SINGER M1500 Sewing machine bobbin thread problems

SINGER M1500 sewing machine bobbin thread problems are a common issue among sewers. To keep your SINGER M1500 sewing machine running smoothly, it’s important to make sure the bobbin and top thread are threaded properly and that the tension settings are correct for the fabric you’re using.

Additionally, regular cleaning of the bobbin case will help reduce lint buildup and stop common problems such as winding issues, tangles in the bobbin case, uneven tensions or a “bird’s nest” appearing on the underside of your fabric. Taking care of your SINGER M1500 sewing machine can go a long way towards avoiding any bobbin thread problems.

7 common bobbin thread problems in SINGER M1500 sewing machine . How to Fix SINGER M1500 Sewing Machine Bobbin Thread Problems

To troubleshoot common bobbin thread issues on your SINGER M1500 sewing machine, please take a look below:

SINGER M1500 sewing machine bobbin thread keep breaking

One of the most common problems with SINGER M1500 sewing machines is breaking bobbin thread. This can happen due to multiple causes, such as an incorrectly threaded bobbin in the case, too tight tension on the thread, a worn spring on the bobbin case or a burr underneath the throat plate. 

Other potential culprits include lint or dirt under the tension spring of the bobbin case, knots in the thread and incorrect bobbins which are either too big or small for your SINGER M1500 sewing machine. Poor maintenance can also be an issue; if there is clogged hook or jammed anti-backlash spring with lint, it will obstruct proper movement of threads and lead to breaks. 

Lastly, if your hook timing is off, this may prevent the loop from forming when the needle goes down, resulting in thread breaks. You can test for this by lowering the needle slowly through the needle plate and observing the moment when it starts to go back up; if nothing happens at that point, you may need to take your machine in for servicing or adjust the timing yourself. 

To avoid these issues, ensure that your bobbin is wound properly and inserted correctly in the SINGER M1500 sewing machine, keep it clean regularly and replace parts such as washers every few years. 

SINGER M1500 sewing machine not picking up thread from bobbin

Why is my SINGER M1500 sewing machine not picking up bobbin thread? The SINGER M1500 sewing machine may not be able to pick up thread from the bobbin if certain conditions are not properly met.

This could include the bobbin-winding spindle being misaligned, the needle not inserted correctly or deep enough, issues with the upper tension disks in terms of threading, or a problem with the timing of the machine. It is important to check and correct these elements before attempting to draw up bobbin thread.

How do I fix my SINGER M1500 sewing machine not picking up the bobbin thread?

If the SINGER M1500 sewing machine is not picking up thread from the bobbin, ensure that the bobbin-winding spindle at the top of the machine is in its correct position and that the needle is inserted properly. 

To draw up the bobbin thread, rotate the handwheel toward you while holding onto the needle thread lightly. When doing so, you should be able to see a small loop come through the needle plate. Use some sort of object to pull this loop up and guide both threads – top and bottom – under the foot towards the back of your machine. 

If these steps fail to yield results then it could potentially mean that there’s an issue with timing which would require repair service.

SINGER M1500 sewing machine picking up too much bobbin thread

Why is so much thread coming from bobbin? If the tension on the bobbin case of a SINGER M1500 sewing machine is too loose, then it can cause an abundance of thread to accumulate beneath the needle plate. 

To rectify this issue, turn the tension screw on the bobbin clockwise by a quarter turn to tighten it up. It is also important that the top thread is correctly threaded, otherwise more thread from the bobbin will be pulled through. 

To ensure that only necessary amounts of thread are used, double-check that all threads are properly threaded in order and securely tightened. With practice and patience, one should be able to correctly thread their SINGER M1500 without any issues arising.

SINGER M1500 sewing machine bobbin thread bunching problems

If you’re having problems with bunching thread on your SINGER M1500 sewing machine, it could be due to not having the top and bottom threads properly positioned beneath the presser foot before beginning to sew.

Bird nesting can also occur if incorrect tension is used while sewing or if the bobbin screw is loose. To avoid these issues, always ensure that all threads are correctly placed prior to starting your project. If a problem arises, stop immediately and investigate the cause so it can be resolved.

How To Solve SINGER M1500 sewing machine Bobbin Thread Bunching Problems? How To Avoid Thread Nests While Sewing?

To avoid bobbin thread bunching when using a SINGER M1500 sewing machine, it is important to use the correct type of bobbin and ensure that it is correctly threaded. Additionally, make sure that you are using the recommended needle and thread for your fabric, as well as rethread with similar types of threads and keep your machine clean to perpetually avert any bunched-thread complications. This will help assure smooth operation and prevent pesky knots or tangles in your thread.  

SINGER M1500 sewing machine bobbin problems mutliple threads coming from bobbin

Why are multiple threads coming from bobbin? If your SINGER M1500 sewing machine is producing multiple threads from the bobbin, it could be because the tension on the bobbin case is too loose. To fix this issue, try turning the tension screw on the bobbin a quarter turn clockwise to make it tighter.

SINGER M1500 sewing machine Bobbin Thread Looping problems

Excessive use of a SINGER M1500 sewing machine can cause the tension between the top and bobbin threads to become imbalanced, leading to looping on the underside of fabrics being sewed. This likely means that the top thread’s tension is too loose in comparison to the bobbin thread’s tension.

How To fix SINGER M1500 sewing machine Bobbin Thread Looping Problems

The SINGER M1500 sewing machine may suffer from problems with its bobbin thread looping. Having issues with bobbin thread looping on your SINGER M1500 sewing machine? In order to fix this issue, try adjusting the bobbin tension and making sure you’re using the right bobbin, as well as cleaning both the bobbin case and thread tension discs.

Additionally, use fabrics and threads of a similar quality to achieve better results. Following these steps should help get your SINGER M1500 sewing machine back up and running!

SINGER M1500 sewing machine Bobbin Thread Tangling problems

The SINGER M1500 sewing machine is known for its reliability and ease of use, however it can still run into problems such as bobbin thread tangling. When using a SINGER M1500 sewing machine, it is essential to take the time to properly thread the bobbin. 

Incorrect threading can lead to the threads not synchronizing correctly and tangling together, interfering with the quality of your stitching. Taking the extra few moments to ensure that all parts are threaded correctly will result in smoother stitches and fewer frustrations!

How To fix SINGER M1500 sewing machine Bobbin Thread Tangling Problems

To prevent bobbin thread tangling on a SINGER M1500 sewing machine, it is important to use high-quality threads, make sure the bobbin is properly threaded and wound in the right direction, regularly clean out lint build up in the bobbin area, and ensure fabric alignment under the presser foot before starting to sew. Following these steps will help avoid any problems associated with thread knotting for successful sewing.


In conclusion, the SINGER M1500 sewing machine is a great choice for anyone who wants to pursue sewing as a hobby or profession. However, it is important to be aware of potential problems associated with bobbin thread such as bunching, looping and tangling in order to ensure successful stitching. By following correct thread and fabric selection as well as keeping up with regular maintenance, many of these issues can be prevented. 

If any issues do arise, troubleshooting and adjusting tension screws should help resolve them quickly so that you can keep on sewing! With the proper care and attention given to your SINGER M1500 sewing machine, you can look forward to creating beautiful projects for years to come.

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