SINGER C5200 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on addressing common problems and troubleshooting solutions for the SINGER C5200 computerized sewing machine. As proud owners of the SINGER C5200, you’re already familiar with its ease-of-use features and impressive range of stitch applications. However, even the best machines can encounter issues from time to time. In this article, we’ll explore potential problems and offer solutions to ensure your sewing experience remains smooth and enjoyable.

SINGER C5200 Overview

Experience the convenience and versatility of the SINGER® C5200 computerized sewing machine. This powerhouse offers a wide variety of stitch applications and user-friendly features, making it an ideal choice for sewing enthusiasts. With a sleek design and intuitive interface, the C5200 will have you creating stunning projects in no time.

Product Details

Product Dimensions8.31 x 16.73 x 12.95 inches
Item model numberC5200-GY
Item Weight14.33 Pounds
Power SourceCorded Electric
Is ElectricYes

Product Description

The SINGER® C5200 computerized sewing machine offers an array of features designed to make your sewing journey enjoyable and productive. With 180 Stitch Applications, including 6 one-step buttonhole styles, and a set of 8 accessory feet, this machine provides you with creative options and professional results. The large extension table, LCD screen, LED lighting, and built-in needle threader further enhance your sewing experience.

  • Basic, stretch, and decorative stitches for various sewing techniques and fabrics
  • Slide-on removable extension table for level sewing surface
  • Eight accessory feet for easy sewing and professional results
  • LCD screen for clear stitch selection and settings
  • Touch button stitch selection for easy navigation
  • LED lighting for bright and cool illumination
  • Built-in needle threader for effortless threading
  • Full metal frame for stability and durability
  • Adjustable stitch length and width for customization
  • Drop feed feature for various sewing techniques

Now, let’s dive into the potential problems you might encounter with your SINGER C5200 and their corresponding troubleshooting solutions.

Causes of Common Problems with the SINGER C5200

As you delve into the world of sewing with the SINGER C5200, you might come across certain issues that require your attention. In the following sections, we will address these common problems and provide effective troubleshooting strategies to help you overcome them.

Common Problems and Troubleshooting

1. Thread Breaking or Snapping

Description of the Problem: Threads keep breaking or snapping while sewing with the SINGER C5200.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect threading, tension issues, or using poor-quality thread can lead to thread breakage.


  1. Ensure proper threading according to the machine’s manual.
  2. Check the thread tension settings and adjust if needed.
  3. Use high-quality thread suitable for your fabric.
  4. Clean the machine’s thread path and bobbin area from lint.

2. Uneven Stitches

Description of the Problem: Stitches are uneven or irregular in size when sewing with the SINGER C5200.

Cause of the Problem: Improper tension settings, incorrect stitch length, or using the wrong needle can cause uneven stitches.


  1. Check and adjust the thread tension settings for balanced stitches.
  2. Ensure you’ve selected the appropriate stitch length for your fabric.
  3. Use the correct type and size of needle for your project.

3. Machine Jamming

Description of the Problem: The machine frequently jams or gets stuck while sewing.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect bobbin placement, debris in the feed dogs, or a misaligned needle can lead to machine jamming.


  1. Check the bobbin and ensure it’s correctly inserted.
  2. Clean the feed dogs and shuttle area to remove any debris.
  3. Re-thread the machine and ensure the needle is properly aligned.

4. Skipped Stitches

Description of the Problem: Stitches are being skipped, resulting in uneven seams.

Cause of the Problem: Dull or bent needle, incorrect needle size, or improper thread tension can lead to skipped stitches.


  1. Replace the needle with a new, appropriate-sized needle.
  2. Ensure the needle is correctly inserted and oriented.
  3. Adjust the thread tension to ensure proper stitch formation.

5. Bobbin Thread Tension Issues

Description of the Problem: The bobbin thread is too loose or too tight, affecting stitch quality.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect bobbin tension settings or incorrect threading of the bobbin case can cause bobbin thread tension issues.


  1. Check and adjust the bobbin tension as per the machine’s manual.
  2. Ensure the bobbin is correctly threaded and inserted into the bobbin case.

