Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Are you facing issues with your Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E sewing machine? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll explore common problems that users encounter with this specific model and provide troubleshooting tips to resolve them.

Whether you’re experiencing issues with the product details or encountering problems with its antique retro features, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the intricacies of the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E and learn how to address its common problems.

Causes of Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

This section serves as an introduction to the various subsections of the article, where we’ll address possible problems and solutions with the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E sewing machine.

Antique Retro

The Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E sewing machine boasts antique retro features that add to its charm. However, these features may sometimes pose challenges for users. In this section, we’ll address common problems related to the machine’s antique retro aspects and provide troubleshooting tips to ensure smooth operation.

Common Problems with Product Details and Features of the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

Thread Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Thread breakage is a common issue where the sewing thread snaps during stitching, causing disruptions in the sewing process.

    Cause of the problem: Thread breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can occur due to various reasons such as improper threading, tension issues, or using low-quality or old thread.

    1. First, ensure that the machine is correctly threaded, following the threading guide provided in the user manual.
    2. Check the tension settings on the machine. Adjust the tension if necessary, ensuring it is suitable for the fabric and thread being used.
    3. Use high-quality, fresh thread appropriate for the sewing project.
    4. Clean the machine and remove any lint or debris that may be causing interference with the thread.

Bobbin Jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Bobbin jamming occurs when the bobbin thread gets tangled or stuck, leading to difficulties in stitching smoothly.

    Cause of the problem: Bobbin jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by improper bobbin insertion, thread tension issues, or a dirty bobbin case.

    1. Remove the bobbin and reinsert it correctly, ensuring it is placed in the bobbin case according to the user manual instructions.
    2. Check the bobbin tension and adjust it if necessary to ensure smooth thread flow.
    3. Clean the bobbin case area, removing any lint or debris that may be causing the jamming.
    4. Ensure the bobbin thread is wound evenly and not tangled before inserting it into the bobbin case.

Needle Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Needle breakage occurs when the sewing machine needle snaps during stitching, causing interruptions in the sewing process.

    Cause of the problem: Needle breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can happen due to using the wrong needle size or type for the fabric, improper needle insertion, or hitting a hard object while sewing.

    1. Ensure you are using the correct needle size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Check the needle insertion to make sure it is properly seated and tightened in the needle clamp.
    3. Inspect the sewing area for any hard objects that the needle may hit while sewing.
    4. Replace the needle if it is dull or bent, as worn-out needles are more likely to break.

Uneven Stitching on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Uneven stitching results in stitches that are not uniform in length or tension, affecting the overall appearance of the seam.

    Cause of the problem: Uneven stitching on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by incorrect tension settings, improper threading, or using the wrong needle size for the fabric.

    1. Check and adjust the tension settings on the machine to ensure they are appropriate for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Re-thread the machine, following the threading guide provided in the user manual.
    3. Use the correct needle size and type for the fabric, as using the wrong needle can cause stitching issues.
    4. Clean the machine and remove any lint or debris that may be affecting the stitching quality.

Machine Skipping Stitches on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Machine skipping stitches refers to instances where the sewing machine fails to form stitches consistently, resulting in gaps in the seam.

    Cause of the problem: Machine skipping stitches on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can occur due to various factors such as a dull or bent needle, improper needle insertion, or incorrect machine settings.

    1. Replace the needle with a new one if it is dull or bent, as worn-out needles can cause skipping stitches.
    2. Ensure the needle is inserted correctly and tightened securely in the needle clamp.
    3. Check the machine settings, including stitch length and tension, and adjust them as needed for the fabric being sewn.
    4. Clean the machine and remove any lint or debris that may be affecting the stitching quality.

Thread Tension Issues on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Thread tension issues manifest as uneven or loopy stitches, with the upper or lower thread appearing too tight or too loose.

    Cause of the problem: Thread tension problems on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can arise from incorrect tension settings, improper threading, or using the wrong thread weight for the fabric.

