SINGER M1500 Sewing machine upper thread breaking

The SINGER M1500 sewing machine is prone to upper thread breaking or lower thread breaking, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as snags in the fabric or incorrect threading. To avoid this issue, it’s important to check the tension settings, needle size and type, as well as the thread itself. Additionally, regular needle changes are recommended to keep them sharp and effective.

Causes of SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Upper Thread Breaking

The SINGER M1500 sewing machine can experience problems with its upper thread breaking due to a few possible causes. These include having the needle incorrectly positioned, improper threading, tension that is too tight, a bent or blunted needle point, incorrect sized thread for the needle, burrs on the presser foot, a too long needle for the SINGER M1500 sewing machine, worn or broken take-up spring and tension discs with grooves from excessive use. 

Additionally, uneven sewing speeds can also be a factor. Each of these issues should be addressed in order to resolve any potential upper thread breaking on this model of SINGER M1500 sewing machine. 

Here are 9 the most common causes of upper thread breaking on a SINGER M1500 sewing machine and how you can fix them:

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Is Not Threaded Correctly

To ensure your upper thread won’t break and that your SINGER M1500 sewing machine works perfectly, check that the upper thread is threaded properly – this simple step could prevent any future issues or breaking.

How to Correctly Thread a SINGER M1500 Sewing Machine?

Start again by pulling out all the threads and rethreading. Make sure your take-up lever is in its highest position, then attach a spool of thread. Follow the directions of your user manual for passing through the tension discs, guides and eye of needle with 4 inches tail before you begin sewing – there you have it!

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Thread Tension Is Too Tight. Adjusting Thread Tension on SINGER M1500 Machine for Even Stitches

The SINGER M1500 sewing machine thread tension must be tweaked depending on the weight of your fabric and thread. When both upper and lower threads are equal in weight, it creates even tension between them. If you tighten the thread too much, chances are that it will break easily – to reduce pressure simply rotate the dial towards counterclockwise direction. In case you struggle with fine-tuning bobbin tension or if something doesn’t seem right – ask a qualified technician for help!

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Thread Is Poor Quality

When sewing with a SINGER M1500 sewing machine, it is crucial to use high-quality thread. Thin and weak threads will snap easily when pulled while thick ones can break in the eye of the needle or tension discs. Buying bulk packages of thread might result in low quality which cannot handle strain from your SINGER M1500 sewing machine. For optimal results and minimal breaks, make sure you choose superior quality thread for all your projects!

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Needle Is Damaged, Bent, or Dull

Over time, the SINGER M1500 sewing machine needle may become bent or broken due to extensive use of thick materials. There is also a chance that manufacturing flaws are present on the needle itself. 

If you suspect deformation of needle, it’s definitely worth replacing the existing one for optimal performance! For best results we recommend switching out your needle after each project; however, if you find yourself dealing with more thread breakage than usual while sewing then its time to get a new needle.

You Are Not Using the Correct Needle in SINGER M1500 Sewing machine

To avoid thread breakage and snag while sewing with your SINGER M1500 machine, make sure to replace the needle prior to each project. It is especially significant if you’re working on thicker fabrics such as corduroy, denim, or leather – they require specialized needles that can handle extra thickness. By ensuring you’ve selected the right needle for the job will significantly reduce chances of thread snapping.

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Needle Is Not Inserted Correctly

For the best stitching performance, correctly insert your SINGER M1500 sewing machine needle – with one flat side placed towards the back of your machine. When inserting the needle, be aware of the flat side that should face towards the back of your SINGER M1500 sewing machine–this is located atop its shank. With this knowledge in mind, you’ll reap reliable and consistent results each time.

To avoid a possible catastrophic event, double check that your needle is inserted all the way up and fastened securely. If you notice the screw has become loose or if it gets bumped, take extra precaution to make sure the needle isn’t hitting any part of your SINGER M1500 sewing machine such as the bobbin case or throat plate. It’s also important to ensure you’re not inserting it backward – this can lead to breaking of needles too.

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Take-Up Lever Spring Is Broken

The SINGER M1500 sewing machine may break its upper thread if the take-up lever spring is broken or bent. If the thread breaks right away when starting to sew, or there is no movement of the take-up lever, then this issue needs to be addressed by a professional sewing machine repair technician, who will replace the spring.

Your SINGER M1500 Sewing machine Bobbin Case Is Full of Lint

If lint accumulates in the bobbin case of a SINGER M1500 sewing machine, it can lead to frequent thread breaks due to incorrect hook timing. Keeping your SINGER M1500 sewing machine clean and free from excess lint buildup is essential for smooth, snag-free sewing.

You Are Sewing Too Fast

If you’re stitching too quickly, it can cause the thread to break due to uneven tension. It’s essential to take your time when sewing, especially if you have a lot of fabric or many layers. This allows the SINGER M1500 sewing machine enough time to effectively make the locking stitch without causing thread breakage.


Thread breaking on a SINGER M1500 sewing machine can be caused by incorrect needle insertion, using the wrong needle size for the fabric, improper thread tension, broken/bent lever spring and stitching too quickly. To prevent these issues from happening again, it is essential to have correct maintenance and troubleshooting of the SINGER M1500 sewing machine as this will help ensure successful projects are created with no further interruptions.

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