6. Bobbin Thread Running Out Too Quickly

Description of the Problem: The bobbin thread seems to run out much faster than expected during sewing.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect bobbin winding, bobbin tension issues, or using improper bobbin thread can cause rapid bobbin thread depletion.


  • Ensure the bobbin is correctly wound following the machine’s instructions.
  • Check and adjust the bobbin tension if necessary.
  • Use high-quality bobbin thread suitable for your sewing project.

7. Machine Making Unusual Noises

Description of the Problem: The SINGER C5200 is producing strange or loud noises while in operation.

Cause of the Problem: Loose parts, debris in the machine, or lack of lubrication can lead to unusual noises.


  • Inspect the machine for any loose screws, parts, or attachments.
  • Clean the machine and remove any debris from the internal components.
  • Lubricate the machine as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

8. Needle Breaking

Description of the Problem: Needles are frequently breaking while sewing with the SINGER C5200.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect needle type, improper needle insertion, or sewing over thick layers of fabric can cause needles to break.


  • Ensure you’re using the correct needle type for your fabric.
  • Insert the needle correctly, ensuring it’s securely tightened.
  • Take extra care when sewing over thick layers; go slowly and adjust the presser foot pressure if needed.

9. Thread Bunching Underneath Fabric

Description of the Problem: The thread is bunching up underneath the fabric, creating messy stitches.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect threading, bobbin tension issues, or lack of proper fabric handling can cause thread bunching.


  • Re-thread both the top thread and the bobbin thread, following the machine’s threading path.
  • Check and adjust the bobbin tension to ensure balanced stitches.
  • Hold the thread tails when starting to sew to prevent thread bunching.

10. Skipped Buttonholes

Description of the Problem: The SINGER C5200 is skipping stitches when creating buttonholes.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect buttonhole settings, fabric thickness, or improper foot attachment can lead to skipped buttonhole stitches.


  • Refer to the machine’s manual to ensure proper buttonhole settings are selected.
  • Support the fabric properly when sewing buttonholes on thick or bulky materials.
  • Ensure the buttonhole foot is securely attached and aligned.

11. Fabric Not Feeding Smoothly

Description of the Problem: The fabric doesn’t feed smoothly through the SINGER C5200 during sewing.

Cause of the Problem: Improper presser foot pressure, incorrect feed dog settings, or using the wrong needle can result in uneven fabric feeding.


  • Adjust the presser foot pressure to match the fabric’s thickness.
  • Ensure the feed dogs are engaged and properly aligned with the fabric.
  • Use the appropriate needle type and size for your fabric.

12. Thread Keeps Tangling in the Bobbin Area

Description of the Problem: The thread keeps tangling and creating knots in the bobbin area of the SINGER C5200.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect threading, improperly wound bobbin, or debris in the bobbin area can cause thread tangling.


  • Double-check the top thread threading path to ensure proper tension.
  • Re-wind the bobbin, ensuring even winding and correct thread tension.
  • Clean the bobbin area to remove any lint or debris.

13. Uneven Buttonhole Sizes

Description of the Problem: Buttonholes created with the SINGER C5200 have inconsistent sizes.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect buttonhole settings, fabric thickness variations, or improper machine calibration can lead to uneven buttonhole sizes.


  • Ensure consistent fabric thickness and stability while sewing buttonholes.
  • Calibrate the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions for precise buttonhole sizing.
  • Check the buttonhole settings and adjust them as needed for uniformity.

14. Thread Fraying or Shredding

Description of the Problem: The thread is fraying or shredding while sewing with the SINGER C5200.

Cause of the Problem: Using a needle with a worn-out point, using poor-quality thread, or threading the machine incorrectly can cause thread fraying.


  • Replace the needle with a new, sharp needle appropriate for your fabric.
  • Use high-quality thread suitable for your sewing project.
  • Check the machine’s threading path to ensure smooth thread flow.

15. LCD Screen Display Issues

Description of the Problem: The LCD screen on the SINGER C5200 is not displaying information properly or is malfunctioning.

Cause of the Problem: Connection issues, software glitches, or physical damage can lead to LCD screen display problems.


  • Check all connections and cables related to the LCD screen for secure attachment.
  • Power cycle the machine to see if it resolves any software glitches.
  • If issues persist, consult the machine’s manual for troubleshooting steps or contact customer support.