    1. Check and adjust the upper thread tension dial according to the fabric being sewn.
    2. Ensure the machine is threaded correctly, with the thread passing through all necessary guides and tension discs.
    3. Experiment with different thread weights to find the optimal combination for the fabric and machine settings.
    4. Clean the tension discs and bobbin case area to remove any debris that may be affecting thread tension.

Fabric Jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Fabric jamming occurs when the fabric gets stuck or caught in the feed dogs or under the presser foot, impeding the sewing process.

    Cause of the problem: Fabric jamming on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by using the wrong presser foot, sewing over thick seams or bulky fabric layers, or improper feed dog alignment.

    1. Ensure the correct presser foot is installed for the sewing task at hand.
    2. Use a walking foot or a roller foot attachment when sewing over thick seams or multiple layers of fabric.
    3. Adjust the presser foot pressure if available on the machine to accommodate thicker fabrics.
    4. Check the feed dog alignment and adjust if necessary to prevent fabric jamming.

Noisy Operation of the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Noisy operation refers to unusual or loud sounds emanating from the sewing machine during use, which can indicate mechanical issues.

    Cause of the problem: Noisy operation on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E may be caused by a variety of factors such as loose or worn-out machine parts, lack of lubrication, or foreign objects stuck in the machine.

    1. Inspect the machine for loose screws, bolts, or other parts, and tighten them as needed.
    2. Apply lubricating oil to the appropriate areas of the machine, following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    3. Remove the needle plate and clean out any debris or lint that may be causing the noise.
    4. If the noise persists, consider seeking professional maintenance or repair services.

Buttonholing Difficulties on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Buttonholing difficulties refer to challenges encountered when attempting to sew buttonholes, resulting in uneven or poorly formed buttonholes.

    Cause of the problem: Buttonholing difficulties on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can stem from incorrect machine settings, improper buttonhole foot attachment, or fabric slippage during stitching.

    1. Ensure the machine is set to the appropriate buttonhole stitch and size for the desired buttonhole.
    2. Attach the buttonhole foot securely and align the fabric properly under the foot to prevent slippage.
    3. Test the buttonhole on a scrap piece of fabric before stitching on the actual garment to ensure proper settings and alignment.
    4. If experiencing consistent issues, consider using a stabilizer or interfacing to support the fabric during buttonhole sewing.

Needle Threader Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Needle threader malfunction occurs when the automatic needle threader mechanism fails to properly thread the needle, requiring manual threading.

    Cause of the problem: Needle threader malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by bent or misaligned needle threader components, dirt or debris obstructing the threader, or mechanical issues with the threader mechanism.

    1. Inspect the needle threader components for any signs of damage, bending, or misalignment, and correct as needed.
    2. Clean the needle threader mechanism carefully to remove any dirt, lint, or debris that may be obstructing its function.
    3. Ensure the needle is positioned correctly and at the correct height for the threader to engage properly.
    4. If the issue persists, consider contacting a professional technician for repair or replacement of the needle threader mechanism.

Feed Dog Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Feed dog malfunction occurs when the feed dogs fail to move the fabric smoothly during stitching, resulting in uneven feeding and fabric bunching.

    Cause of the problem: Feed dog malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by dirt or debris obstructing the feed dog mechanism, improper adjustment, or mechanical issues with the feed dog assembly.

    1. Clean the feed dog area thoroughly to remove any dirt, lint, or debris that may be hindering its movement.
    2. Check the feed dog height and adjust it if necessary to ensure proper fabric feeding.
    3. Inspect the feed dog mechanism for any signs of damage or misalignment, and repair or replace as needed.
    4. If the issue persists, consult the sewing machine manual for further troubleshooting steps or contact a professional technician.

Bobbin Winding Difficulties on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Bobbin winding difficulties occur when the sewing machine struggles to wind the bobbin evenly or consistently, leading to uneven thread tension during sewing.

    Cause of the problem: Bobbin winding difficulties on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by improper bobbin placement, tension issues, or a malfunctioning bobbin winding mechanism.

