NECCHI Sewing machine stitch problems and solutions

NECCHI sewing machines are known for their reliability and durability. However, like any other machine, they can experience stitch problems. These problems can be frustrating and may lead to wasted time and material. Fortunately, many stitch problems can be fixed easily. In this article, we will discuss the most common NECCHI sewing machine stitch problems and solutions.

List of the 10 main causes of stitch problems for the NECCHI sewing machines

Here are the main causes of stitch problems that can occur with NECCHI sewing machines:

  1. Incorrect threading: If the machine is not threaded correctly, the stitches may be loose, uneven, or not form at all.
  2. Incorrect needle size: Using the wrong needle size for the fabric being sewn can cause the thread to break, skip stitches, or form uneven stitches.
  3. Incorrect bobbin winding or insertion: If the bobbin is not inserted or wound correctly, the stitches may be loose, uneven, or not form at all.
  4. Incorrect tension settings: If the tension settings are not set properly, the stitches may be loose, tight, or form unevenly.
  5. Dirty or worn-out machine parts: Dirt, lint, or worn-out machine parts can cause the machine to skip stitches, break thread, or form uneven stitches.
  6. Poor quality thread or fabric: Using low-quality thread or fabric can cause the machine to form uneven stitches, break thread, or skip stitches.
  7. Machine jamming due to thread tangles or fabric bunching: If the thread becomes tangled or the fabric bunches up, the machine may jam or form uneven stitches.
  8. Incorrect stitch selection or settings: If the wrong stitch is selected or the stitch settings are not set correctly, the machine may form uneven stitches or skip stitches.
  9. Improper handling or use of the machine: Incorrect handling or use of the machine can cause damage to the machine, leading to stitch problems.
  10. Lack of machine maintenance: Neglecting to oil or clean the machine can cause the machine to form uneven stitches, break thread, or skip stitches.

What’s the best thing to do when my NECCHI sewing machine is having stitch problems?

When you experience stitch problems with your NECCHI sewing machine, the first thing you should do is to stop sewing. Continuing to sew when there is a problem may only make the situation worse. Once you have stopped sewing, identify the problem by examining the stitching.

Take note of the type of stitch, the stitch length, and the thread tension. This information will help you troubleshoot the problem. The next step is to clean your machine. Lint and debris can accumulate in the machine and cause stitching problems. Finally, try re-threading the machine, making sure the thread is correctly positioned in the tension discs and the needle.

What is the most common NECCHI sewing machine stitch problem?

One of the most common stitch problems with a NECCHI sewing machine is loose stitches. Loose stitches are stitches that are not tightly formed and are easily pulled apart. Loose stitches can occur in any type of stitch, including straight stitch, zigzag stitch, and decorative stitches.

16 Common NECCHI sewing machine stitch problems

NECCHI sewing machine is loose stitches problems and solutions

Problem: Loose stitches are stitches that are not tightly formed and are easily pulled apart.

Reason: Loose stitches can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect tension, improper threading, or a worn or damaged needle.

Solution: To fix loose stitches, try the following steps:

  1. Check the thread tension. Adjust the upper thread tension by turning the tension dial to a higher number.
  2. Check the threading. Make sure the thread is correctly positioned in the tension discs and the needle.
  3. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause loose stitches. Replace the needle with a new one.
  4. Adjust the stitch length. Shorten the stitch length to create tighter stitches.

Tension problems on NECCHI sewing machine zigzag stitch. Zigzag Stitch not Working

Problem: The zigzag stitch is not working correctly. The stitches may be too loose, too tight, or not forming at all.

Reason: The zigzag stitch relies on the correct tension of the upper and lower threads. If the tension is not correct, the stitches will not form correctly.

Solution: To fix zigzag stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the tension. Adjust the upper thread tension by turning the tension dial to a higher number. Also, make sure the bobbin tension is correct. Check the bobbin case for lint and debris that may be affecting the tension.
  2. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause problems with the zigzag stitch. Replace the needle with a new one.
  3. Check the stitch width. If the stitch width is too wide, the stitches may not form correctly. Adjust the stitch width to a narrower setting.

NECCHI sewing machine problems thread bunching

Problem: The thread is bunching up on the underside of the fabric.

Reason: Thread bunching can occur when the upper and lower threads are not correctly positioned or when the tension is not correct.

Solution: To fix thread bunching problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the threading. Make sure the thread is correctly positioned in the tension discs and the needle. Also, make sure the bobbin is correctly threaded and placed in the bobbin case.
  2. Check the tension. Adjust the upper thread tension by turning the tension dial to a higher number
  3. Check the bobbin. Make sure the bobbin is correctly placed in the bobbin case and that the thread is wound evenly on the bobbin.
  4. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause thread bunching. Replace the needle with a new one.

