Husqvarna Viking 3500 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Are you experiencing issues with your Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine? Fear not, as we’re here to help you troubleshoot common problems you might encounter while using this model. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seamstress, understanding the potential issues and how to resolve them can ensure smooth sewing experiences. Let’s delve into the possible challenges and solutions specific to the Husqvarna Viking 3500.

Causes of Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking 3500

1. Thread Breakage

  • Description of the problem: Thread breakage occurs frequently during sewing with the Husqvarna Viking 3500.
    Cause of the problem:
    This issue can arise due to several factors, including incorrect threading, using low-quality or old thread, or tension imbalances.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. First, rethread the machine following the correct threading path as per the machine’s manual.
    2. Ensure that you’re using high-quality, appropriate weight thread suitable for the Husqvarna Viking 3500.
    3. Check and adjust the tension settings according to the fabric and thread being used.
    4. Clean the machine, particularly around the tension discs and bobbin area, to remove any lint or debris that may be causing interference.

2. Uneven Stitching

  • Description of the problem: Stitching produced by the Husqvarna Viking 3500 appears uneven, with some stitches tighter or looser than others.
    Cause of the problem:
    Uneven stitching can result from incorrect threading, improper tension settings, or a damaged needle.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the threading of the machine, ensuring it follows the correct path and is securely in place.
    2. Adjust the tension settings, starting from the default setting and making small increments until the stitching appears even.
    3. Inspect the needle for any signs of damage or dullness and replace it if necessary.
    4. Test the machine on a scrap fabric to ensure the issue has been resolved.

3. Bobbin Jamming

  • Description of the problem: The bobbin of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 gets jammed frequently, disrupting sewing operations.
    Cause of the problem:
    Bobbin jamming can occur due to incorrect bobbin insertion, debris accumulation in the bobbin case, or a damaged bobbin case.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the bobbin and reinsert it following the machine’s manual instructions.
    2. Thoroughly clean the bobbin case area, removing any lint, dust, or debris that may be causing obstruction.
    3. Inspect the bobbin case for any signs of damage or wear and replace it if necessary.
    4. Ensure that the bobbin is wound evenly and is of the correct size for the machine.

4. Machine Jamming

  • Description of the problem: The Husqvarna Viking 3500 frequently jams or gets stuck during sewing, halting the stitching process.
    Cause of the problem:
    Machine jamming can result from various issues, including tangled threads, debris accumulation in the feed dogs, or a damaged needle plate.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Stop the machine immediately and turn it off to prevent further damage.
    2. Carefully remove the fabric and any tangled threads from the machine.
    3. Inspect the feed dogs, needle plate, and surrounding areas for any debris and clean them thoroughly.
    4. Check the needle for damage or dullness and replace it if necessary.
    5. After clearing any obstructions, test the machine on a scrap fabric to ensure smooth operation.

5. Fabric Feeding Issues

  • Description of the problem: The Husqvarna Viking 3500 struggles to feed the fabric smoothly, resulting in uneven stitching or fabric puckering.
    Cause of the problem:
    Fabric feeding issues can stem from incorrect presser foot pressure, inadequate tension settings, or a misaligned feed dog.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Adjust the presser foot pressure according to the thickness of the fabric being used.
    2. Check and adjust the tension settings to ensure they’re appropriate for the fabric and thread being used.
    3. Inspect the feed dog for any misalignment and adjust it if necessary.
    4. Ensure that the fabric is positioned correctly under the presser foot and that the machine is set to the appropriate stitch length.
    5. If the issue persists, consider using a walking foot attachment to aid in smooth fabric feeding.

6. Needle Breakage

  • Description of the problem: The needle of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 frequently breaks during sewing, causing interruptions and frustration.
    Cause of the problem:
    Needle breakage can occur due to various reasons, including using the wrong needle size or type, sewing through thick layers of fabric, or a misaligned needle.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure you’re using the correct needle size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Avoid sewing through overly thick layers of fabric that may put excessive strain on the needle.
    3. Check the needle for any signs of damage or bending and replace it if necessary.
    4. Realign the needle if it appears to be crooked or off-center.
    5. If the problem persists, consider using a stronger or more suitable needle for the particular sewing project.

7. Tension Disc Malfunction

  • Description of the problem: The tension discs of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 do not adjust properly, leading to inconsistent tension during sewing.
    Cause of the problem:
    Tension disc malfunction can result from issues such as debris accumulation, improper threading, or mechanical faults.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Clean the tension discs thoroughly to remove any lint, dust, or debris that may be hindering their movement.
    2. Double-check the threading of the machine, ensuring it follows the correct path and is securely in place.
    3. Manually adjust the tension discs to see if they respond properly; if not, the machine may require professional servicing.
    4. If the problem persists, consider using an external tension assembly or seeking assistance from a certified technician.