    1. Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin winding mechanism, with the thread properly engaged in the tension disk.
    2. Check the bobbin winding tension and adjust it if necessary to achieve even thread winding.
    3. Clean the bobbin winding area and remove any debris that may be obstructing the winding process.
    4. If the issue persists, consider using a pre-wound bobbin or consult a professional technician for further assistance.

Thread Cutter Not Working on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: The thread cutter feature fails to cut the thread cleanly after sewing, requiring manual cutting with scissors.

    Cause of the problem: Thread cutter malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by dull or misaligned blades, debris obstructing the cutter, or mechanical issues with the cutter mechanism.

    1. Inspect the thread cutter blades for any signs of damage, dullness, or misalignment, and sharpen or realign as needed.
    2. Clean the thread cutter area thoroughly to remove any lint, debris, or thread remnants that may be affecting its operation.
    3. Check for any mechanical obstructions or issues with the thread cutter mechanism, and address them accordingly.
    4. If the problem persists, refrain from using the thread cutter feature and manually cut the thread with scissors until the issue is resolved.

Motor Overheating on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Motor overheating occurs when the sewing machine’s motor becomes excessively hot during extended use, potentially leading to motor damage or malfunction.

    Cause of the problem: Motor overheating on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by prolonged use at high speeds, insufficient ventilation around the motor, or mechanical issues within the motor assembly.

    1. Allow the sewing machine to rest and cool down periodically during extended sewing sessions, especially when operating at high speeds.
    2. Ensure the sewing machine is placed in a well-ventilated area with sufficient airflow around the motor to dissipate heat effectively.
    3. Clean the motor and surrounding areas to remove any dust or debris that may be obstructing airflow and contributing to overheating.
    4. If motor overheating persists, consult a professional technician to inspect and diagnose potential mechanical issues with the motor.

Stitch Selector Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Stitch selector malfunction occurs when the sewing machine fails to switch between different stitch patterns or settings as intended, resulting in limited stitch options or incorrect stitches.

    Cause of the problem: Stitch selector malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by a faulty selector dial, internal mechanism issues, or improper calibration.

    1. Ensure the stitch selector dial is set to the desired stitch pattern or setting, and try rotating it again to see if the selection changes.
    2. Check for any physical obstructions or damage to the stitch selector mechanism, and address or repair as needed.
    3. Calibrate the stitch selector according to the manufacturer’s instructions, if applicable, to ensure accurate stitch selection.
    4. If the problem persists, limit the use of stitch patterns affected by the malfunction and consider seeking professional repair services.

Thread Nesting on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Thread nesting, also known as bird’s nesting or thread looping, occurs when excess thread accumulates beneath the fabric, resulting in tangled or messy stitches on the underside.

    Cause of the problem: Thread nesting on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by incorrect tension settings, improper threading, or issues with the bobbin or bobbin case.

    1. Check the upper thread tension and adjust it if necessary to prevent excess thread from looping underneath the fabric.
    2. Ensure the machine is threaded correctly, with the thread passing through all necessary guides and tension discs.
    3. Inspect the bobbin and bobbin case for any signs of damage or irregularities, and replace or repair as needed.
    4. Clean the machine and remove any lint or debris that may be obstructing the thread path or causing irregular tension.

Skipped Stitches on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Skipped stitches occur when the sewing machine fails to form stitches consistently along the seam, resulting in gaps or uneven stitching.

    Cause of the problem: Skipped stitches on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by a dull or bent needle, improper needle insertion, or issues with the thread tension or feed mechanism.

    1. Replace the needle with a new one if it is dull or bent, as worn-out needles are prone to skipping stitches.
    2. Ensure the needle is inserted correctly and tightened securely in the needle clamp.
    3. Check the upper thread tension and adjust it if necessary to prevent skipped stitches.
    4. Clean and lubricate the feed mechanism to ensure smooth fabric feeding and minimize the risk of skipped stitches.

Jammed Bobbin Case on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: A jammed bobbin case occurs when the bobbin case becomes stuck or difficult to remove from the sewing machine, hindering bobbin access and maintenance.

    Cause of the problem: A jammed bobbin case on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by thread or debris buildup inside the bobbin case area, improper bobbin insertion, or mechanical issues with the bobbin case latch.