NECCHI sewing machine problems thread bunching under fabric

Problem: The thread is bunching up underneath the fabric.

Reason: Thread bunching under the fabric can occur when the bobbin thread tension is too tight, the bobbin is incorrectly threaded, or the bobbin case is not inserted correctly.

Solution: To fix thread bunching under the fabric, try the following steps:

  1. Check the bobbin. Make sure the bobbin is correctly threaded and placed in the bobbin case. Also, make sure the bobbin case is inserted correctly.
  2. Check the bobbin tension. Adjust the bobbin tension by turning the screw on the bobbin case. Turn the screw to the right to tighten the tension and to the left to loosen the tension.
  3. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause thread bunching. Replace the needle with a new one.

NECCHI sewing machine stitch length problems and solutions

Problem: The stitch length is not correct. The stitches may be too long or too short.

Reason: Stitch length problems can occur when the stitch length dial is not set correctly, the machine is not threaded correctly, or the needle is worn or damaged.

Solution: To fix stitch length problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the stitch length dial. Make sure the stitch length dial is set to the desired stitch length.
  2. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is threaded correctly, and the thread is correctly positioned in the tension discs and the needle.
  3. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can affect stitch length. Replace the needle with a new one.

NECCHI sewing machine top stitch problems. NECCHI sewing machine is not sewing any stitches while trying to sew

Problem: The machine is not sewing any stitches when attempting a top stitch.

Reason: This problem can occur when the needle is not correctly positioned or when the thread is not correctly threaded.

Solution: To fix top stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the needle. Make sure the needle is correctly positioned in the needle clamp and is inserted with the flat side facing the back of the machine.
  2. Check the threading. Make sure the thread is correctly threaded through the needle, tension discs, and take-up lever.

NECCHI sewing machine problems bottom thread bunching

Problem: The thread is bunching up on the top of the fabric.

Reason: Bottom thread bunching can occur when the upper thread tension is too loose, the bobbin is incorrectly threaded, or the bobbin case is not inserted correctly.

Solution: To fix bottom thread bunching problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the upper thread tension. Adjust the upper thread tension by turning the tension dial to a higher number.
  2. Check the bobbin. Make sure the bobbin is correctly threaded and placed in the bobbin case. Also, make sure the bobbin case is inserted correctly.
  3. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause thread bunching. Replace the needle with a new one.

NECCHI sewing machine knotted stitches problems. Why is my NECCHI sewing machine knotting up?

Problem: The machine is creating knotted stitches.

Reason: Knotted stitches can occur when the upper and lower thread tensions are not correctly balanced or when the machine is not threaded correctly.

Solution: To fix knotted stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the thread tension. Make sure the upper and lower thread tensions are correctly balanced. Adjust the tension as needed.
  2. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is correctly threaded, and the thread is positioned correctly in the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle.
  3. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause knotted stitches. Replace the needle with a new one.

NECCHI sewing machine buttonhole problems

Problem: The machine is having trouble creating buttonholes.

Reason: Buttonhole problems can occur when the machine is not set up correctly, the fabric is not stabilized, or the needle is not suitable for the fabric.

Solution: To fix buttonhole problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the machine setup. Make sure the machine is set up correctly for creating buttonholes. Consult the machine manual for instructions.
  2. Stabilize the fabric. Use stabilizer or interfacing to support the fabric while creating buttonholes.
  3. Use the correct needle. Choose a needle that is suitable for the fabric being used.

NECCHI sewing machine Skipping Stitches problems and solutions

Problem: The machine is skipping stitches.

Reason: Skipping stitches can occur when the needle is not correctly inserted, the needle is worn or damaged, or the machine is not threaded correctly.

Solution: To fix skipping stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the needle. Make sure the needle is correctly inserted with the flat side facing the back of the machine. Also, make sure the needle is not worn or damaged.
  2. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is threaded correctly, and the thread is positioned correctly in the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle.
  3. Check the fabric. Skipping stitches can also occur when the fabric is too thick or too thin for the needle size.

NECCHI sewing machine Poor Stitch Quality problems and solutions

Problem: The stitch quality is poor. The stitches may be uneven or irregular.

Reason: Poor stitch quality can occur when the machine is not threaded correctly, the needle is worn or damaged, or the fabric is not suitable for the needle size.

Solution: To fix poor stitch quality problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is threaded correctly, and the thread is positioned correctly in the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle.
  2. Check the needle. A worn or damaged needle can cause poor stitch quality. Replace the needle with a new one.
  3. Check the fabric. Make sure the fabric is suitable for the needle size and type.

NECCHI sewing machine Jammed Stitches (Bird nesting) problem and solutions

Problem: The machine is creating jammed stitches or bird nesting.

