Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our guide on troubleshooting common issues with the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 sewing machine. Whether you’re a seasoned seamstress or just starting out, encountering problems with your sewing machine can be frustrating.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the common issues that users may face with the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 and provide solutions to help you get back to sewing smoothly. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this specific model to ensure your sewing experience remains enjoyable and hassle-free.

Causes of Common Problems with the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51

This section will address possible problems and solutions with this sewing machine.

Stitch Skipping on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51

  • Description of the problem: Stitch skipping occurs when the sewing machine fails to create stitches consistently, resulting in uneven or incomplete seams.

    Cause of the problem: This issue may arise due to improper threading, a bent needle, or a malfunctioning feed mechanism.

    1. Ensure that the machine is correctly threaded, following the threading diagram provided in the manual.
    2. Inspect the needle for any signs of damage or bending, and replace it if necessary.
    3. Clean the feed dogs and check for any obstructions that may be hindering their movement.

Bobbin Jamming in the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51

  • Description of the problem: Bobbin jamming occurs when the bobbin thread gets tangled or stuck, leading to sewing interruptions and uneven stitches.

    Cause of the problem: Possible causes include improper bobbin insertion, tangled thread, or debris in the bobbin area.

    1. Remove the bobbin and reinsert it following the machine’s threading guide.
    2. Check for any tangled thread or debris in the bobbin case and remove it carefully.
    3. Clean the bobbin area thoroughly using a brush or compressed air to ensure no debris is causing obstructions.

Uneven Tension on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51

  • Description of the problem: Uneven tension results in inconsistent stitch quality, with some stitches appearing too loose or too tight.

    Cause of the problem: Incorrect tension settings, dirty tension discs, or threading errors can lead to uneven tension.

    1. Check the tension settings on the machine and adjust them according to the fabric and thread being used.
    2. Clean the tension discs using a lint-free cloth or brush to remove any accumulated dirt or debris.
    3. Ensure that the machine is properly threaded, with the thread securely seated in the tension discs.

Jammed Needle in the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51

  • Description of the problem: A jammed needle occurs when the needle becomes stuck or broken during sewing, halting the machine’s operation.

    Cause of the problem: Needle jams can result from hitting pins, sewing over thick seams, or using the wrong needle size for the fabric.

    1. Stop sewing immediately and turn off the machine.
    2. Carefully remove any fabric from around the needle and check for any bent or broken parts.
    3. Replace the needle with a new one of the appropriate size and type for the fabric being used.

Thread Breakage on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51

  • Description of the problem: Thread breakage occurs when the thread snaps during sewing, causing interruptions and compromising the seam’s integrity.

    Cause of the problem: Thread breakage can be caused by various factors, including improper threading, tension issues, or using low-quality thread.

    1. Re-thread the machine, ensuring that the thread is properly guided through all threading points.
    2. Check the tension settings and adjust them if necessary to prevent excessive tension that could lead to thread breakage.
    3. Use high-quality thread appropriate for the fabric being sewn and replace any old or brittle thread.

Machine Not Powering On

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine fails to power on when the power switch is activated.

    Cause of the problem: This issue may stem from a disconnected power cord, a blown fuse, or a malfunctioning power switch.

    1. Check that the power cord is securely plugged into both the machine and the power outlet.
    2. Inspect the fuse in the machine’s power plug and replace it if blown.
    3. If the fuse is intact, test the power outlet with another device to ensure it is functioning correctly.
    4. If the power outlet is working, but the machine still does not power on, contact a certified technician for further diagnosis.

Excessive Noise During Operation

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine produces loud or unusual noises while in use.

    Cause of the problem: Excessive noise can be caused by various factors, including a loose or damaged drive belt, worn bearings, or debris in the machine’s mechanisms.

    1. Turn off the machine and unplug it from the power source.
    2. Inspect the drive belt for any signs of damage or looseness and replace it if necessary.
    3. Check for any loose screws or components in the machine and tighten them securely.
    4. Clean the machine’s internal mechanisms thoroughly to remove any debris or obstructions.