    1. Remove the needle plate and carefully clean out any thread or debris from the bobbin case area using a brush or compressed air.
    2. Ensure the bobbin is inserted correctly into the bobbin case, with the thread properly engaged in the tension spring.
    3. Inspect the bobbin case latch for any signs of damage or obstruction, and repair or replace as needed.
    4. If the bobbin case remains jammed, seek professional assistance to avoid damaging the machine further.

Stitch Length Variation on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Stitch length variation refers to inconsistencies in the length of stitches produced by the sewing machine, resulting in uneven seam appearance.

    Cause of the problem: Stitch length variation on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by incorrect machine settings, mechanical issues with the feed mechanism, or improper handling of the fabric during sewing.

    1. Check and adjust the stitch length settings on the machine to ensure uniform stitch length for the desired sewing task.
    2. Inspect the feed mechanism for any signs of damage or irregularities, and lubricate or repair as needed.
    3. Practice consistent fabric handling techniques to minimize variations in stitch length, such as maintaining consistent fabric tension and guiding the fabric evenly through the machine.
    4. If stitch length variation persists, consider using a fabric stabilizer or interfacing to improve stitching consistency.

Bobbin Thread Showing on Top on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Bobbin thread showing on top of the fabric occurs when the bobbin thread is visible on the upper surface of the stitched fabric, detracting from the seam’s appearance.

    Cause of the problem: Bobbin thread showing on top on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by improper tension settings, incorrect threading, or a malfunctioning bobbin tension spring.

    1. Check and adjust the bobbin tension to ensure it matches the upper thread tension for balanced stitching.
    2. Verify that the machine is threaded correctly, with the bobbin inserted and threaded according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    3. Inspect the bobbin tension spring for any signs of damage or irregularities, and repair or replace as needed.
    4. If bobbin thread showing persists, experiment with different thread types or weights to achieve optimal stitching results.

Thread Looping on Top on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Thread looping on top occurs when loops of thread form on the upper side of the fabric during sewing, leading to an unsightly finish.

    Cause of the problem: Thread looping on top on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by incorrect tension settings, improper threading, or a malfunctioning tension disc or bobbin case.

    1. Check and adjust the upper thread tension to ensure it is neither too tight nor too loose for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Verify that the machine is threaded correctly, with the thread passing through all necessary guides and tension discs.
    3. Clean the tension discs and bobbin case area to remove any debris that may be affecting the thread tension.
    4. If the problem persists, inspect the tension disc or bobbin case for damage and repair or replace as necessary.

Thread Spool Slippage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Thread spool slippage occurs when the thread spool unwinds unevenly or slips on the spool pin during sewing, leading to disruptions in stitching.

    Cause of the problem: Thread spool slippage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by a loose or improperly secured spool, worn-out spool pin felt, or excessive tension on the thread.

    1. Ensure the thread spool is securely seated on the spool pin and that the spool cap is tightened properly to prevent slippage.
    2. Replace the spool pin felt if it is worn out or compressed, as a properly functioning felt helps stabilize the thread spool during sewing.
    3. Check the thread tension and adjust it as needed to reduce tension on the thread and minimize slippage.
    4. If the problem persists, consider using a thread net or spool holder to provide additional support and stability for the thread spool.

Foot Pedal Malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Foot pedal malfunction occurs when the sewing machine’s foot pedal fails to respond or operates erratically, affecting speed control during sewing.

    Cause of the problem: Foot pedal malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by a damaged or worn-out foot pedal, loose connections, or electrical issues within the pedal mechanism.

    1. Inspect the foot pedal for any signs of damage, such as frayed wires or broken components, and replace if necessary.
    2. Check the connections between the foot pedal and the sewing machine for any loose or disconnected wires, and secure them properly.
    3. Test the foot pedal on a different outlet or sewing machine to rule out electrical issues with the machine itself.
    4. If the problem persists, consult a professional technician for further diagnosis and repair of the foot pedal mechanism.