Reason: Jammed stitches can occur when the machine is not threaded correctly, the upper thread tension is too loose, or the needle is not suitable for the fabric.

Solution: To fix jammed stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is threaded correctly, and the thread is positioned correctly in the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle.
  2. Adjust the thread tension. Increase the upper thread tension by turning the tension dial to a higher number.
  3. Use the correct needle. Choose a needle that is suitable for the fabric being used.

NECCHI sewing machine straight stitch problems

Problem: The machine is having trouble creating a straight stitch.

Reason: Straight stitch problems can occur when the needle is not inserted correctly, the needle is worn or damaged, or the machine is not set up correctly.

Solution: To fix straight stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the needle. Make sure the needle is inserted correctly with the flat side facing the back of the machine. Also, make sure the needle is not worn or damaged.
  2. Check the machine setup. Make sure the machine is set up correctly for creating straight stitches. Consult the machine manual for instructions.
  3. Adjust the tension. Adjust the thread tension by turning the tension dial to the appropriate setting for the fabric being used.

NECCHI sewing machine Stitches Looping problems

Problem: The machine is creating loops in the stitches.

Reason: Looping problems can occur when the machine is not threaded correctly, the upper thread tension is too loose, or the bobbin thread is not inserted correctly.

Solution: To fix looping stitch problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is threaded correctly, and the thread is positioned correctly in the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle.
  2. Adjust the thread tension. Increase the upper thread tension by turning the tension dial to a higher number.
  3. Check the bobbin. Make sure the bobbin is inserted correctly and that the thread is unwinding in the correct direction.

NECCHI sewing machine problems when it will only sew backward

Problem: The machine will only sew backward.

Reason: The machine may be set to the reverse stitch setting, or the machine may be jammed.

Solution: To fix backward stitching problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the stitch setting. Make sure the machine is not set to the reverse stitch setting. Consult the machine manual for instructions on changing the stitch setting.
  2. Clear any jams. Clear any jams in the machine by removing the fabric and checking for tangled threads.

NECCHI Sewing machine seams problems

Problem: The machine is having trouble creating seams.

Reason: Seams problems can occur when the machine is not threaded correctly, the needle is not suitable for the fabric, or the fabric is not properly aligned.

Solution: To fix seam problems, try the following steps:

  1. Check the threading. Make sure the machine is threaded correctly, and the thread is positioned correctly in the tension discs, take-up lever, and needle.
  2. Use the correct needle. Choose a needle that is suitable for the fabric being used.
  3. Align the fabric. Make sure the fabric is properly aligned and that the seams are straight and even.

10 Common Problems with NECCHI Sewing Machines

In addition to the problems already mentioned in this article, there are a few other issues that can arise with NECCHI sewing machines. These include: 

  1. Sewing Machine Parts Problems
  2. Upper thread breaking
  3. Breaking needles problems
  4. Bobbin winding problems
  5. Bobbin thread problems
  6. Bobbin holder problems
  7. Bobbin tension problems
  8. Sewing Machine Keep Jamming
  9. Tension problems
  10. Sewing machine not feeding fabric


What type of fabric can I use with a NECCHI sewing machine?

NECCHI sewing machines can be used with a wide range of fabrics, including cotton, denim, silk, and leather. It’s important to choose the appropriate needle and thread for the specific fabric you’re working with.

How often should I oil my NECCHI sewing machine?

It’s recommended to oil your NECCHI sewing machine after every 10 hours of use. Refer to your machine manual for specific instructions on where to apply oil and how much to use.

Can I use generic needles and bobbins with my NECCHI sewing machine?

While it’s possible to use generic needles and bobbins with a NECCHI sewing machine, it’s recommended to use genuine NECCHI needles and bobbins for optimal performance and to avoid any potential damage to the machine.

What should I do if my NECCHI sewing machine is not stitching properly?

If your NECCHI sewing machine is not stitching properly, first check the threading, needle, and tension settings. If the problem persists, refer to the machine manual for troubleshooting tips or contact a professional technician for repairs.

Can I sew buttons with a NECCHI sewing machine?

Yes, many NECCHI sewing machines come with a button sewing function or a buttonhole foot for sewing buttons. Consult your machine manual for specific instructions on how to use these features.

Сonclusion. NECCHI Sewing machine stitch problems and solutions

In conclusion, NECCHI sewing machines are reliable and efficient machines that can help you create beautiful sewing projects. However, as with any machine, problems can arise.

By understanding the common problems and solutions discussed in this article, you can troubleshoot your NECCHI sewing machine and get back to sewing in no time. Remember to always consult the machine manual and use proper safety precautions when working with your sewing machine.

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