adjust as needed.
  • Replace the needle if it’s bent or damaged.
  • Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly and the thread is properly wound.

4. Machine Not Powering On – Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

Problem Description: The Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 does not power on when the foot pedal is pressed.

Cause of the Problem: Loose power cord connection, faulty foot pedal, or issues with the power switch.


  • Check that the power cord is securely plugged into both the machine and the power outlet.
  • Test the foot pedal on a different machine or outlet to determine if it’s the source of the issue.
  • If the power switch is the problem, consult a technician for repair or replacement.

5. Thread Tension Issues – Husqvarna Viking Rose 605

Problem Description: The thread tension on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is inconsistent, leading to loose or tight stitches.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect threading, dirty machine components, or worn tension discs.


  • Thoroughly clean the tension discs and the surrounding area of any lint or debris.
  • Re-thread the machine, ensuring the thread is properly guided through all the tension points.
  • If the issue persists, consider replacing worn tension discs or seeking professional maintenance.

1. Thread Tension Issues

Problem: The thread tension on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is inconsistent, resulting in loose or tight stitches.

Cause: Incorrect threading, damaged tension discs, or a dirty machine can cause thread tension issues.


  • Re-thread the machine, ensuring the thread passes through all necessary guides and tension discs properly.
  • Clean the tension discs and surrounding areas to remove any debris or lint that may be affecting tension.
  • Check the tension settings and adjust as needed, consulting the user manual for guidance.

2. Bobbin Winding Problems

Problem: The bobbin winding function on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is not working correctly.

Cause: Improper placement of the bobbin, issues with the bobbin winding mechanism, or a malfunctioning bobbin winding motor can lead to problems with bobbin winding.


  • Ensure the bobbin is placed correctly on the winding spindle and that the thread is properly secured.
  • Check for any obstructions or damage to the bobbin winding mechanism and repair or replace as necessary.
  • If the motor is not functioning, consult a technician for repair or replacement.

3. Needle Breakage

Problem: Needles on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 are frequently breaking during sewing.

Cause: Using incorrect needle size or type, sewing over thick seams or pins, or a bent needle can lead to needle breakage.


  • Ensure the needle is the correct size and type for the fabric being used.
  • Avoid sewing over thick seams or pins, as this can put excessive strain on the needle.
  • Inspect the needle for any signs of bending or damage and replace if necessary.

4. Stitch Skips

Problem: The Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is skipping stitches during sewing.

Cause: Incorrect needle threading, tension issues, or a dull or damaged needle can cause stitches to skip.


  • Check the needle threading to ensure it is done correctly, following the threading guide provided by the manufacturer.
  • Adjust the tension settings to achieve the proper balance between the upper and lower threads.
  • If the needle is dull or damaged, replace it with a new one.

5. Jammed Bobbin Case

Problem: The bobbin case of the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is jammed, preventing smooth sewing.

Cause: Build-up of lint or debris in the bobbin area, incorrectly inserted bobbin, or a damaged bobbin case can cause jamming.


  • Clean the bobbin area thoroughly, removing any lint or debris that may be causing the jam.
  • Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin case, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • If the bobbin case is damaged, replace it with a new one to prevent further issues.

6. Uneven Stitching

Problem: The stitches produced by the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 are uneven in length or tension.

Cause: Incorrect presser foot pressure, uneven fabric feeding, or a damaged feed dog can result in uneven stitching.


  • Adjust the presser foot pressure according to the fabric being used, ensuring it provides adequate pressure for smooth stitching.
  • Check the feed dogs for any signs of damage or obstruction and clean them thoroughly.
  • If fabric feeding is uneven, try using a walking foot attachment to ensure consistent fabric movement.

7. Thread Breakage

Problem: Threads on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 are frequently breaking during sewing.

Cause: Using low-quality or old thread, incorrect threading, or tension issues can lead to thread breakage.


  • Use high-quality thread suitable for the fabric being sewn, and ensure it is not old or brittle.
  • Check the threading of the machine, making sure the thread is properly seated in all guides and tension discs.
  • Adjust the tension settings to ensure they are appropriate for the thread being used.

8. Jammed Needle Plate

Problem: The needle plate of the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is jammed, hindering smooth fabric movement.

Cause: Accumulation of debris or broken needles beneath the needle plate, improper installation, or a damaged needle plate can cause jamming.


  • Remove the needle plate and clean any debris or broken needles from beneath it.
  • Ensure the needle plate is installed correctly, with no gaps or misalignments that could hinder fabric movement.
  • If the needle plate is damaged, replace it with a new one to prevent further issues.

9. Bobbin Thread Showing on Top

Problem: The bobbin thread of the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is visible on the top side of the fabric.