Thread Cutter Jam on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Thread cutter jam occurs when the automatic thread cutter mechanism becomes stuck or fails to operate smoothly, hindering thread cutting after sewing.

    Cause of the problem: Thread cutter jam on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by thread buildup or debris obstructing the cutter, mechanical issues with the cutter mechanism, or insufficient lubrication.

    1. Clean the thread cutter area thoroughly to remove any lint, debris, or thread remnants that may be obstructing the cutter’s movement.
    2. Apply lubricating oil to the thread cutter mechanism according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure smooth operation.
    3. Inspect the cutter mechanism for any signs of damage or irregularities, and repair or replace as necessary.
    4. If the thread cutter continues to jam, refrain from using the feature and manually cut the thread with scissors until the issue is resolved.

Fabric Puckering on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E

  • Description: Fabric puckering occurs when the fabric gathers or wrinkles along the seam line during sewing, resulting in an uneven or distorted appearance.

    Cause of the problem: Fabric puckering on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E can be caused by incorrect tension settings, improper handling of the fabric, or using the wrong needle size or type for the fabric.

    1. Check and adjust the upper thread tension to achieve balanced stitching and minimize fabric puckering.
    2. Handle the fabric gently and avoid stretching or pulling it during sewing to prevent distortion along the seam line.
    3. Ensure you are using the correct needle size and type for the fabric being sewn, as using a needle that is too large or too small can cause puckering.
    4. If fabric puckering persists, experiment with different stitch lengths or types to find the optimal setting for your fabric.

Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E Sewing Machine Manual

To access the operating instructions for the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E sewing machine, please visit the manufacturer’s website. You can find the manual in the support or downloads section, where you’ll be able to view or download the complete guide for using your sewing machine.

Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I troubleshoot thread tension issues on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E?

A: To troubleshoot thread tension issues, start by checking and adjusting the upper thread tension dial according to the fabric being sewn. Ensure the machine is threaded correctly, with the thread passing through all necessary guides and tension discs. Experiment with different thread weights to find the optimal combination for the fabric and machine settings. Additionally, clean the tension discs and bobbin case area to remove any debris that may be affecting thread tension.

Q: What should I do if my Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E is experiencing fabric jamming?

A: If you’re experiencing fabric jamming, ensure the correct presser foot is installed for the sewing task at hand. Use a walking foot or a roller foot attachment when sewing over thick seams or multiple layers of fabric. Adjust the presser foot pressure if available on the machine to accommodate thicker fabrics. Lastly, check the feed dog alignment and adjust if necessary to prevent fabric jamming.

Q: How can I address noisy operation of my Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E sewing machine?

A: Noisy operation may indicate loose or worn-out machine parts. Inspect the machine for loose screws, bolts, or other parts, and tighten them as needed. Apply lubricating oil to the appropriate areas of the machine following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Remove the needle plate and clean out any debris or lint that may be causing the noise. If the noise persists, consider seeking professional maintenance or repair services.

Q: What are some troubleshooting steps for buttonholing difficulties on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E?

A: To troubleshoot buttonholing difficulties, ensure the machine is set to the appropriate buttonhole stitch and size for the desired buttonhole. Attach the buttonhole foot securely and align the fabric properly under the foot to prevent slippage. Test the buttonhole on a scrap piece of fabric before stitching on the actual garment to ensure proper settings and alignment. If experiencing consistent issues, consider using a stabilizer or interfacing to support the fabric during buttonhole sewing.

Q: How do I troubleshoot needle threader malfunction on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E?

A: If your needle threader is malfunctioning, inspect the needle threader components for any signs of damage, bending, or misalignment, and correct as needed. Clean the needle threader mechanism carefully to remove any dirt, lint, or debris that may be obstructing its function. Ensure the needle is positioned correctly and at the correct height for the threader to engage properly. If the issue persists, consider contacting a professional technician for repair or replacement of the needle threader mechanism.


It’s essential to refer to the manual, customer service, or service center whenever possible if there is a problem with your Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51E sewing machine. These resources can provide valuable guidance and assistance in troubleshooting and resolving any issues you may encounter.

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