BERNETTE Sewing machine breaking needles

Sewing machines are a valuable tool for anyone who loves to sew. They provide speed, accuracy, and consistency to your sewing projects. However, there are times when sewing machines can be frustrating, especially when they break needles. Bernette sewing machines are no exception.

Needle breakage is a common issue with sewing machines, and it can be caused by various factors. In this article, we will discuss some common problems that cause needle breakage in Bernette sewing machines, the reasons behind them, and the solutions to fix them.

List of the 10 main causes of breaking needles problems for the BERNETTE Sewing Machine

The main causes of breaking needles problems for the Bernette Sewing Machine are:

  1. A damaged or bent needle.
  2. A dull needle.
  3. Using the wrong needle size for the fabric being sewn.
  4. Using the wrong needle and thread combination.
  5. Incorrect machine settings, such as stitch length and width.
  6. Incorrect thread tension.
  7. Fabric being pulled too tightly while sewing.
  8. Needle not seated correctly or inserted at the wrong angle.
  9. Debris or thread caught in the bobbin case.
  10. Using the wrong presser foot.

By addressing these issues and taking steps to prevent them, you can ensure that your Bernette sewing machine operates smoothly and efficiently without any needle breakage problems.

Common Problems Causing A Needle Break in Sewing Machine BERNETTE

The needle on sewing machine BERNETTE is damaged, bent

The most common cause of needle breakage is a damaged or bent needle. Needles are designed to penetrate fabric and make a hole for the thread to pass through. A bent or damaged needle cannot do this effectively and may break while sewing. This can happen if the needle hits a pin, gets caught on fabric, or if the needle is not inserted correctly.

Reason: A bent or damaged needle can be caused by improper insertion or by hitting a pin while sewing.

Solution: Replace the needle with a new one. Be sure to insert the needle correctly, with the flat side facing towards the back of the machine. Use a needle that is suitable for the fabric you are working with.

The needle on sewing machine BERNETTE is Dull

Another common cause of needle breakage is a dull needle. A dull needle cannot penetrate fabric as easily as a sharp needle, which can lead to needle breakage. Needles can become dull after being used for a long time, or if they hit a hard surface.

Reason: A dull needle can be caused by using the same needle for too long, or by hitting a hard surface while sewing.

Solution: Replace the needle with a new one. Use a needle that is suitable for the fabric you are working with.

How to check the needle on a BERNETTE sewing machine

To check if your Bernette sewing machine needle is damaged or dull, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Remove the needle from the machine.
  • Step 2: Look at the tip of the needle. If it is bent or damaged, replace it with a new one.
  • Step 3: Run your finger over the point of the needle. If it feels dull, replace it with a new one.

Incorrect BERNETTE needle size for fabric

Using the wrong needle size for your fabric can cause needle breakage. Needles come in different sizes, and each size is designed for a specific type of fabric. Using the wrong needle size can cause the needle to break or damage the fabric.

Reason: Using the wrong needle size for the fabric can cause needle breakage.

Solution: Choose a needle size that is suitable for the fabric you are working with. Use a smaller needle for thinner fabrics and a larger needle for thicker fabrics.

BERNETTE Needle and thread combinations

Using the wrong needle and thread combination can also cause needle breakage. Different types of thread require different types of needles. For example, using a heavy-duty thread with a regular needle can cause the needle to break.

Reason: Using the wrong needle and thread combination can cause needle breakage.

Solution: Use a needle and thread combination that is suitable for the fabric you are working with. Check the thread manufacturer’s recommendations for needle size and type.

Wrong BERNETTE sewing machine thread tension

Incorrect thread tension can cause needle breakage. If the thread tension is too tight, the needle can break. If the thread tension is too loose, the thread can break.

Reason: Incorrect thread tension can cause needle breakage.

Solution: Check the thread tension and adjust it if necessary. Refer to your sewing machine manual for instructions on how to adjust the thread tension on your Bernette sewing machine. Make sure that the thread is threaded correctly through the tension disks and that there are no knots or tangles in the thread.