8. Motor Overheating

  • Description of the problem: The motor of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 overheats during prolonged sewing sessions, causing the machine to malfunction.
    Cause of the problem:
    Motor overheating can occur due to excessive usage without breaks, inadequate ventilation around the machine, or mechanical faults within the motor.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Allow the machine to cool down by turning it off and unplugging it for a while before resuming sewing.
    2. Ensure that the machine is placed in a well-ventilated area to prevent overheating.
    3. Check for any obstructions around the motor that may be blocking airflow and remove them if necessary.
    4. If the problem persists, the motor may require servicing or replacement by a qualified technician.

9. Buttonhole Malfunction

  • Description of the problem: The automatic buttonhole feature of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 does not work correctly, resulting in poorly formed buttonholes.
    Cause of the problem:
    Buttonhole malfunction can occur due to incorrect settings, a malfunctioning buttonhole foot, or mechanical issues with the machine.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check the machine settings to ensure the correct buttonhole type and size are selected.
    2. Inspect the buttonhole foot for any signs of damage or obstruction and replace it if necessary.
    3. Ensure that the fabric is stabilized properly and that there are no obstructions around the buttonhole area.
    4. If the problem persists, manually sew buttonholes using the machine’s zigzag stitch function or seek professional assistance.

10. Thread Tangling in Bobbin Case

  • Description of the problem: Threads get tangled within the bobbin case of the Husqvarna Viking 3500, causing sewing difficulties.
    Cause of the problem:
    Thread tangling in the bobbin case can result from improper threading, using low-quality thread, or a misaligned bobbin case.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the bobbin and rethread it following the machine’s manual instructions, ensuring proper tension.
    2. Use high-quality thread suitable for the Husqvarna Viking 3500 to reduce the likelihood of tangling.
    3. Check the bobbin case for any signs of misalignment or damage and adjust or replace it accordingly.
    4. Clean the bobbin case area thoroughly to remove any lint or debris that may be causing tangling.

6. Needle Breakage

  • Description of the problem: The needle of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 breaks frequently during sewing, causing interruptions and frustration.
    Cause of the problem:
    Needle breakage can occur due to various reasons, such as using the wrong needle size or type, sewing through thick layers of fabric, or hitting a foreign object.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that you’re using the correct needle size and type recommended for the fabric you’re sewing.
    2. Check the fabric thickness and consider using a larger needle size if necessary.
    3. Avoid sewing over pins or other foreign objects that could damage the needle.
    4. Inspect the needle plate and feed dogs for any damage that may be causing the needle to break and replace if necessary.
    5. If the problem persists, consult a professional technician for further inspection and adjustments.

7. Excessive Noise

  • Description of the problem: The Husqvarna Viking 3500 produces loud or unusual noises during operation, which can be disruptive and concerning.
    Cause of the problem:
    Excessive noise may indicate issues such as loose parts, insufficient lubrication, or internal mechanical problems.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Stop the machine immediately if you notice unusual noises and investigate the source of the sound.
    2. Check for any loose screws or parts on the machine and tighten them securely.
    3. Ensure that the machine is properly lubricated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    4. If the noise persists, consider consulting a professional technician for further inspection and maintenance.

8. Stitch Skips

  • Description of the problem: The Husqvarna Viking 3500 skips stitches intermittently, resulting in incomplete or uneven seams.
    Cause of the problem:
    Stitch skips can be caused by factors such as improper needle threading, needle dullness, or incorrect needle and thread combination.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Re-thread the needle, ensuring it follows the correct path and is securely threaded.
    2. Inspect the needle for any signs of dullness or damage and replace it with a new one if necessary.
    3. Verify that you’re using the appropriate needle and thread combination for the fabric being sewn.
    4. Check the tension settings and adjust them as needed to prevent stitch skips.
    5. If the issue persists, consider cleaning the bobbin area and feed dogs to ensure smooth stitching.

9. Bobbin Tension Issues

  • Description of the problem: The tension of the bobbin thread on the Husqvarna Viking 3500 is inconsistent, leading to stitching problems.
    Cause of the problem:
    Bobbin tension issues can arise from improper bobbin winding, incorrect bobbin insertion, or a malfunctioning bobbin tension spring.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the bobbin is wound evenly and smoothly, with the thread tension adjusted correctly.
    2. Insert the bobbin into the bobbin case following the machine’s manual instructions, ensuring it rotates smoothly.
    3. Check the bobbin tension spring for any damage or misalignment and adjust or replace it if necessary.
    4. Test the machine on scrap fabric to ensure that the bobbin tension is consistent and stitches properly.
    5. If the issue persists, consider consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

10. Fabric Puckering

  • Description of the problem: The fabric sewn with the Husqvarna Viking 3500 often puckers or gathers, affecting the overall appearance of the stitches.
    Cause of the problem:
    Fabric puckering can occur due to factors such as incorrect tension settings, using the wrong type of needle, or sewing at an incorrect stitch length.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Check and adjust the tension settings, starting with the default setting and making small adjustments until the puckering is minimized.
    2. Ensure that you’re using the appropriate needle type and size for the fabric being sewn.
    3. Adjust the stitch length to a shorter setting to reduce the likelihood of fabric puckering.
    4. Test the machine on scrap fabric to ensure that the stitches appear smooth and the fabric lays flat.
    5. If the problem persists, consider using a stabilizer or interfacing to prevent fabric puckering.

