PFAFF Sewing Machine Breaking Needles: Causes and Solutions

Sewing machines are indispensable tools for dressmakers and tailors, and the PFAFF sewing machine is one of the most popular brands on the market. However, even the best sewing machines can occasionally experience problems, and one of the most common issues is needle breakage.

There are several reasons why needles break on a PFAFF sewing machine, and in this article, we will examine these causes in detail and provide solutions to each problem.

List of the 11 main causes of breaking needles problems for the PFAFF Sewing Machine

Here is a list of the main causes of breaking needle problems for the PFAFF Sewing Machine:

  1. Damaged or bent needle
  2. Dull needle
  3. Using the wrong needle size for the fabric
  4. Incorrect needle and thread combination
  5. Wrong sewing machine thread tension
  6. Wrong presser foot attached to the machine
  7. Incorrect threading of the machine
  8. Sewing through too many layers of fabric or thick materials
  9. Incorrect sewing speed or pressure on the foot pedal
  10. Machine malfunction or misalignment.
  11. The needle on sewing machine PFAFF is damaged, bent

Common Causes of Needle Breakage on PFAFF Sewing Machine

Needle breakage is a common issue faced by sewers while working with their PFAFF sewing machines. One of the most common reasons for needle breakage is a damaged or bent needle, which can be caused by several factors.

One of the causes could be hitting pins while sewing, which can damage the needle and cause it to break. Another reason could be running over thick seams, as this puts extra pressure on the needle, causing it to bend or break.

Additionally, using a needle for too long can also cause it to become dull and weak, increasing the risk of it breaking while sewing. Understanding these common causes can help sewers take preventive measures to avoid needle breakage and ensure a smooth sewing experience.

Damaged or bent needle on a PFAFF sewing machine

Problem: One of the most common reasons for needle breakage on a PFAFF sewing machine is a damaged or bent needle. This can be caused by hitting pins, running over thick seams, or using a needle for too long.

Reason: A damaged or bent needle cannot penetrate fabric properly, leading to skipped stitches, puckering, and, ultimately, breakage.

Solution: To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the PFAFF sewing machine and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the needle from the machine and inspect it for damage or bending. If the needle is damaged, replace it immediately.
  3. If the needle is bent, gently straighten it using pliers or a needle-nose tool. However, if the bend is severe, it is best to replace the needle.
  4. Insert a new needle into the PFAFF sewing machine and adjust the needle to the correct position.

The needle on sewing machine PFAFF is Dull

Problem: Another reason for needle breakage on a PFAFF sewing machine is a dull needle. A dull needle cannot penetrate the fabric, causing it to push the fabric out of the way instead of piercing it.

Reason: A dull needle can cause skipped stitches, broken threads, and damaged fabrics.

Solution: To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the PFAFF sewing machine and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the needle from the machine and inspect it for dullness. If the needle is dull, replace it immediately.
  3. Insert a new needle into the PFAFF sewing machine and adjust the needle to the correct position.

How to check the needle on a PFAFF sewing machine

Problem: If you are unsure whether the needle on your PFAFF sewing machine is damaged or dull, you can perform a simple check to find out.

Reason: Performing a needle check can help you identify and prevent needle breakage on your PFAFF sewing machine.

Solution: To perform a needle check, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the PFAFF sewing machine and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the needle from the machine and hold it up to a light source.
  3. If the needle is bent or dull, you will be able to see it clearly. If the needle looks straight and sharp, it is still in good condition.

Incorrect PFAFF needle size for fabric

Problem: Using the wrong size needle for the fabric you are sewing on can cause needle breakage on your PFAFF sewing machine.

Reason: Using a needle that is too small or too large for the fabric can cause the needle to break, leading to skipped stitches, puckering, and damaged fabric.

Solution: To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the correct needle size for the fabric you are using. For example, lightweight fabrics require a smaller needle size, while heavyweight fabrics require a larger needle size.
  2. Check the needle size currently in your PFAFF sewing machine and compare it to the recommended needle size for the fabric.
  3. If the needle size is incorrect, replace it with the correct size needle.

PFAFF Needle and thread combinations Problem

Problem: Using the wrong type of thread with your PFAFF sewing machine can cause needle breakage.

Reason: If the thread is too thick or too thin for the needle size or type, the needle may break, leading to thread breakage, skipped stitches, and damage to the fabric.

Solution: To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Select the correct type and weight of thread for the fabric you are using.
  2. Check the recommended thread size and type in the sewing machine manual.
  3. Ensure that the thread matches the needle size and type.
  4. Use high-quality thread to reduce the risk of breakage.

Wrong PFAFF sewing machine thread tension

Problem: Incorrect thread tension on your PFAFF sewing machine can cause needle breakage.

Reason: If the thread tension is too tight or too loose, the needle may break, leading to skipped stitches, thread breakage, and damage to the fabric.

Solution: To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Check the thread tension on your PFAFF sewing machine.
  2. Adjust the thread tension to the recommended setting for the fabric you are using.
  3. Test the thread tension by sewing a few stitches on a scrap piece of fabric.