The wrong BERNETTE sewing machine presser foot is attached

Using the wrong presser foot on your Bernette sewing machine can also cause needle breakage. Different types of presser feet are designed for different types of stitches and fabrics. Using the wrong presser foot can cause the needle to break or damage the fabric.

Reason: Using the wrong presser foot can cause needle breakage.

Solution: Use the correct presser foot for the stitch and fabric you are working with. Refer to your sewing machine manual for information on which presser foot to use.

Other Common Causes of Needle Breakage on a Bernette Sewing Machine

In addition to the problems mentioned above, there are a few other issues that may arise with the needle on a Bernette sewing machine:

Needle not seated correctly

If the needle is not inserted correctly into the needle bar, it can cause needle breakage. Make sure that the flat side of the needle is facing the back of the machine and that it is inserted all the way up into the needle bar.

Improper needle insertion

If the needle is not inserted all the way into the needle bar or if it is inserted at the wrong angle, it can cause the needle to break. Make sure that the needle is inserted straight up into the needle bar and that it is fully seated.

Fabric pulled too tightly

If you are pulling the fabric too tightly while sewing, it can cause the needle to break. Make sure that you are not pulling the fabric too tightly as you sew.

Bobbin case issues

If the bobbin case is not properly seated or if there is debris or thread caught in the bobbin case, it can cause the needle to break. Make sure that the bobbin case is inserted correctly and that it is clean and free from debris.

Incorrect machine settings

Using the wrong machine settings, such as incorrect stitch length or width, can cause the needle to break. Make sure that you have selected the correct machine settings for the stitch you are using.

By addressing these issues, you can prevent needle breakage on your Bernette sewing machine and ensure a smooth and efficient sewing experience.

10 Common Problems with BERNETTE Sewing Machines

In addition to the common problems listed above, BERNETTE sewing machines can also experience the following issues:

  1. Stitch Problems
  2. Sewing Machine Parts Problems
  3. Upper thread breaking
  4. Bobbin winding problems
  5. Bobbin thread problems
  6. Bobbin holder problems
  7. Bobbin tension problems
  8. Sewing Machine Keep Jamming
  9. Tension problems
  10. Sewing machine not feeding fabric


What size needles should I use with my Bernette sewing machine?

The recommended needle size will vary depending on the fabric you are using. Consult your machine’s manual for recommended needle sizes for different fabrics.

Can I use universal needles with my Bernette sewing machine?

Yes, universal needles are a good choice for general sewing on most fabrics.

How often should I change my needle on my Bernette sewing machine?

It is recommended to change the needle after every 8-10 hours of sewing or after completing a project.

Can a damaged needle cause problems with my Bernette sewing machine?

Yes, a damaged or bent needle can cause problems with stitching and can even damage the machine.

How do I know if my needle is dull?

You may notice skipped stitches or the fabric bunching up while sewing. Inspect the needle for any burrs or other signs of wear.

What is the correct way to insert a needle into a Bernette sewing machine?

Insert the needle with the flat side facing the back of the machine and push it up all the way into the needle bar.

Can I use different types of needles on my Bernette sewing machine?

Yes, there are many types of needles available for different types of fabrics and stitches. Refer to your machine’s manual for recommendations.

What thread should I use with my Bernette sewing machine needles?

The recommended thread will vary depending on the fabric and needle you are using. Consult your machine’s manual for recommendations.

Can using the wrong thread tension cause problems with my Bernette sewing machine needles?

Yes, incorrect thread tension can cause stitching problems and even break needles.

How can I prevent needle breakage on my Bernette sewing machine?

Use the correct needle size and type for the fabric you are using, check the needle regularly for wear, and make sure the thread tension and machine settings are correct for the stitch you are using.

Conclusion. BERNETTE Sewing machine breaking needles

In conclusion, there are several common problems that can cause needle breakage in Bernette sewing machines. These include a damaged or dull needle, incorrect needle size for the fabric, using the wrong needle and thread combination, incorrect thread tension, and using the wrong presser foot.

By understanding the causes of these problems and following the solutions provided, you can reduce the risk of needle breakage and enjoy a more efficient and frustration-free sewing experience. Always refer to your Bernette sewing machine manual for specific instructions and recommendations for your machine.

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