Thread Bunching Underneath the Fabric

  • Description of the problem: Thread bunching occurs when loops of thread form underneath the fabric, resulting in messy and uneven stitches.

    Cause of the problem: This issue may arise from incorrect bobbin threading, improper tension settings, or a dull needle.

    1. Check that the bobbin is correctly threaded and inserted into the bobbin case.
    2. Adjust the tension settings, ensuring that the upper and lower thread tensions are balanced.
    3. Replace the needle with a new one, ensuring it is the correct size and type for the fabric being used.

Jammed Feed Dogs

  • Description of the problem: The feed dogs, which are responsible for moving the fabric during sewing, become stuck or fail to operate smoothly.

    Cause of the problem: Jammed feed dogs can result from debris accumulation, lack of lubrication, or mechanical issues.

    1. Clean the feed dogs thoroughly to remove any accumulated lint, dust, or debris.
    2. Apply a small amount of sewing machine oil to the feed dog mechanism to lubricate it and promote smooth movement.
    3. If cleaning and lubrication do not resolve the issue, consult the machine’s manual for instructions on adjusting or repairing the feed dog mechanism.

Uneven Feed

  • Description of the problem: The fabric does not feed evenly through the machine, resulting in puckering or gathering of the material.

    Cause of the problem: Uneven feed can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect presser foot pressure, damaged feed dogs, or improper machine settings.

    1. Adjust the presser foot pressure according to the fabric being sewn, ensuring it provides enough pressure to feed the fabric smoothly.
    2. Inspect the feed dogs for any signs of damage or wear and replace them if necessary.
    3. Check the machine’s settings, such as stitch length and width, and adjust them as needed to ensure smooth fabric feed.

Thread Tension Discrepancies

  • Description of the problem: The upper and lower thread tensions do not synchronize properly, resulting in uneven stitches and fabric distortion.

    Cause of the problem: Thread tension discrepancies can occur due to incorrect tension settings, threading errors, or dirty tension discs.

    1. Check and adjust the tension settings on the machine according to the fabric being sewn.
    2. Re-thread the machine, ensuring that the thread is correctly guided through all threading points and tension discs.
    3. Clean the tension discs using a lint-free cloth or brush to remove any accumulated dirt or debris that may affect tension synchronization.

Needle Breakage

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine needle breaks during operation, interrupting the sewing process and potentially causing damage to the fabric.

    Cause of the problem: Needle breakage can occur due to various reasons, such as using the wrong needle size or type, sewing over pins, or sewing through thick layers of fabric.

    1. Stop sewing immediately and turn off the machine.
    2. Remove any fabric and thread remnants from the needle area.
    3. Replace the broken needle with a new one of the correct size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    4. Adjust the sewing speed and avoid sewing over pins or through excessively thick layers of fabric to prevent future needle breakage.

Uneven Stitch Length

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine produces stitches of inconsistent length, resulting in an uneven appearance of the seam.

    Cause of the problem: Uneven stitch length can be caused by incorrect machine settings, mechanical issues, or improper sewing technique.

    1. Check the machine’s stitch length setting and adjust it as needed to achieve the desired stitch length.
    2. Inspect the machine’s mechanical components, such as the feed mechanism and stitch regulator, for any signs of damage or malfunction.
    3. Practice proper sewing technique, ensuring consistent feeding of the fabric and steady control of the machine speed.

Fabric Jamming in the Feed Dogs

  • Description of the problem: Fabric becomes stuck or jammed in the feed dogs, preventing smooth fabric feeding and causing sewing interruptions.

    Cause of the problem: Fabric jamming in the feed dogs can occur due to improper fabric handling, debris accumulation, or mechanical issues.

    1. Stop sewing immediately and turn off the machine.
    2. Carefully remove the fabric from the feed dog area, avoiding pulling or tugging that could damage the fabric or machine.
    3. Clean the feed dogs and surrounding areas thoroughly to remove any accumulated debris or lint that may be causing the jam.
    4. If the problem persists, consult the machine’s manual for instructions on adjusting or repairing the feed dog mechanism.

Machine Not Feeding Fabric

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine fails to feed the fabric properly during sewing, resulting in uneven stitching or fabric bunching.