Cause: Incorrect bobbin tension, improper threading, or a dirty bobbin area can cause the bobbin thread to show on the top of the fabric.


  • Adjust the bobbin tension by turning the tension screw slightly clockwise to increase tension or counterclockwise to decrease tension.
  • Re-thread the bobbin, ensuring the thread is properly inserted into the tension spring and wound evenly.
  • Clean the bobbin area thoroughly to remove any lint or debris that may be affecting bobbin tension.

10. Stitching Misalignment

Problem: The stitches produced by the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 are not aligned properly, resulting in skewed seams.

Cause: Improper needle position, incorrect stitch settings, or a malfunctioning feed mechanism can cause stitching misalignment.


  • Check the needle position and adjust it if necessary to ensure it is centered and straight.
  • Verify the stitch settings, ensuring the correct stitch type and length are selected for the desired seam.
  • If the feed mechanism is malfunctioning, consult a technician for repair or adjustment.

6. Uneven Feed Dog Movement

Problem: The feed dogs on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 are not moving evenly, causing fabric to feed inconsistently.

Cause: Dirt or lint buildup in the feed dog mechanism, misalignment of the feed dogs, or a worn feed dog mechanism can lead to uneven movement.


  • Thoroughly clean the feed dog area to remove any accumulated debris.
  • Check for any misalignment of the feed dogs and adjust as necessary.
  • If the feed dog mechanism is worn, consider replacing it with a new one.

7. Bobbin Thread Jamming

Problem: The bobbin thread of the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is frequently jamming, causing sewing disruptions.

Cause: Improperly wound bobbin, incorrect bobbin tension, or debris in the bobbin case can lead to thread jamming.


  • Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly and correctly, following the machine’s instructions.
  • Adjust the bobbin tension if necessary to achieve proper tension.
  • Thoroughly clean the bobbin case area to remove any lint or debris that may be causing the jam.

8. Needle Threader Malfunction

Problem: The needle threader function of the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is not working properly.

Cause: Misalignment of the needle threader, damage to the threader mechanism, or improper usage can cause the needle threader to malfunction.


  • Check for any misalignment of the needle threader and adjust if necessary.
  • Inspect the threader mechanism for any signs of damage and repair or replace as needed.
  • Review the user manual to ensure proper usage of the needle threader.

9. Stitch Length Variation

Problem: The stitch length on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is inconsistent, resulting in variations in stitch length.

Cause: Incorrect stitch length setting, mechanical issues with the stitch length regulator, or improper machine maintenance can cause stitch length variation.


  • Check and adjust the stitch length setting to the desired length.
  • Inspect the stitch length regulator for any mechanical issues and address them accordingly.
  • Regularly clean and lubricate the machine as per the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper functionality.

10. Buttonhole Function Failure

Problem: The buttonhole function of the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is not working correctly, producing inconsistent or flawed buttonholes.

Cause: Improper machine setup for buttonhole stitching, mechanical issues with the buttonhole mechanism, or incorrect buttonhole foot attachment can lead to buttonhole function failure.


  • Review the machine’s instruction manual to ensure correct setup and operation of the buttonhole function.
  • Inspect the buttonhole mechanism for any signs of damage or obstruction and address as needed.
  • Verify that the correct buttonhole foot is attached securely to the machine.

Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 Sewing Machine Manual

For detailed operating instructions for your Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 sewing machine, please visit the manufacturer’s website where you can find the official manual.

Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I adjust the thread tension on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605?

To adjust the thread tension on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605, refer to the instruction manual for detailed steps. Typically, you can adjust the tension using the tension dial or digital settings on the machine.

2. What should I do if my Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is skipping stitches?

If your Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is skipping stitches, first check the needle threading and tension settings. Ensure the needle is inserted correctly and not damaged. If the issue persists, consider changing the needle or adjusting the tension.

3. Can I use different types of needles with the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605?

Yes, the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 is compatible with various types and sizes of needles. Refer to the instruction manual for recommendations on needle types based on the fabric you’re sewing.

4. Why is my bobbin winding not working on the Husqvarna Viking Rose 605?

If the bobbin winding function is not working properly, ensure the bobbin is correctly placed on the winding spindle and the thread is properly secured. Check for any obstructions in the bobbin winding mechanism and consult the manual for troubleshooting steps.

5. How do I clean and maintain my Husqvarna Viking Rose 605?

To clean and maintain your Husqvarna Viking Rose 605, regularly remove lint and debris from the bobbin area and feed dogs. Oil the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions and keep it covered when not in use to prevent dust buildup.


For any issues with your Husqvarna Viking Rose 605 sewing machine, it’s always advisable to refer to the manual, contact customer service, or visit a service center for assistance. Proper maintenance and following the manufacturer’s guidelines can help ensure smooth sewing experiences.

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