16. Needle Threader Not Working

Description of the Problem: The built-in needle threader of the SINGER C5200 is not functioning as expected.

Cause of the Problem: Misalignment, dirt, or damage to the needle threader mechanism can lead to its malfunction.


  • Inspect the needle threader for any visible misalignment or damage.
  • Gently clean the threader mechanism using a soft brush or compressed air.
  • Refer to the machine’s manual for guidance on re-aligning or repairing the threader.

17. Fabric Puckering

Description of the Problem: The fabric being sewn with the SINGER C5200 is puckering or gathering excessively.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect tension settings, improper fabric handling, or using the wrong stitch type can result in fabric puckering.


  • Check and adjust the thread tension settings for balanced stitches.
  • Ensure you’re using the appropriate stitch type for the fabric being sewn.
  • Hold the fabric taut and guide it smoothly while sewing to prevent puckering.

18. Stuck Feed Dogs

Description of the Problem: The feed dogs of the SINGER C5200 are not moving or are stuck in place.

Cause of the Problem: Debris, lack of lubrication, or mechanical issues can cause the feed dogs to become stuck.


  • Clean the feed dogs area and remove any accumulated debris or lint.
  • Lubricate the feed dogs mechanism as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • If the problem persists, consult the machine’s manual or contact customer support.

19. Bobbin Winder Not Engaging

Description of the Problem: The bobbin winder on the SINGER C5200 is not engaging or winding the bobbin properly.

Cause of the Problem: Misalignment, broken parts, or mechanical issues can prevent the bobbin winder from functioning correctly.


  • Check for any visible misalignment or damage to the bobbin winder mechanism.
  • If possible, attempt to re-align the bobbin winder following the machine’s manual.
  • If troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue, consider seeking professional repair.

20. Thread Tension Dial Stiff or Loose

Description of the Problem: The thread tension dial on the SINGER C5200 is either too stiff or too loose to adjust easily.

Cause of the Problem: Dust, debris, or internal mechanical issues can affect the smooth adjustment of the tension dial.


  • Gently clean around the tension dial area to remove any dirt or debris.
  • If the dial is too stiff, consider applying a small amount of sewing machine oil as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • If the dial remains problematic, consult the machine’s manual or contact customer support for further assistance.

21. Thread Looping on the Underside

Description of the Problem: The thread is looping excessively on the underside of the fabric when sewing with the SINGER C5200.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect threading, bobbin tension issues, or incorrect needle size can lead to thread looping on the underside.


  • Re-thread both the top thread and the bobbin thread, ensuring proper tension and threading paths.
  • Check and adjust the bobbin tension for balanced stitches.
  • Use the correct needle size and type for your fabric.

22. Skipped Decorative Stitches

Description of the Problem: The SINGER C5200 is skipping stitches when using decorative stitch patterns.

Cause of the Problem: Incorrect stitch settings, improper threading, or a dull needle can result in skipped decorative stitches.


  • Ensure you’ve selected the correct decorative stitch pattern and settings.
  • Re-thread the machine according to the threading path in the manual.
  • Replace the needle with a sharp one suitable for decorative stitching.

23. Uneven Feed Dogs Movement

Description of the Problem: The feed dogs of the SINGER C5200 are moving unevenly or erratically during sewing.

Cause of the Problem: Debris, mechanical issues, or lack of lubrication can affect the smooth movement of the feed dogs.


  • Clean the feed dogs area and remove any accumulated debris or lint.
  • Lubricate the feed dogs mechanism following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • If the issue persists, consult the machine’s manual or seek professional repair.

24. Inconsistent Thread Tension

Description of the Problem: The thread tension on the SINGER C5200 is inconsistent throughout the sewing process.

Cause of the Problem: Dirty tension discs, incorrect threading, or worn tension components can lead to inconsistent thread tension.


  • Clean the tension discs gently using a piece of clean fabric or dental floss.
  • Ensure proper threading of both the top thread and the bobbin thread.
  • If the issue persists, consider having the machine professionally serviced and adjusted.

25. Thread Keeps Unwinding from Bobbin

Description of the Problem: The thread from the bobbin of the SINGER C5200 keeps unwinding during sewing.

