SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Tension Problems

The SINGER M1505 sewing machine is a dependable model, however tension problems may sometimes arise. To make certain your sewing project turns out the way you desire, there are a variety of things to keep in mind; these include correctly threading the machine, using the correct needle size for your fabric and inserting the bobbin properly. Additionally, it’s important to remember to clean your SINGER M1505 on a regular basis.

Even if you have attempted all the above-mentioned solutions and still notice discrepancies in stitching due to different thread weights, it is essential to adjust tension as a last resort. By taking this measure, you will soon observe symmetrical stitches on both sides of your material.

What are SINGER M1505 sewing machine tension issues?

Thread tension is the amount of thread pulled through a sewing machine to form stitches. When using a sewing machine, it is important to ensure an optimal balance between the top and bobbin threads in order to achieve correctly formed stitches. If you experience looping threads, bird nesting or snapped threads when sewing, then it’s likely that there is an issue with your thread tension.

To fix this problem, you will have to go through a step-by-step checklist in order to get back on track and sew perfect stitches with your SINGER M1505 sewing machine.

How to Fix SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Tension Issues. The SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Tension Issues Troubleshooting Checklist

Experiencing difficulty with thread tension on your trusty SINGER M1505 sewing machine? Give this step-by-step troubleshooting guide a try to get back up and running in no time. Solution for resetting tensions: To fix tension issues, go through the following checklist:

How to Improve Your Sewing Results with the SINGER M1505 Machine: Changing Your Needle

If you’re having trouble tension with your SINGER M1505 sewing machine, one of the easiest ways to improve is to switch up your needle. Using a needle that’s tailored for each project will help ensure high-quality seams. Additionally, replacing the needle every 6-8 hours of sewing will make a big difference in how satisfactory the finished product turns out. This small but important step can elevate the look and feel of any garment you create.

Ensuring the Accuracy of Your SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Threading

Ensure that your SINGER M1505 sewing machine is threaded up properly. Even if you have gone through the process already, double-check for precision and accuracy to avoid any tension issues. Using robust threads of high quality will provide better results and help reduce the risk of disruption along its paths – so don’t forget to inspect it one more time! Doing this extra step will save you from much frustration in future projects.

Ensuring Consistent Tension with Matching Threads

For the best tension results in your SINGER M1505 sewing machine and achieve consistent tension, it is essential to use identical threads on both the top and bottom of this device. If there are any disparities in fiber content or size between these two sets of thread, then desired tensions may be disrupted. To guarantee optimal performance all around, make sure you have matching threads throughout – because no one likes a half-done job!

Maintaining Your SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine: Cleaning and Servicing

To keep your SINGER M1505 sewing machine at optimal performance, it is important to regularly clean the bobbin compartment and arrange for authorized service. The manufacturer’s manual can provide further details about how to maintain your device, or you may book an appointment with a certified SINGER technician who can take all necessary steps in ensuring perfect stitching results by preventing dust buildup from causing tension problems.

Adjusting SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Thread Tension when Issue upper thread too loose or bobbin too tight

If you find that your upper thread is too loose or the bobbin thread appears excessively tight, then all it takes to correct this is a simple adjustment of the tension dial. Increase the number until both threads are evenly balanced in terms of tension for optimal performance and results.

Adjusting SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Upper Thread and Bobbin Tension when Issue upper thread too tight or bobbin too loose

If you’re having difficulty getting the balance of upper and bobbin thread tension just right, lower your tension dial until both threads are even. 

By adhering to this checklist, you’ll be able to achieve perfectly stitched fabric with ideal tension in no time.

How to adjust the upper thread tension on the sewing machine SINGER M1505

To dial-in the best upper thread tension, start with a basic setting of “4”. If you are sewing straight stitches and find that your threads appear too loose, just increase the number. On the other hand, if they seem overly tight while sewing decorative stitches such as zigzag patterns, reduce it by turning to a lower number. For the ideal result, you should only be able to spot a minimal amount of upper thread on the underside of your fabric; this means that tension is perfectly balanced!


Why SINGER M1505 Sewing Machine Needle thread showing on the underside

The SINGER M1505 needle thread can sometimes appear on the underside of the fabric if the bobbin thread tension is too tight. To fix this, you need to increase the tension dial to a higher number so that the needle thread won’t be pulled too much. This will help create even stitches and prevent needle thread from appearing on the wrong side. In other words, make sure your SINGER M1505 tension settings are correct for smooth sewing results.

What Tension Should I Use For Thick Fabric?

For thicker fabrics, a tension of 4 or 5 should be the perfect fit. However, bulkier and elastic materials like fleece might need a slightly weaker tension to prevent fabric displacement while sewing; in this case, 3 is ideal.


The SINGER M1505 sewing machine is a great tool for taking your fabric projects to the next level. However, if you want your stitches and tension to be just right, it’s important to take time and patience while setting up the device correctly. It’s also beneficial to understand the science behind thread tension so that you can adjust it accordingly depending on the type of fabrics or stitch pattern used.

By following this guide and adjusting the tension dial as needed, you should be able to make sure that any project sewn with your SINGER M1505 runs smoothly! Happy Sewing!

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