The wrong PFAFF sewing machine presser foot is attached

Problem: Using the wrong presser foot on your PFAFF sewing machine can cause needle breakage.

Reason: If the presser foot is too tight or too loose, the needle may break, leading to skipped stitches, thread breakage, and damage to the fabric.

Solution: To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Check the presser foot on your PFAFF sewing machine.
  2. Ensure that the presser foot is appropriate for the fabric you are using.
  3. Adjust the presser foot pressure if necessary.
  4. Use the correct presser foot for the sewing technique you are using.

3 Other issues that may arise with the needle on a PFAFF sewing machine

In addition to the problems discussed above, there are a few other issues that may arise with the needle on a PFAFF sewing machine. These include:

Needle not inserted correctly

If the needle is not inserted correctly into the PFAFF sewing machine, it can cause the needle to break or become misaligned during sewing. This can be caused by inserting the needle too far up or down, or not tightening the needle clamp sufficiently.

Solution: To solve this problem, ensure that you insert the needle correctly by following the instructions in your PFAFF sewing machine manual. Make sure that the needle is pushed up as far as it will go and tightened securely with the needle clamp.

Needle hitting the presser foot

If the needle hits the presser foot while sewing, it can cause the needle to break or become misaligned. This can be caused by using the wrong presser foot or not adjusting the presser foot correctly.

Solution: To solve this problem, ensure that you are using the correct presser foot for the sewing technique you are using. Adjust the presser foot pressure if necessary to prevent the needle from hitting the foot.

Sewing through too many layers of fabric

If you try to sew through too many layers of fabric at once, it can cause the needle to break or become misaligned. This can be caused by using the wrong needle size for the thickness of the fabric or trying to sew through too many layers at once.

Solution: To solve this problem, use the correct needle size for the thickness of the fabric you are sewing. If you need to sew through multiple layers of fabric, sew slowly and carefully, making sure that the needle does not hit any other layers of fabric.

By addressing these additional issues, you can ensure that your PFAFF sewing machine operates smoothly and efficiently, and that your needle lasts as long as possible.

10 Common Problems with PFAFF Sewing Machines

In addition to the common problems listed above, PFAFF sewing machines can also experience the following issues:

  1. Stitch Problems
  2. Sewing Machine Parts Problems
  3. Upper thread breaking
  4. Bobbin winding problems
  5. Bobbin thread problems
  6. Bobbin holder problems
  7. Bobbin tension problems
  8. Sewing Machine Keep Jamming
  9. Tension problems
  10. Sewing machine not feeding fabric


What is the correct needle size to use with my PFAFF sewing machine?

The correct needle size to use with your PFAFF sewing machine will depend on the fabric you are using. Refer to the PFAFF manual for recommendations on which needle size to use.

Can I use universal needles with my PFAFF sewing machine?

Yes, universal needles can be used with PFAFF sewing machines, but it is important to choose the correct size for the fabric you are using.

How often should I change the needle on my PFAFF sewing machine?

It is recommended to change the needle on your PFAFF sewing machine after every 8 hours of sewing or after completing a project.

Can using the wrong thread cause the needle to break on my PFAFF sewing machine?

Yes, using the wrong type or weight of thread can cause the needle to break on your PFAFF sewing machine. Always use high-quality thread that is suitable for the fabric you are sewing.

How do I know if my PFAFF sewing machine needle is dull?

A dull needle can cause skipped stitches, thread breakage, and damage to the fabric. If you notice any of these issues, it may be time to change the needle on your PFAFF sewing machine.

Can I use a twin needle with my PFAFF sewing machine?

Yes, many PFAFF sewing machines can accommodate twin needles. Refer to your PFAFF manual for instructions on how to use a twin needle.

How do I check the needle on my PFAFF sewing machine?

To check the needle on your PFAFF sewing machine, remove the needle plate and take a close look at the needle. If the needle is damaged, bent, or dull, it should be replaced.

Can the wrong presser foot cause the needle to break on my PFAFF sewing machine?

Yes, using the wrong presser foot can cause the needle to break on your PFAFF sewing machine. Always use the correct presser foot for the sewing technique you are using.

Can I use metallic thread with my PFAFF sewing machine?

Yes, metallic thread can be used with PFAFF sewing machines. However, it is important to use the correct needle size and thread tension for the best results.

What should I do if the needle keeps breaking on my PFAFF sewing machine?

If the needle keeps breaking on your PFAFF sewing machine, check the needle size and type, thread tension, and presser foot. If these are all correct, there may be an issue with the machine itself, and it may be necessary to consult with a professional for repair.

Conclusion. PFAFF Sewing Machine Breaking Needles

In conclusion, needle breakage on a PFAFF sewing machine can be caused by a variety of factors, including a damaged or dull needle, incorrect needle size, wrong thread tension, and incorrect presser foot attachment.

By following the solutions outlined in this article, you can prevent needle breakage and ensure that your PFAFF sewing machine operates smoothly and efficiently. Always refer to the user manual for guidance and consult with a professional if necessary.

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