    Cause of the problem: This issue may stem from a variety of factors, including improper presser foot pressure, feed dog malfunction, or incorrect machine settings.

    1. Adjust the presser foot pressure to ensure it provides enough tension to feed the fabric smoothly.
    2. Inspect the feed dogs for any signs of damage or obstruction and clean them thoroughly.
    3. Check the machine’s settings, such as stitch length and width, and adjust them as needed to ensure proper fabric feeding.
    4. If the problem persists, consult the machine’s manual for further troubleshooting steps or contact a certified technician for assistance.

Fabric Puckering

  • Description of the problem: Fabric puckering occurs when the fabric gathers or wrinkles during sewing, resulting in an undesirable finish.

    Cause of the problem: Fabric puckering can be caused by various factors, including incorrect tension settings, using the wrong needle type, or sewing at too high a speed.

    1. Adjust the tension settings on the machine to achieve a balanced tension between the upper and lower threads.
    2. Ensure that the needle being used is appropriate for the fabric type and weight.
    3. Slow down the sewing speed to allow the fabric to feed through the machine more smoothly and reduce the likelihood of puckering.

Thread Jamming in the Bobbin Area

  • Description of the problem: Thread becomes jammed or tangled in the bobbin area, causing sewing interruptions and uneven stitches.

    Cause of the problem: Thread jamming in the bobbin area can occur due to improper bobbin insertion, tangled thread, or debris accumulation.

    1. Remove the bobbin and bobbin case from the machine, and carefully untangle any thread caught in the area.
    2. Clean the bobbin case and surrounding area thoroughly to remove any debris or lint that may be causing the jam.
    3. Reinsert the bobbin into the machine following the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring it is properly seated and the thread is feeding smoothly.

Irregular Needle Movement

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine needle moves irregularly during sewing, resulting in skipped stitches or fabric damage.

    Cause of the problem: Irregular needle movement can be caused by mechanical issues, such as a worn or damaged drive mechanism, or improper needle installation.

    1. Stop sewing immediately and turn off the machine.
    2. Inspect the needle for any signs of damage or bending, and replace it if necessary.
    3. Check the needle installation to ensure it is correctly inserted and tightened in the needle clamp.
    4. If the problem persists, consult the machine’s manual for instructions on adjusting or repairing the drive mechanism.

Thread Fraying

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine thread frays or shreds during sewing, leading to weakened stitches and potential seam failure.

    Cause of the problem: Thread fraying can occur due to using a dull or damaged needle, incorrect tension settings, or using low-quality thread.

    1. Replace the needle with a new one of the appropriate size and type for the fabric being sewn.
    2. Check and adjust the tension settings on the machine to ensure proper tension for the thread being used.
    3. Use high-quality thread suitable for the fabric being sewn, and replace any old or brittle thread that may be prone to fraying.

Thread Looping on the Surface

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine produces loops of thread on the surface of the fabric, creating an unsightly and weak seam.

    Cause of the problem: Thread looping on the surface can be caused by incorrect tension settings, threading errors, or using the wrong needle size.

    1. Check and adjust the tension settings on the machine to achieve balanced tension between the upper and lower threads.
    2. Re-thread the machine, ensuring that the thread is correctly guided through all threading points and tension discs.
    3. Verify that the needle size is appropriate for the fabric being sewn and replace it if necessary.

Bobbin Winding Issues

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine encounters difficulties when winding thread onto the bobbin, leading to uneven winding or thread tangling.

    Cause of the problem: Bobbin winding issues can be caused by improper bobbin placement, thread tension problems, or mechanical malfunctions in the bobbin winding mechanism.

    1. Ensure that the bobbin is correctly placed on the bobbin winding spindle and secured in place.
    2. Check the tension adjustment for bobbin winding and adjust it if necessary to achieve even thread winding.
    3. Inspect the bobbin winding mechanism for any signs of damage or obstruction, and clean or repair as needed.

Fabric Not Moving Underneath the Presser Foot

  • Description of the problem: The fabric fails to advance smoothly underneath the presser foot during sewing, causing stitching irregularities or machine jams.