Cause of the Problem: Improper bobbin winding, incorrect bobbin insertion, or using the wrong type of bobbin can cause thread unwinding.


  • Ensure the bobbin is correctly wound following the machine’s instructions.
  • Check the bobbin insertion to ensure it’s properly placed and oriented.
  • Use the correct type of bobbin suitable for the SINGER C5200.

SINGER C5200 Sewing Machine User Reviews

Positive Reviews from SINGER C5200 Sewing Machine Users

Users of the SINGER C5200 sewing machine have expressed satisfaction with various aspects of the machine. Here are some positive experiences reported by customers:

  • Some users were satisfied with the computerized features of the machine, which offer a wide variety of stitch options for creative sewing projects.
  • Customers appreciated the convenience of the presser foot lift, especially when working with thick fabrics.
  • The solid build quality of the SINGER C5200 was noted by several users, emphasizing its durability.
  • Accessories provided with the machine, along with the hidden storage box, were found to be useful and practical.
  • The availability of instructional videos on the Singer website was praised, assisting both new and experienced users in mastering the machine.

These positive experiences reflect the machine’s reliability, performance, and user-friendly features, contributing to a satisfying sewing experience for users.

Negative User Reviews of the SINGER C5200 Sewing Machine

While the SINGER C5200 sewing machine received largely positive feedback, there were some areas of concern for certain users. Here are summarized negative experiences reported:

  • Some users encountered issues with the machine jamming during operation, causing frustration and interruptions in their sewing projects.
  • A few customers experienced difficulties in understanding and utilizing the machine’s programmable electronic features, which affected their learning curve.
  • There were reports of occasional thread looping on the underside of fabric, leading to uneven stitches.
  • For a small number of users, the bobbin winder did not engage properly, hindering their ability to wind bobbins effectively.
  • Several customers faced challenges with inconsistent thread tension, resulting in uneven stitching and fabric puckering.

Despite these negative experiences, it’s important to note that the majority of users expressed satisfaction with the SINGER C5200 sewing machine. The reported issues may vary based on individual use, skill level, and specific sewing projects.

Based on reviews from, the SINGER C5200 sewing machine has received positive feedback, with an overall rating of 5.0 out of 5 stars. Customers have praised its performance, versatility, and durability, making it a popular choice among sewing enthusiasts.

SINGER C5200 Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions and user manual for the SINGER C5200 sewing machine can be found on the manufacturer’s official website. You can access detailed guidance on how to set up, operate, and maintain your sewing machine effectively. The manual provides valuable information to help you make the most of your sewing experience and troubleshoot common issues.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please visit the SINGER official support website and navigate to the section containing manuals and guides for the SINGER C5200 sewing machine.

Frequently Asked Questions about the SINGER C5200

Q: Why does my SINGER C5200 sewing machine jam frequently?

A: Frequent jamming can occur due to incorrect threading, using low-quality thread, or a bent or dull needle. Ensure proper threading, use high-quality thread, and replace the needle regularly.

Q: How do I adjust the thread tension on the SINGER C5200?

A: You can adjust the thread tension using the tension dial on the machine. Start with the recommended settings for your fabric type and make minor adjustments as needed while testing on a fabric scrap.

Q: Why is my fabric puckering while sewing with the SINGER C5200?

A: Fabric puckering can occur due to incorrect tension settings, improper handling, or using the wrong stitch type. Adjust the tension, handle the fabric gently, and choose the appropriate stitch for your fabric.

Q: What should I do if the stitches produced by my machine are uneven?

A: Uneven stitches can result from various factors, including improper tension, incorrect needle type, or fabric feeding issues. Ensure balanced tension, use the correct needle, and ensure smooth fabric feeding.

Q: How can I prevent the bobbin from unwinding during sewing?

A: Proper bobbin winding is essential. Ensure the bobbin is wound evenly, placed correctly, and the bobbin winder is engaged properly. Also, check the bobbin tension for smooth unwinding.


For any issues or problems you encounter with your SINGER C5200 sewing machine, it’s recommended to consult the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, if you face challenges beyond troubleshooting, don’t hesitate to reach out to the manufacturer’s customer service or a certified service center. They can provide expert guidance and assistance to ensure your sewing experience with the SINGER C5200 remains smooth and enjoyable.

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