6. Needle Breakage

  • Description of the problem: The needle of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 frequently breaks during sewing sessions.
    Cause of the problem:
    Needle breakage can occur due to various reasons, including using the wrong needle size or type, sewing over thick seams, or a bent needle.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that you’re using the correct needle size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Check for any bent or damaged needles and replace them with new ones.
    3. Adjust the needle position to avoid sewing directly over thick seams or pins.
    4. If sewing over thick layers is necessary, consider using a denim or heavy-duty needle to reduce breakage.
    5. Regularly change the needle to prevent dullness and ensure smooth sewing.

7. Thread Tension Issues

  • Description of the problem: The thread tension on the Husqvarna Viking 3500 seems inconsistent, resulting in loose or tight stitches.
    Cause of the problem:
    Inconsistent thread tension can stem from improper threading, dirty tension discs, or a malfunctioning tension mechanism.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Double-check the threading of the machine, ensuring it follows the correct path and is properly seated in the tension discs.
    2. Clean the tension discs with a soft brush or compressed air to remove any accumulated lint or debris.
    3. Adjust the tension settings gradually, testing on a scrap fabric until the desired tension is achieved.
    4. If the problem persists, consider servicing the tension mechanism or seeking assistance from a professional technician.

8. Jammed Bobbin Winder

  • Description of the problem: The bobbin winder of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 gets stuck or fails to engage properly.
    Cause of the problem:
    A jammed bobbin winder can result from tangled thread, debris accumulation, or a faulty bobbin winding mechanism.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Stop the machine and unplug it from the power source.
    2. Carefully remove the bobbin and any tangled thread from the bobbin winder area.
    3. Inspect the bobbin winding mechanism for any visible debris or obstructions and clean as needed.
    4. Ensure that the bobbin is inserted correctly onto the winder spindle and that the winding tension is adjusted appropriately.
    5. If the issue persists, consult the machine’s manual for further troubleshooting or seek professional assistance.

9. Erratic Stitch Formation

  • Description of the problem: The Husqvarna Viking 3500 produces erratic or irregular stitches, deviating from the selected stitch pattern.
    Cause of the problem:
    Erratic stitch formation can occur due to software glitches, mechanical issues, or improper machine setup.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Reset the machine to its default settings and reselect the desired stitch pattern.
    2. Check for any tangled threads or debris in the bobbin case or feed dog area and clean as needed.
    3. Ensure that the machine is properly calibrated and that all components are securely in place.
    4. If the problem persists, consider updating the machine’s software or contacting customer support for further assistance.

10. Motor Overheating

  • Description of the problem: The motor of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 becomes hot to the touch during extended sewing sessions.
    Cause of the problem:
    Motor overheating can result from prolonged use at high speeds, inadequate ventilation, or a malfunctioning motor.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Allow the machine to cool down by turning it off and unplugging it from the power source.
    2. Avoid extended sewing sessions at high speeds and take breaks to allow the motor to cool.
    3. Ensure that the machine is placed in a well-ventilated area to prevent overheating.
    4. If the motor continues to overheat, consult the machine’s manual for recommended maintenance procedures or seek professional assistance.

11. Skipping Stitches

  • Description of the problem: The Husqvarna Viking 3500 occasionally skips stitches while sewing, resulting in incomplete seams.
    Cause of the problem:
    Skipping stitches can occur due to various factors, including a dull or bent needle, incorrect needle size or type, or improper threading.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Inspect the needle for any signs of damage, such as dullness or bending, and replace it if necessary.
    2. Ensure that you’re using the correct needle size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    3. Check the threading of the machine, making sure it follows the correct path and is properly tensioned.
    4. If the issue persists, try adjusting the tension settings slightly or consulting the machine’s manual for further troubleshooting steps.

12. Bobbin Thread Tangling

  • Description of the problem: The bobbin thread of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 frequently tangles or nests underneath the fabric.
    Cause of the problem:
    Bobbin thread tangling can result from improper bobbin insertion, incorrect tension settings, or using low-quality thread.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Remove the bobbin and reinsert it following the machine’s manual instructions, ensuring it’s wound evenly and inserted correctly.
    2. Check the tension settings for both the upper thread and bobbin thread, adjusting them as needed for balanced tension.
    3. Use high-quality thread suitable for the Husqvarna Viking 3500 and avoid using old or low-quality thread that may cause tangling.
    4. Clean the bobbin case area to remove any lint or debris that may be contributing to the tangling issue.