    Cause of the problem: Fabric movement issues can be caused by a malfunctioning feed mechanism, improper presser foot pressure, or tangled fabric threads.

    1. Check the feed dogs for any signs of damage or obstruction, and clean them thoroughly.
    2. Adjust the presser foot pressure to ensure proper contact with the fabric without causing excessive resistance.
    3. Untangle any fabric threads caught in the feed mechanism or around the presser foot, and ensure smooth fabric placement before sewing.

Thread Knotting Underneath the Fabric

  • Description of the problem: Knots of thread form underneath the fabric during sewing, leading to uneven stitching and potential machine jams.

    Cause of the problem: Thread knotting can occur due to improper tension settings, threading errors, or mechanical issues with the bobbin case or shuttle hook.

    1. Check and adjust the tension settings on the machine to achieve balanced tension between the upper and lower threads.
    2. Re-thread the machine, ensuring that the thread is correctly guided through all threading points and tension discs.
    3. Inspect the bobbin case and shuttle hook for any signs of damage or obstruction, and clean or replace as needed.

Thread Breaking at the Needle Eye

  • Description of the problem: The sewing machine thread breaks consistently at the needle eye, causing sewing interruptions and frustration.

    Cause of the problem: Thread breaking at the needle eye can be caused by a variety of factors, including using the wrong needle size or type, improper tension settings, or threading errors.

    1. Ensure that the needle being used is appropriate for the fabric type and weight, and replace it if necessary.
    2. Check and adjust the tension settings on the machine to ensure proper tension for the thread being used.
    3. Re-thread the machine, paying close attention to threading accuracy and ensuring that the thread passes smoothly through the needle eye.

Uneven Feed Dogs

  • Description of the problem: The feed dogs, responsible for moving the fabric during sewing, operate unevenly, resulting in fabric distortion and sewing irregularities.

    Cause of the problem: Uneven feed dogs can be caused by mechanical issues, such as worn or damaged feed dog components, or improper alignment of the feed dog mechanism.

    1. Inspect the feed dogs for any signs of damage or wear, and replace them if necessary.
    2. Check the alignment of the feed dog mechanism and adjust it as needed to ensure smooth and even fabric feeding.
    3. Clean the feed dog area thoroughly to remove any debris or obstructions that may be affecting the feed dogs’ movement.

Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 Sewing Machine Manual

The operating instructions for the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 sewing machine can be found on the manufacturer’s website. Please visit the official Husqvarna Viking website for access to the complete manual, which provides detailed guidance on setup, operation, and troubleshooting of the sewing machine.

Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 Frequently Asked Questions

How do I thread the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51?

Threading the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 sewing machine involves following a specific threading path outlined in the machine’s manual. Start by raising the presser foot and placing the spool of thread on the spool pin. Then, follow the numbered threading points indicated on the machine, ensuring the thread passes through all necessary guides and tension discs before reaching the needle.

Why is my Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 skipping stitches?

Stitch skipping on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 can occur due to various reasons, including improper needle insertion, incorrect tension settings, or a dull needle. Refer to the troubleshooting section of the machine’s manual to address and resolve this issue.

How do I adjust the tension on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51?

Adjusting the tension on the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 involves turning the tension dial or knob located on the front or side of the machine. Experiment with small adjustments to achieve the desired tension for your specific sewing project.

What should I do if my Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 is making unusual noises?

If your Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 is making unusual noises during operation, it may indicate mechanical issues or debris accumulation. Stop sewing immediately, turn off the machine, and inspect it for any signs of damage or obstructions. Clean the machine’s internal components and consult the manual for further troubleshooting steps if necessary.

How often should I lubricate my Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51?

The frequency of lubrication for the Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 sewing machine depends on usage and environmental conditions. It’s recommended to refer to the maintenance section of the machine’s manual for specific guidelines on lubrication intervals and procedures.


For any issues or concerns with your Husqvarna Viking Automatic 51 sewing machine, it’s advisable to always refer to the manual, contact customer service, or visit an authorized service center for assistance. Proper maintenance and following operating instructions can help ensure optimal performance and longevity of your sewing machine.

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