13. Stitch Length Variation

  • Description of the problem: The stitch length on the Husqvarna Viking 3500 varies inconsistently, resulting in uneven seam lengths.
    Cause of the problem:
    Stitch length variation can occur due to improper machine calibration, incorrect stitch length settings, or mechanical issues.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Reset the machine to its default settings and select the desired stitch length carefully.
    2. Ensure that the machine is properly calibrated and that all components are in good working condition.
    3. Test the machine on a scrap fabric to observe the stitch length and make adjustments as needed.
    4. If the problem persists, consult the machine’s manual for further troubleshooting steps or seek professional assistance.

14. Buttonholing Malfunctions

  • Description of the problem: The buttonholing function of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 malfunctions, producing uneven or incomplete buttonholes.
    Cause of the problem:
    Buttonholing malfunctions can result from incorrect buttonhole foot attachment, improper machine setup, or mechanical issues.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Ensure that the buttonhole foot is attached correctly and securely to the machine.
    2. Refer to the machine’s manual for proper buttonhole setup instructions and adjust settings accordingly.
    3. Test the buttonholing function on scrap fabric to observe the results and make necessary adjustments to stitch length, width, and tension.
    4. If the problem persists, inspect the buttonhole foot and machine components for any visible damage or obstruction and address them accordingly.

15. Feed Dog Issues

  • Description of the problem: The feed dogs of the Husqvarna Viking 3500 fail to move the fabric smoothly, resulting in uneven feeding.
    Cause of the problem:
    Feed dog issues can occur due to dirt or debris accumulation, improper feed dog alignment, or mechanical malfunction.
    Troubleshooting step-by-step:
    1. Thoroughly clean the feed dog area to remove any accumulated lint, dust, or debris that may be obstructing movement.
    2. Check the feed dog alignment and adjust if necessary to ensure smooth fabric feeding.
    3. Test the machine on scrap fabric to observe the feed dog movement and make adjustments as needed.
    4. If the problem persists, consider lubricating the feed dog mechanism or seeking professional assistance for further diagnosis and repair.

Husqvarna Viking 3500 Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions manual for the Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine can be found on the manufacturer’s website. For detailed guidance on using your machine, including setup, operation, and troubleshooting, please refer to the manual available on the official Husqvarna Viking website.

Husqvarna Viking 3500 Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I thread the Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine?

To thread the Husqvarna Viking 3500, follow these steps:

  1. Refer to the threading guide in the machine’s manual for the correct threading path.
  2. Ensure the presser foot is raised.
  3. Insert the thread through the machine’s thread guides, tension discs, and needle, following the numbered sequence indicated in the manual.
  4. Thread the bobbin and insert it into the bobbin case.
  5. Hold the thread tails and turn the handwheel towards you to lower and raise the needle, catching the bobbin thread.

2. What should I do if the stitches on my Husqvarna Viking 3500 are skipping?

If stitches are skipping on the Husqvarna Viking 3500, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure the machine is threaded correctly and the needle is inserted properly.
  2. Check the needle size and type, ensuring it’s suitable for the fabric being used.
  3. Inspect the bobbin and bobbin case for any thread tangles or debris.
  4. Adjust the tension settings, starting with the default setting and making small adjustments as needed.

3. Why is my Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine making a grinding noise?

If your Husqvarna Viking 3500 is making a grinding noise, it could indicate a few potential issues:

  1. Check for tangled thread or debris in the bobbin area, feed dogs, or needle plate.
  2. Inspect the needle for damage or dullness and replace if necessary.
  3. Ensure all moving parts are properly lubricated according to the maintenance instructions in the manual.

4. How do I adjust the tension on the Husqvarna Viking 3500?

To adjust the tension on the Husqvarna Viking 3500, follow these steps:

  1. Refer to the machine’s manual for guidance on accessing and adjusting the tension settings.
  2. Start with the tension set to the default setting and make small adjustments as needed, testing on scrap fabric until the desired tension is achieved.
  3. Remember to adjust both the upper thread tension and the bobbin tension if necessary.

5. How can I clean and maintain my Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine?

To clean and maintain your Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine:

  1. Regularly remove lint and debris from the bobbin area, feed dogs, and needle plate using a small brush or compressed air.
  2. Wipe down the machine’s exterior with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.
  3. Follow the lubrication schedule outlined in the manual to ensure all moving parts are properly lubricated.
  4. Store the machine in a clean, dry place when not in use, and cover it to protect it from dust and sunlight.


For any issues with your Husqvarna Viking 3500 sewing machine, always refer to the manual for guidance on troubleshooting and maintenance. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to contact customer service or visit a certified service center for professional assistance and support.

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